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This provider name is implemented by the class
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"quoteLine" |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
quoteLineId | int | Quote line ID: Database identity of the quote line | x |
quoteAlternativeId | int | Alternative ID: The database identity of the quote alternative | x |
erpProductKey | string | Product key: The foreign key of the product the quote line is based on. | x |
rank | int | Rank: Shows the rank of a product | x |
quantity | decimal | Quantity: The quantity that is offered | x |
name | string | Name: The name of the product that is being offered. This name can be changed to accommodate the customer's needs. | x |
description | string | Description: Description of the product that is offered | x |
code | string | Code: The product or article code. This code is created to help you quickly find products you offer regularly. | x |
quantityUnit | string | Unit: The unit of the product that is offered. | x |
priceUnit | string | Price unit: What is the price unit defined in | x |
url | string | Web address: The web address of the product info. | x |
subscriptionUnit | string | Subscription unit: Unit the subscription is sold/renewed in, such as year/quarter/month | x |
subscriptionQuantity | decimal | Subscription quantity: Number of subscription units offered | x |
UnitListPriceSubscriptionQuantity | None | Subscription list price: Unit price * subscription quantity | |
PriceUnitSubscriptionUnit | None | P/S Unit: Price unit/subscription unit | |
PriceUnitSubscriptionQuantityUnit | None | Expanded unit: Price unit @ subscription quantity + unit | |
vatInfo | string | VAT info: | x |
vat | decimal | VAT: May be filled out by the ERP system | x |
unitCost | decimal | Cost: Cost per item. | x |
unitMinimumPrice | decimal | Unit minimum price: Minimum price per item. Users are not allowed to send quotes with prices lower than the minimum price. | x |
unitListPrice | decimal | List price: List price of a unit | x |
totalPrice | decimal | Total: List price * Quantity - Discount Amount | x |
totalCost | decimal | Total cost | |
quoteLineThumbnail | None | Thumbnail: A miniature version of the product picture | |
quoteLineThumbnailLarge | None | Thumbnail: A miniature version of the product picture | |
discountAmount | decimal | Discount: Discount amount given by salesperson | x |
discountPercent | decimal | Discount (%: Discount percent given by salesperson | x |
earningAmount | decimal | Earnings: Amount of Earnings (Total - Cost) on the line, after discount | x |
earningPercent | decimal | Earnings (%: Percentage Earnings on the line (Total - Cost / Total), after discount | x |
updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
productCategoryKey | listExternal | Product category: The category the product is defined in | |
productFamilyKey | listExternal | Product family: The family the product is defined in | |
productTypeKey | listExternal | Product type: The type of product | |
status | listAny | Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. | x |
subTotal | decimal | Sum: Sum of Quantity * Unit list price | x |
vatAmount | decimal | VAT (amount: The calculated VAT amount | x |
totalPriceIncVAT | decimal | Total incl. VAT: Total including VAT | x |
totalPriceWithAlternativeDiscount | decimal | Total incl. alt. disc: Total, including any discount percentage set on the alternative | x |
alternative/quoteAlternativeId | int | QuoteAlternative ID: SuperOffice database ID of the quote alternative record | x |
alternative/quoteVersionId | int | ID: Database ID of QuoteVersion record | x |
alternative/name | string | Name: Name of the quote alternative | x |
alternative/description | string | Description: Description of the quote alternative | x |
alternative/status | listAny | Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. | x |
alternative/reason | string | Quote reason: The reason or explanation for any status other than 'OK'. | x |
alternative/erpDiscountPercent | decimal | ERP Discount %: Discount percentage suggested by ERP system | x |
alternative/erpDiscountAmount | decimal | ERP Discount: Discount amount suggested by ERP system | x |
alternative/discountPercent | decimal | Discount %: Enter discount in percent for entire alternative | x |
alternative/discountAmount | decimal | Discount: Enter total discount for entire alternative | x |
alternative/vatInfo | string | VAT Info: Information about value-added and other taxes | x |
alternative/vat | decimal | VAT: Value-added and other taxes, total amount | x |
alternative/earningPercent | decimal | Earnings %: Total Earnings as a percentage of the total price, of all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts | x |
alternative/earningAmount | decimal | Earnings: Total Earnings for all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts | x |
alternative/totalPrice | decimal | Total: Total price of all items in the quote alternative, including all discounts | x |
alternative/extraField1 | string | Extra 1: Extra field 1 on the quote alternative | x |
alternative/extraField2 | string | Extra 2: Extra field 2 on the quote alternative | x |
alternative/extraField3 | string | Extra 3: Extra field 3on the quote alternative | x |
alternative/extraField4 | string | Extra 4: Extra field 4 on the quote alternative | x |
alternative/extraField5 | string | Extra 5: Extra field 5 on the quote alternative | x |
alternative/alternativeOrdering | int | QuoteAlternative ID: SuperOffice database ID of the quote alternative record | x |
alternative/subTotal | decimal | Total before discount: Total of all lines, before applying the Alternative discount | x |
alternative/totalPriceIncVAT | decimal | Total incl. VAT: Total of all lines, including VAT | x |
alternative/vatAmount | decimal | VAT: VAT (amount) for the alternative | x |
alternative/version/quoteVersionId | int | ID: Database ID of QuoteVersion record | x |
alternative/version/description | string | Description: Description of the quote version | x |
alternative/version/number | string | Number: Reference number for the quote version | x |
alternative/version/sent | date | Sent: The date the quote (version) was sent to the customer | x |
alternative/version/expiration | date | Expiry date: The last date that the quote is valid | x |
alternative/version/state | listAny | State: The current state the quote is in | x |
alternative/version/status | listAny | Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. | x |
alternative/version/reason | string | Quote reason: The reason or explanation for any status other than 'OK'. | x |
alternative/version/paymentTerms | listExternal | Payment terms: Payment terms | |
alternative/version/paymentType | listExternal | Payment type: Payment type | |
alternative/version/deliveryTerms | listExternal | Delivery terms: Delivery terms | |
alternative/version/deliveryType | listExternal | Delivery type: Delivery type | |
alternative/version/approvedBy | associate | Approved by: Associate who approved a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process | x |
alternative/version/approvalRegisteredBy | associate | Approval reg by: Associate who entered the approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process. Not necessarily the person who approved the quote. | x |
alternative/version/approvedText | string | Approval comment: Comment added to the approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process | x |
