Filter and group users
If the list in the Associates tab contains many users, you can filter and group the list to make it more manageable.
The various options are described below.
Search for users
Use this dynamic search function to quickly locate specific users by name or user ID, or to find all users belonging to specific roles, groups or user plans. Simply enter text in the search field to update the list with matching users.
Show only users that can log in
Select this option to show only users that are active (have not been deactivated).
Filtering the list
You can filter the list of users by any of the column headers.
Right-click a column to add any additional columns you want to filter by.
- Go to the Associates tab.
- Right-click a column heading or click in the top-right corner of the list.
- Select Enable filter.
- Click OK. Filter buttons are added to each column header.
- Click on the column you want to filter.
- Select the relevant values in the list. Use the search function if the list is long.
- Click Filter.
- Repeat steps 5-7 to filter on additional columns.
Grouping the list
You can group the list of users by role, user plan, primary group, and similar. In addition, you can group on multiple levels.
Right-click a column to add any additional columns you want to group by (see also Adjust views).
- Go to the Associates tab.
- Right-click a column heading or click in the top-right corner of the list.
- Select Enable grouping.
- Click OK.
- Click the column header for the value by which you want to group and drag it to the area above the columns ("Drag a column header and ..."). The list is now grouped by that value.
- To group by additional values, click and drag another column header to the same area.
- Click and drag the group values to change the order of the grouping levels.
- Click a group value to change the sort order.
If you navigate to another tab, the grouping is reset.