Variablen für Verkauf
Version: 10.3
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Variable | Description |
saam | Sale amount |
saau | Sale owner (associate), full name |
saca | Associate who made the sale, full name |
sacu | Sale currency |
saco | Competitor, sale |
sacr | Sale credited to |
sada | Sale date, formatted 02.11.2025 (system format) |
sadu | Sale next due date, formatted 02.11.2025 (system format) |
said | Sales ID (hidden, unique ID) |
sanu | Sales number |
sape | Sale, end date for publishing |
sapr | Probability, sale |
saps | Sale, start date for publishing |
sare | Reason (sold, lost, or stalled) |
saso | Sale source |
sast | Sale stage |
sati | Title of the sale |
satu | Sale status (stage) ("Open", "Sold", "Lost", or "Stalled") |
saty | Sale type |
sf01-10 | User-defined field 1-10 of the decimal number type |
sgui | Is the sale guided? "Yes" or "No" (translated) |
sl01-60 | User-defined field 1-60 of the whole number type |
ss01-49 | User-defined field 1-49 of the text type |
sste | Are Stakeholders enabled on this sale? "Yes" or "No" (translated) |
saea | Sale earning amount |
saep | Sale earning percent |
salc | Sale cost amount |
sanf | Sale info text (description) |
sarg | Sale registered date |
saci | Sale created associate ID |
saca | Sale created associate (full name) |