alternative/version/approvedDate | date | Approved date: Date of approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process | x |
alternative/version/extraField1 | string | Extra field 1: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent | x |
alternative/version/extraField2 | string | Extra field 2: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent | x |
alternative/version/extraField3 | string | Extra field 3: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent | x |
alternative/version/extraField4 | string | Extra field 4: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent | x |
alternative/version/extraField5 | string | Extra field 5: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent | x |
alternative/version/quote/quoteId | int | Quote ID: SuperOffice database ID of quote record | x |
alternative/version/quote/poNumber | string | P.O. Number: Customer's purchase order number | x |
alternative/version/quote/orderComment | string | Comment: Customer's comment | x |
alternative/version/quote/connectionId | int | DB-ID: Database ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/registeredDate | date | Registered at: Displays the date when the quote was registered. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/completed | bool | Sale - Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/icon | listAny | Sale - Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/date | date | Sale - Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/time | None | Sale - Time: Time |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
alternative/version/quote/sale/type | listAny | Sale - Type: Displays the type of an activity | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/recordType | string | Sale - Record type: Shows the record type | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/text | positiveString | Sale - Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associateId | associate | Sale - ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/contactId | listAny | Sale - Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/personId | listAny | Sale - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/projectId | listAny | Sale - Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleId | int | Sale - Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/userGroup | userGroup | Sale - User group: The user group that owns the record | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/who | None | Sale - Who: Contact and/or company | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/updatedBy | associate | Sale - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/updatedByFullName | associate | Sale - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/updatedDate | date | Sale - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/registeredBy | associate | Sale - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/registeredByFullName | associate | Sale - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/registeredDate | date | Sale - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/currencyId | int | Sale - Currency ID: The currency list item ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/currency | listAny | Sale - Currency: The currency of the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/credited | listAny | Sale - Credited: The user to be credited with the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/lossReason | listAny | Sale - Reason (lost): The reason for losing the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/source | listAny | Sale - Source: The source (lead) of the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/competitor | listAny | Sale - Competitor: The competitor who won the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/heading | stringorPK | Sale - Sale: The name of the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/amount | decimal | Sale - Amount: The gross sales total | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/amountWeighted | decimal | Sale - Weighted amount: Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/earning | decimal | Sale - Profit: Gross profit (gross sales total - cost) for the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/earningPercent | decimal | Sale - Profit as %: The profit as a percentage of the gross sales total | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/probPercent | int | Sale - Probability as %: Probability as % | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/originalStage | listAny | Sale - Stage: Displays the stage of the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/stage | listAny | Sale - Stage: Displays the stage of the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleStatus | listAny | Sale - Status: The status of the sale - open, lost or sold | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/stageRank | None | Sale - Stage rank: Rank of the sale stage in the stage list | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleType | listAny | Sale - Sale type: Sale type, from list | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/nextDueDate | date | Sale - Next activity: Date for next activity for a sale, updated live from the sale's activities | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/reopenDate | date | Sale - Reopen date: Displays the reopen date for the sale | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/stalledComment | listAny | Sale - Reason (stalled): The reason the sale has been stalled | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleTypeCategory | listAny | Sale - Sale type category: Sale type category | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/soldReason | listAny | Sale - Reason (sold): Reason (sold) | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleNumber | string | Sale - Number: Number | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/hasStakeholders | bool | Sale - Has stakeholders: Does this sale have stakeholders enabled | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/hasQuote | bool | Sale - Has quote?: Does the sale have a quote attached? | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/hasGuide | bool | Sale - Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/description | string | Sale - Description: The long description field on Sale | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/activeErpLinks | bool | Sale - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/createdByWorkflow | listAny | Sale - Created by flow: Created by flow | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/amountInBaseCurrency | None | Sale - Amount (BaseCurrency): The gross sales total | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/amountWeightedInBaseCurrency | None | Sale - Weighted amount (BaseCurrency): Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/visibleFor | listAny | Sale - Visible for | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/sale/textId | int | Sale - Text ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/sale/description | positiveString | Sale - Text: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/firstName | string | Sale - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/lastName | string | Sale - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/middleName | string | Sale - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/fullName | string | Sale - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/contactId | int | Sale - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/personId | int | Sale - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/mrMrs | string | Sale - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/title | string | Sale - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/associateDbId | associate | Sale - ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/contactName | string | Sale - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/contactDepartment | string | Sale - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/usergroup | userGroup | Sale - Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/contactFullName | string | Sale - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/contactCategory | listAny | Sale - Category: Category | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/role | listAny | Sale - Role: Role | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/assocName | associate | Sale - User ID: User ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/assocTooltip | string | Sale - Description: Description | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/assocType | listAny | Sale - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/ejUserId | int | Sale - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Sale - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/ejDisplayName | string | Sale - Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/ejStatus | int | Sale - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/credentialType | None | Sale - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Sale - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/isActive | bool | Sale - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/isActiveText | bool | Sale - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/portraitThumbnail | None | Sale - Person image: Person image | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/otherGroups | userGroup | Sale - Other groups: Other groups | |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/userName | string | Sale - User name: User name | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/personEmail | string | Sale - E-mail | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/locationAddress | string | Sale - Location: Location | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/associate/isLocation | bool | Sale - Is a location: Is a location | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | Sale - saleshorttext | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | Sale - salelongtext | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | Sale - salenumber | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | Sale - saledate | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | Sale - saleunlimiteddate | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | Sale - salecheckbox | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | Sale - saledropdownlistbox | x |
alternative/version/quote/sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | Sale - saledecimal | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/quoteConnectionId | int | ERP connection - DB-ID: Database ID | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/deleted | bool | ERP connection - Deleted: Column showing if the ERP connection has been marked as deleted | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/allAccess | bool | ERP connection - Unrestricted: There are no access restrictions on this ERP connection | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpName | int | ERP connection - ERP name: Name of ERP system | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/displayName | string | ERP connection - Name: Localized display name | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/displayDescription | string | ERP connection - Description: Describes the connection in more detail. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/connectorName | string | ERP connection - Quote Connector name: Name of Quote Connector module. Defined by the developer of the module. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/extraData | string | ERP connection - Extra data: XML encoded data. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/updatedBy | associate | ERP connection - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/updatedDate | date | ERP connection - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
alternative/version/quote/connection/registeredBy | associate | ERP connection - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/registeredDate | date | ERP connection - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/id | int | ERP connection - ERP connections - Connection ID: Database key for an ERP connection | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/name | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - Name: Name of the ERP connection in the CRM system | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/description | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - Description: The description of the ERP connection in the CRM system | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/active | bool | ERP connection - ERP connections - Active: Is the ERP connection currently active? | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/erpId | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - ERP ID: The global unique ID of this ERP connection, as used by the Sync Connector | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/mostRecent | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - Timestamp: The timestamp of the most recent synchronization on this ERP connection | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/allAccess | bool | ERP connection - ERP connections - Unrestricted: There are no access restrictions on this ERP connection | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/deleted | bool | ERP connection - ERP connections - Deleted: Column showing if the ERP connection has been marked as deleted | |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/updatedBy | associate | ERP connection - ERP connections - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/updatedDate | date | ERP connection - ERP connections - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/registeredBy | associate | ERP connection - ERP connections - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/registeredDate | date | ERP connection - ERP connections - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/id | stringorPK | ERP connection - ERP connections - Connection ID: Database key for an ERP connection | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/url | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - URL of Sync Connector: The URL to the location where the Sync Connector is installed | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/name | string | ERP connection - ERP connections - Name: Name of the ERP connection in the CRM system | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/updatedBy | associate | ERP connection - ERP connections - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/updatedDate | date | ERP connection - ERP connections - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/registeredBy | associate | ERP connection - ERP connections - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
alternative/version/quote/connection/erpConnection/connector/registeredDate | date | ERP connection - ERP connections - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/DocumentQuoteLineInnerData?$select=alternative/version/approvalRegisteredBy,alternative/version/quote/quoteId,alternative/version/expiration
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: