Some tooltip text!
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• 5 minutes to read
This provider name is implemented by the class
Archive provider for the list of numbers, for the number allocation system. Not be confused with table sequence numbers.
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"number" | [number] |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
RefCounts_id | int | ID: Primary key of counter | x |
fieldId | int | Field ID: Referenced field ID | x |
icon | int | Icon: Icon denoting counter type | x |
recordId | int | Record ID: Referenced record ID | x |
currentvalue | int | Value: Current value | x |
travelprefix | int | Travel prefix: Prefix of Travel instance | x |
satprefix | int | Prefix of referenced satellite | x |
flags | int | Flags: Flags for boolean properties | x |
active | bool | Allocate: Counter is active | x |
unique | bool | Unique: Counter is unique | x |
readonly | bool | Read-only: Counter is read-only | x |
blankallowed | bool | Allow blank: Counter permits blanks | x |
name | string | Counter: Counter name | x |
updated | date | Last used: Last update time | x |
nextnum | int | Next: Next number | x |
field | string | Field: Field Tooltip | |
updated_associate/firstName | string | By - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
updated_associate/lastName | string | By - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
updated_associate/middleName | string | By - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
updated_associate/fullName | string | By - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
updated_associate/contactId | int | By - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
updated_associate/personId | int | By - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
updated_associate/mrMrs | string | By - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
updated_associate/title | string | By - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
updated_associate/associateDbId | associate | By - ID | x |
updated_associate/contactName | string | By - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
updated_associate/contactDepartment | string | By - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
updated_associate/usergroup | userGroup | By - Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
updated_associate/contactFullName | string | By - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
updated_associate/contactCategory | listAny | By - Category: Category | x |
updated_associate/role | listAny | By - Role: Role | x |
updated_associate/assocName | associate | By - User ID: User ID | x |
updated_associate/assocTooltip | string | By - Description: Description | |
updated_associate/assocType | listAny | By - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
updated_associate/ejUserId | int | By - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
updated_associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | By - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
updated_associate/ejDisplayName | string | By - Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
updated_associate/ejStatus | int | By - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
updated_associate/credentialType | None | By - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
updated_associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | By - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
updated_associate/isActive | bool | By - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
updated_associate/isActiveText | bool | By - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
updated_associate/portraitThumbnail | None | By - Person image: Person image | |
updated_associate/otherGroups | userGroup | By - Other groups: Other groups | |
updated_associate/userName | string | By - User name: User name | x |
updated_associate/personEmail | string | By - E-mail | x |
updated_associate/locationAddress | string | By - Location: Location | x |
updated_associate/isLocation | bool | By - Is a location: Is a location | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/Numbers?$select=nextnum,updated_associate/title
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: