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This provider name is implemented by the class
Archive of Email flow content. Lists all email flow content
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"SMessage" | [SMessage] |
"Form" | [Form] |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
contentId | int | ID: ID | x |
shipmentMessagePictureFolderId | None | Folder: Folder | |
contentThumbnail | None | Thumbnail | |
shipmentMessageSubject | None | Subject: Subject | |
shipmentMessageDescription | None | Description : Description | |
nameOrDescription | None | Description : Description | |
updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
registeredBy | None | Registered by: The user who registered the data | |
registeredDate | None | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | |
emailFlow/emailFlowId | int | E-mail flow ID: The database ID of the e-mail flow | x |
emailFlow/emailFlowHierarchyId | int | Hierarchy ID: Foreign key to hierarchy table | x |
emailFlow/shipmentType | listAny | Mailing type: Mailing type this e-mail flow represents | x |
emailFlow/overrideConsentSubscription | bool | Override consent: Should consent subscriptions be overridden for this flow? | x |
emailFlow/thumbnail | None | Thumbnail | |
emailFlow/mediumThumbnail | None | Thumbnail | |
emailFlow/workflowId | int | Flow id: Id of a flow definition | x |
emailFlow/workflowName | string | Name: Name of the flow definition | x |
emailFlow/workflowDescription | string | Description: Description of flow definition | x |
emailFlow/workflowDefinitionStatus | listAny | Status: Status of the flow definition | x |
emailFlow/workflowDefinitionStatusId | listAny | Status: Status of the flow definition | x |
emailFlow/jumpToFinish | bool | Jump to finish: Should participant jump to finish when the goals are met? | x |
emailFlow/startOnlyOnce | bool | Start only once: Should the participant enter the flow only once? | x |
emailFlow/workflowEnrolledCount | None | Enrolled: How many times has a participant entered this flow? | |
emailFlow/workflowInProgressCount | None | In progress: How many participants are in progress | |
emailFlow/workflowCompletedCount | None | Completed: How many participants are completed | |
emailFlow/workflowSucceededCount | None | Succeeded: How many participants have successfully completed the flow (goal criteria met)? | |
emailFlow/workflowSuccessRate | None | Success rate: Success rate, based on goals criteria met | |
emailFlow/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
emailFlow/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
emailFlow/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
emailFlow/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
shipment/mailingId | None | ID: Displays the ID of the mailing | |
shipment/mailingSelectionId | None | Selection ID: The database ID of the selection | |
shipment/mailingSent | None | Sent: Displays the sent status of the mailing | |
shipment/mailingSimpleStatus | None | Status: Status | |
shipment/mailingEndDate | None | Date sent: Displays the date when the mailing was sent (completed) | |
shipment/mailingType | None | Type: Display the type of the mailing | |
shipment/mailingSubscriptionType | None | Subscription type: The subscription type for a mailing | |
shipment/mailingSentTo | None | Sent to: Displays to whom the mailing was sent | |
shipment/mailingOwner | None | Owner: Displays the owner of the mailing | |
shipment/mailingFrom | None | From: Mailing from | |
shipment/mailingReplyTo | None | To: To | |
shipment/mailingSentCount | None | Number sent: Number of sent mailings | |
shipment/mailingOpenRate | None | Open rate: The open rate for a mailing | |
shipment/mailingClickRate | None | Click-through rate: Mailing click-through rate | |
shipment/mailingBounceRate | None | Bounce rate: Mailing bounce rate | |
shipment/mailingDeleted | None | Deleted: Deleted | |
shipment/recipientStatus | None | Recipient status: Status of mailing recipient | |
shipment/icon | None | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | |
shipment/date | None | Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | |
shipment/type | None | Type: Displays the type of an activity | |
shipment/text | None | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | |
shipment/associateId | None | ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | |
shipment/contactId | None | Company ID: Database ID of company | |
shipment/personId | None | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
shipment/projectId | None | Project ID: Database ID of project record | |
shipment/updatedBy | None | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | |
shipment/updatedDate | None | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | |
shipment/recordTypeText | None | Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) | |
shipment/emailFlow/emailFlowId | None | E-mail flow ID: The database ID of the e-mail flow | |
shipment/emailFlow/emailFlowHierarchyId | None | Hierarchy ID: Foreign key to hierarchy table | |
shipment/emailFlow/shipmentType | None | Mailing type: Mailing type this e-mail flow represents | |
shipment/emailFlow/overrideConsentSubscription | None | Override consent: Should consent subscriptions be overridden for this flow? | |
shipment/emailFlow/thumbnail | None | Thumbnail | |
shipment/emailFlow/mediumThumbnail | None | Thumbnail | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowId | None | Flow id: Id of a flow definition | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowName | None | Name: Name of the flow definition | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowDescription | None | Description: Description of flow definition | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowDefinitionStatus | None | Status: Status of the flow definition | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowDefinitionStatusId | None | Status: Status of the flow definition | |
shipment/emailFlow/jumpToFinish | None | Jump to finish: Should participant jump to finish when the goals are met? | |
