Variablen von Absender
Version: 10.3
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Variable | Description |
ocid | Country code for sender's company card |
ocit | Own organisation's postal town |
ocnr | Own organisation's country |
ocnt | Own organisation's county (for UK addresses) |
ocsz | Own organisation's postal town, state/province and zipcode (for American, Canadian and Australian addresses) |
oczi | Own organisation's county and postcode (for UK addresses) |
odep | The department the sender belongs to |
oema | Own organisation's primary email address |
of01-10 | User-defined field 1-10 of the decimal number type |
ofax | Own organisation's primary fax number |
ol01-60 | User-defined field 1-60 of the whole number type |
onam | Name of own organisation |
oorg | Organisation number |
opad | Own organisation's postal address, line 1 |
opa2 | Own organisation's postal address, line 2 |
opa3 | Own organisation's postal address, line 3 |
opho | Own organisation's primary telephone number |
os01-49 | User-defined field 1-49 of the text type |
osad | Own organisation's street address |
osct | Postal town for own organisation's street address |
osta | Own organisation's state/province (for American, Canadian and Australian addresses) |
oszi | Postcode for own organisation's street address |
owid | Own organisation's ID (hidden, unique ID) |
owww | Own organisation's primary web address |
ozip | Own organisation's postcode |