Some tooltip text!
• 3 minutes to read
• 3 minutes to read
Icons are commonly reused in multiple files and thus stored as high in the folder structure as possible. Ideally in the repository's top-level media/icons/ folder.
To create unique and consistent filenames that are also guessable and future proof we have adopted these best-practice conventions.
- English, lowercase, hyphenated
- Object-based (calendar)
- Primary object first (if no primary, use foreground)
- Shape before modifier
- Modifier as suffix (calendar-check)
- Arrows must have direction
For examples, see the list below.
Variants of the same icon
Attribute | Suffix | Example |
Color | name of color | arrow-right-green |
Filled | 'solid' | phone-solid |
Size | 'large' if bigger than regular size | mailbox-large |
Don't use a serial number to distinguish variants of the same icon. Why? It makes it impossible to pick the right icon based on the filename. Instead, you'd have to open and preview the icon.
Non-exhaustive list of icon names
- arrow-down
- arrow-down-a-z
- arrow-down-arrow-up
- arrow-down-from-line
- arrow-down-left
- arrow-down-right
- arrow-left
- arrow-left-from-line
- arrow-left-to-line
- arrow-pointer
- arrow-right
- arrow-right-arrow-left
- arrow-up
- arrow-up-from-bracket
- arrow-up-left
- arrow-up-right
- arrow-up-right-from-square
- arrows-maximize
- arrows-minimize
- arrows-repeat
- arrows-rotate
- arrow-rotate-left
- arrow-rotate-right
- arrows-spin
- arrow-trend
- arrow-trend-down
- arrow-trend-up
- arrows-to-dot
Other, alphabetical
- address-book
- address-card
- apostrophe
- asterisk
- at
- ballot-check
- barcode
- bars
- bars-filter
- bars-sort
- bell
- bell-plus
- bell-exclamation
- bell-slash
- book
- bookmark
- box
- box-archive
- box-open
- briefcase
- browser
- bug
- building
- bullhorn
- bullseye
- bullseye-arrow
- bullseye-pointer
- cabinet-filing
- call
- call-start
- call-stop
- calendar
- calendar-check
- calendar-circle-exclamation
- calendar-circle-plus
- camera
- certificate
- chart
- chart-line
- chart-line-up
- chart-line-down
- chart-pie
- chart-line
- check
- chevron
- chevrons-down
- chevrons-left
- chevrons-right
- chevrons-up
- circle
- circle-arrow-down
- circle-envelope
- circle-exclamation
- circle-small
- circle-xmark
- clapperboard
- clipboard
- clock
- clone
- cloud
- cloud-arrow-download
- comment
- comment-check
- comment-dots
- comment-exclamation
- comment-lines
- comment-question
- comments
- compass
- copy
- copyright
- diamond-exclamation
- download
- envelope
- envelope-circle-check
- envelope-open
- envelope-open-text
- file
- file-arrow-down
- file-lines
- file-exclamation
- file-export
- file-import
- filter
- folder
- folder-arrow-down
- folder-arrow-up
- folder-open
- folder-plus
- folder-tree
- folders
- gears
- globe
- grid
- hand
- heart
- heart-pulse
- hexagon
- hexagon-exclamation
- hexagon-stop
- hourglass
- inbox
- inbox-in
- inbox-out
- layer-group
- lightbulb
- lightbulb-exclamation
- list
- location
- location-arrow
- magnifying-glass
- mailbox
- message
- message-exclamation
- microphone
- note-sticky
- notebook
- object
- object-exclude
- object-group
- object-include
- object-intersect
- object-subtract
- object-ungroup
- object-union
- octagon-exclamation
- palette
- paperclip
- paste
- pause
- pen
- person
- phone
- plus-minus
- print
- print-slash
- plus
- question
- recycle
- reply
- reply-all
- rotate
- rotate-left
- rotate-right
- ruler
- shield
- shield-check
- shield-exclamation
- shuffle
- sidebar
- signal-stream
- sitemap
- sliders
- sort
- sort-down
- sort-up
- spell-check
- square
- square-envelope
- square-pen
- square-xmark
- star
- star-exclamation
- stop
- table
- tag
- thumbs-up
- ticket
- timer
- toggle
- toggle-on
- toggle-off
- trash-can
- triangle
- triangle-exclamation
- video
- video-solid
- user
- user-group
- waveform