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This provider name is implemented by the class
Concrete provider for Internal Users - our own employees. See
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"all" | All |
"superoffice_admin-system-user" | [System user administrator] |
"superoffice_admin-extern-user" | [External user administrator] |
"superoffice_visible-for" | [Confidential activities] |
"superoffice_reporter-studio-user" | [Reporter Studio] |
"superoffice_admin-anonymous-user" | [Anonymous user admin] |
"superoffice_publish" | [Publish to external] |
"superoffice_superlicense-no-selection" | [(No Selection)] |
"superoffice_ten-sales" | [Sales Premium] |
"superoffice_ten-service" | [Service Premium] |
"superoffice_ten-marketing" | [Marketing Premium] |
"superoffice_ten-salesservicemarketing" | [SalesPremiumServicePremiumMarketingPremium] |
"superoffice_outlook-synchronizer" | [Outlook Synchronizer] |
"potential" | Potential users |
"retired" | Former employee |
"loggedOnWin" | Logged-on to Windows client |
"expired" | Expired |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
userplan | None | User plan: User plan (licence) | |
canLogin | bool | Can log in: Can log in | |
superoffice_admin-system-user | None | System user administrator: Allows user to admin system user in SOADMIN user panel. | |
superoffice_admin-extern-user | None | External user administrator: Allows user to admin external user in CRM client | |
superoffice_visible-for | None | Confidential activities: Enables the visible-for dropdown in the CRM client | |
superoffice_reporter-studio-user | None | Reporter Studio: Allows user to log in to Reporter Studio. | |
superoffice_admin-anonymous-user | None | Anonymous user admin: Allows user to admin anonymous user in SOADMIN user panel. | |
superoffice_publish | None | Publish to external: Enables Publish checkbox in CRM client. Requires Extern-user | |
superoffice_superlicense-no-selection | None | (No Selection): User Plan: License Not in Use. | |
superoffice_ten-sales | None | Sales Premium: User Plan: Can edit Companies, Diary, Sales, Selections, Reports | |
superoffice_ten-service | None | Service Premium: User Plan: Can edit Requests | |
superoffice_ten-marketing | None | Marketing Premium: User Plan: Can send Mailings, Combined Selections | |
superoffice_ten-salesservicemarketing | None | SalesPremiumServicePremiumMarketingPremium: User Plan: Can edit sales, requests, mailings. | |
superoffice_outlook-synchronizer | None | Outlook Synchronizer: Enables Outlook client sync (??) | |
firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
userName | string | User name: User name | x |
personEmail | string | x | |
locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/InternalUsers?$select=firstName,associateDbId
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See also: