Variablen für Absender
Version: 10.3
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Variable | Description |
alid | Sender's user ID |
atit | Sender's title |
auac | The sender's academic title |
aubd | Date of birth |
auca | The sender's chat address |
aucd | The sender's chat address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
auci | Postal town. (See also aucs) |
aucn | Country |
aucp | The sender's chat address protocol |
aucs | Postal town, state/province and zipcode (for American, Canadian and Australian addresses, for example, Bedford, MA 01730) |
aucy | County (for UK addresses) |
audf | Direct fax number |
audp | Direct phone number |
auem | |
auid | Sender's contact ID (hidden, unique ID) |
aumr | Mr/Ms for sender |
aums | Mail Stop (for American addresses) |
aunm | Number recorded for the document's owner |
aup1 | Sender's postal address, line 1 |
aup2 | Sender's postal address, line 2 |
aup3 | Sender's postal address, line 3 |
aupc | Mobile phone |
auph | Home telephone |
aupo | Position |
aupp | Other phone (was "Pager" before 7.0) |
aust | State/province (for American, Canadian, and Australian addresses). (See also aucs) |
auth | Sender's first name and last name |
auvo | The sender's VOIP address |
auvi | The sender's VOIP address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
auvs | The sender's VOIP service (description) |
auwi | The sender's primary web address, ID (hidden, unique ID) |
auww | The sender's primary web address |
auzi | Postcode. (See also aucs) |
uf01-10 | User-defined field 1-10 of the decimal number type |
ul01-60 | User-defined field 1-60 of the whole number type |
us01-49 | User-defined field 1-49 of the text type |