shipment/emailFlow/startOnlyOnce | None | Start only once: Should the participant enter the flow only once? | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowEnrolledCount | None | Enrolled: How many times has a participant entered this flow? | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowInProgressCount | None | In progress: How many participants are in progress | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowCompletedCount | None | Completed: How many participants are completed | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowSucceededCount | None | Succeeded: How many participants have successfully completed the flow (goal criteria met)? | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowSuccessRate | None | Success rate: Success rate, based on goals criteria met | |
shipment/emailFlow/updatedBy | None | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | |
shipment/emailFlow/updatedDate | None | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | |
shipment/emailFlow/registeredBy | None | Registered by: The user who registered the data | |
shipment/emailFlow/registeredDate | None | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/firstName | None | Owner - First name: Displays the contact's first name | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/lastName | None | Owner - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/middleName | None | Owner - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/fullName | None | Owner - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/contactId | None | Owner - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/personId | None | Owner - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/mrMrs | None | Owner - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/title | None | Owner - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/associateDbId | None | Owner - ID | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/contactName | None | Owner - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/contactDepartment | None | Owner - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/usergroup | None | Owner - Primary group: The user's primary user group | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/contactFullName | None | Owner - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/contactCategory | None | Owner - Category: Category | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/role | None | Owner - Role: Role |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/assocName | None | Owner - User ID: User ID | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/assocTooltip | None | Owner - Description: Description | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/assocType | None | Owner - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/ejUserId | None | Owner - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | None | Owner - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/ejDisplayName | None | Owner - Nick name: User's nick name in Service | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/ejStatus | None | Owner - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/credentialType | None | Owner - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Owner - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/isActive | None | Owner - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/isActiveText | None | Owner - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Owner - Person image: Person image | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/otherGroups | None | Owner - Other groups: Other groups | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/userName | None | Owner - User name: User name | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/personEmail | None | Owner - E-mail | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/locationAddress | None | Owner - Location: Location | |
shipment/emailFlow/workflowAssociate/isLocation | None | Owner - Is a location: Is a location | |
shipment/emailFlow/hierarchyId | None | Hierarchy ID: Foreign key to hierarchy table | |
shipment/emailFlow/hierarchyFullname | None | Hierarchy name: The full name/path from table hierarchy | |
shipment/emailFlow/hierarchyName | None | Hierarchy name: The full name/path from table hierarchy | |
shipment/emailFlow/hierarchyParentId | None | Hierarchy ID: Foreign key to hierarchy table | |
shipment/emailFlow/hierarchyFullpathIds | None | Folder path IDs: An integer array of nodes leading to a hierarchy/folder item, in root => leaf order | |
shipment/project/completed | None | Completed: Displays a check mark indicating if the project has been completed. | |
shipment/project/projectId | None | DB ID: Displays the database ID for a project row | |
shipment/project/name | None | Project name: Displays the Project's name | |
shipment/project/number | None | Number: Displays the project's number | |
shipment/project/type | None | Project type: Displays the project's type | |
shipment/project/status | None | Status: Displays the project's status | |
shipment/project/statusRank | None | Status rank: Rank of the project status in the status list | |
shipment/project/associateId | None | ID: Displays login ID of the associate who owns the project | |
shipment/project/hasInfoText | None | Info: Displays an icon indicating if the project has a description text. The text itself will be displayed in a tooltip. | |
shipment/project/icon | None | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | |
shipment/project/text | None | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | |
shipment/project/description | None | Description : Description | |
shipment/project/updatedBy | None | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | |
shipment/project/updatedByFullName | None | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | |
shipment/project/updatedDate | None | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | |
shipment/project/registeredBy | None | Registered by: The user who registered the data | |
shipment/project/registeredByFullName | None | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | |
shipment/project/registeredDate | None | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | |
shipment/project/hasGuide | None | Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide | |
shipment/project/nextMilestone | None | Next milestone: Date of next non-completed activity that is marked as a milestone | |
shipment/project/endDate | None | End date: End date of project | |
shipment/project/imageThumbnail | None | Thumbnail: Scaled-down image of project image | |
shipment/project/activeErpLinks | None | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | |
shipment/project/projectPublish/isPublished | None | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | |
