Alternative (Merge fields)
Version: 10.3
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Merge field tag | Name | Description |
alternative/description | Description | Description of the quote alternative |
alternative/discountAmount | Discount | Enter total discount for entire alternative |
alternative/discountPercent | Discount % | Enter discount in percent for entire alternative |
alternative/earningAmount | Earnings | Total Earning of all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts |
alternative/earningPercent | Earnings % | Total Earning as a percentage of the total price, of all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts |
alternative/erpDiscountAmount | ERP Discount | Discount amount suggested by ERP system |
alternative/erpDiscountPercent | ERP Discount % | Discount percentage suggested by ERP system |
alternative/extraField1 | Extra 1 | Extra field 1 on the quote alternative |
alternative/extraField2 | Extra 2 | Extra field 2 on the quote alternative |
alternative/extraField3 | Extra 3 | Extra field 3on the quote alternative |
alternative/extraField4 | Extra 4 | Extra field 4 on the quote alternative |
alternative/extraField5 | Extra 5 | Extra field 5 on the quote alternative |
alternative/name | Name | Name of the quote alternative |
alternative/numLines | Number of lines | Number of lines in alternative |
alternative/quoteAlternativeId | QuoteAlternative ID | SuperOffice database ID of QuoteAlternative record |
alternative/quoteVersionId | ID | Database ID of QuoteVersion record |
alternative/subTotal | Sub total | Sum of all the quote lines' totalPrice, which is the same as alternative.totalPrice + alternative.discountAmount |
alternative/sumDiscountAmount | Sum of discounts | Sum of all discounts in alternative |
alternative/totalPrice | Total | Total price of all items in the quote alternative, including all discounts |
alternative/totalPriceIncVAT | Total | Total price of all items in the quote alternative, including all discounts and VAT |
alternative/vat | VAT | Value-added and other tax, total amount |
alternative/vatAmount | VAT | Value-added and other tax, total amount. The quote line VAT field is interpreted as a percentage and used to calculate from the line-total |
alternative/vatInfo | VAT Info | Information about value-added and other taxes |