Variablen für Angebotszeile
Version: 10.3
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Variable | Description |
qlca | Product category |
qlda | Discount amount |
qldc | Description |
qldp | Discount percent |
qlf1 | Extra field 1 |
qlf2 | Extra field 2 |
qlf3 | Extra field 3 |
qlf4 | Extra field 4 |
qlf5 | Extra field 5 |
qlfa | Product family |
qlit | Item number |
qlky | ERP Quote Line key |
qllp | Unit list price |
qlmp | Unit minimum price |
qlnm | Name |
qlpc | Code |
qlpk | ERP Product key |
qlpu | Price unit |
qlqa | Quantity |
qlqd | Quantity delivered |
qlqu | Quantity unit |
qlre | Reason |
qlsc | Supplier code |
qlst | Subtotal |
qlsu | Supplier |
qltp | Total price |
qlty | Product type |
qlur | URL |
qlva | VAT |
qlvi | VAT info |
Siehe auch Merge fields.