shipment/project/projectPublish/publishedFrom | None | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | |
shipment/project/projectPublish/publishedTo | None | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | |
shipment/project/projectPublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
shipment/project/projectEvent/isExternalEvent | None | Event: Is this an external event | |
shipment/project/projectEvent/eventDate | None | Event date: Event date | |
shipment/project/projectEvent/hasSignOn | None | Sign On: Does this event have the Sign On function enabled | |
shipment/project/projectEvent/hasSignOff | None | Sign Off: Does this event have the Sign Off function enabled | |
shipment/project/projectUrl/URLAddress | None | URL | |
shipment/project/projectUrl/URLDescription | None | Description | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/firstName | None | First name: Displays the contact's first name | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/lastName | None | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/middleName | None | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/fullName | None | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/contactId | None | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/personId | None | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/mrMrs | None | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/title | None | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/associateDbId | None | ID | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/contactName | None | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/contactDepartment | None | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/usergroup | None | Primary group: The user's primary user group | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/contactFullName | None | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/contactCategory | None | Category: Category | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/role | None | Role : Role | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/assocName | None | User ID : User ID | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/assocTooltip | None | Description : Description | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/assocType | None | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/ejUserId | None | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | None | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/ejDisplayName | None | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/ejStatus | None | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/isActive | None | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/isActiveText | None | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/otherGroups | None | Other groups: Other groups | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/userName | None | User name: User name | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/personEmail | None | ||
shipment/project/projectAssociate/locationAddress | None | Location: Location | |
shipment/project/projectAssociate/isLocation | None | Is a location: Is a location | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:1 | None | projectshorttext | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:2 | None | projectlongtext | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:3 | None | projectnumber | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:4 | None | projectdate | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:5 | None | projectunlimiteddate | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:6 | None | projectcheckbox | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:7 | None | projectdropdownlistbox | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:8 | None | projectdecimal | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:9 | None | page1saleandmarketing | |
shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:10 | None | page1saleandadmin | |
shipment/project/NumberOfActivities | None | Number of activities | |
shipment/project/NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod | None | Number of activities in last 90 days | |
shipment/project/NumberOfNotCompletedActivities | None | Number of non-completed activities |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
shipment/project/NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod | None | Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days | |
shipment/project/LastActivity | None | Date of last activity | |
shipment/project/LastCompletedActivity | None | Date of last completed activity | |
shipment/project/LastDoByActivity | None | Date of last non-completed activity | |
shipment/project/NumberOfSales | None | Number of sales | |
shipment/project/NumberOfSalesInPeriod | None | Number of sales in last 90 days | |
shipment/project/NumberOfNotCompletedSales | None | Number of non-completed sales | |
shipment/project/NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod | None | Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days | |
shipment/project/LastSale | None | Date of last sale | |
shipment/project/LastCompletedSale | None | Date of last completed sale | |
shipment/project/LastDoBySale | None | Date of last non-completed sale | |
shipment/project/SaintStatus3 | None | Not completed activites with intention sale: Number of not completed activities for intention sale > 0. | |
shipment/project/saintSaleStatus | None | With status | |
shipment/project/saintAmountClass | None | Amount class | |
shipment/project/saintActivityType | None | SAINT type | |
shipment/project/saintDirection | None | Direction | |
shipment/project/saintIntention | None | Intention | |
shipment/project/saintTicketStatus | None | Status | |
shipment/project/saintTicketCategory | None | Category | |
shipment/project/project/textId | None | Text ID | |
shipment/project/project/infoText | None | Information: Displays the text entered in the description field | |
contentDescription | None | Description: Form description | |
contentIcon | None | Icon: Icon | x |
contentType | None | Type : Type | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/EmailFlowContent?$select=emailFlow/emailFlowHierarchyId,shipment/project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:1,shipment/emailFlow/startOnlyOnce
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: