This provider name is implemented by the class
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
This provider, like the
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the
caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for
information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.
If you do not use the appointmentRestrictionId, you can instead specify
external persons by a list (use the IN operator) of externalPersonRestrictionId,
internal associates through a list of associateRestrictionId, and resources through resourceRestrictionId.
All three restrictions can be given simultaneously, with an implied OR operator. In this case no appointment
records are required or fetched.
Conflict detection is provided if the status column is requested. For non-saved data, this also requires the presence of startTimeInformation and endTimeInformation restrictions (dates in InvariantCulture format), so that the conflicts may be calculated.
Finally, the email status (should emails be sent for invitations and changes) is read from the database if the appointmentRestrictionId is used; if explicit person or associate restrictions are used, then email status information must be passed in through the associateEmailsInformation and personEmailsInformation restrictions. The value of each restriction is a list of associate resp. person id's who have the email flag set. If all this sounds complex - well, it is.
Being the tolerant sort, the provider will accept both associates and resources in each of associateRestrictionId and resourceRestrictionId, and internally sort out which is which. Similarly, if any of the person id's you happen to pass in through the externalPersonRestrictionId are actually associates, then that too will be sorted out.
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"associate" | Associate |
"resource" | Resource: |
"externalPerson" | External users |
"emailParticipant" | [Email Participant] |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | associate | Owner's Associate ID: Associate ID of the user specified as owner of the follow-up | |
inhibitConflictsInformation | bool | No conflict checking: This restriction is used to turn off conflict checking in the participants list | |
startTimeInformation | datetime | Start time: Information for data fetcher, specifies start time for conflict checker | |
endTimeInformation | datetime | End time: Information for data fetcher, specifies end time for conflict checker | |
startTimeUtcInformation | datetime | Start time: Information for data fetcher, specifies start time for conflict checker | |
endTimeUtcInformation | datetime | End time: Information for data fetcher, specifies end time for conflict checker | |
dateInformation | date | Date information: Date information, used by conflict checker | |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
icon | None | Icon indicating participant type | |
sendEmail | None | Icon indicating whether the participant should be sent e-mail | |
seen | None | Icon indicating whether the participant has seen the invitation | |
status | None | Status: Shows any conflicts with other follow-ups | |
participantAssociateId | None | Associate ID: Database ID for an associate (user or resource) who is a meeting participant | |
participantPersonId | None | Contact ID: Database ID for a contact who is a meeting participant | |
rejectReason | None | Reason for declining: Reason for declining | |
associateEmailsInformation | int | E-mail ID: IDs of contacts that should receive invitation e-mails for a booking - column is only used as a restriction | |
appointmentRestrictionId | int | Follow-up ID: ID of the follow-up to fetch participants for | |
firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | |
lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | |
middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | |
fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | |
associateDbId | associate | ID | |
contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | |
contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | |
usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | |
contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | |
contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | |
role | listAny | Role : Role | |
assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | |
assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | |
ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | |
ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | |
credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | |
isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | |
portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
userName | string | User name: User name | |
personEmail | string | ||
locationAddress | string | Location: Location | |
isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | |
personEmailsInformation | int | E-mail ID: IDs of contacts that should receive invitation e-mails for a booking - column is only used as a restriction | |
fullNameWithContact | None | Contact and company: The fully formatted contact name, and full company name | |
hasInfoText | bool | Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | |
hasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | |
personHasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | |
position | listAny | Position | |
personNumber | string | Number: Displays the contact's number | |
personCountry | listAny | Country: Country | |
personCountryId | int | Country ID: Country ID | |
personNoMail | bool | No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox | |
rank | int | Rank: Displays a contact's current rank | |
birthdate | None | Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth | |
associateType | None | User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading. | |
useAsMailingAddress | bool | Use as postal address: Use as postal address | |
personSource | listAny | Source: Source (Contact) | |
retired | bool | Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company | |
birthYear | int | Birth year: Displays contact's birth year | |
birthMonth | int | Birth month: Displays contact's birth month | |
birthDay | int | Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) | |
kanaFirstName | string | First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet | |
kanaLastName | string | Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet | |
personUpdatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | |
personUpdatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | |
personUpdatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | |
personRegisteredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | |
personRegisteredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | |
personRegisteredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | |
personActiveErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | |
ticketPriority | listAny | Service priority: Default service priority for this contact | |
supportLanguage | listAny | Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more | |
supportAssociate | associate | Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact | |
supportAssociateFullName | associate | Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact | |
personAssociateId | associate | Our contact: Displays our contact | |
personAssociateFullName | associate | Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact | |
personCategory | listAny | Category | |
personBusiness | listAny | Business | |
personDeletedDate | datetime | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
hasCompany | bool | Has company: The contact is associated with a company | |
isProjectMember | bool | Is project member: This person is a project member | |
isStakeholder | bool | Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder | |
updatedByWorkflow | listAny | Updated by flow: Updated by flow | |
whenUpdatedByWorkflow | datetime | When updated by flow: When updated by flow | |
createdByForm | listAny | Created by form: Created by form | |
email/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | |
email/emailAddress | string | ||
email/emailDescription | string | Description | |
email/emailId | int | ID | |
email/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | |
email/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
email/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | |
email/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | |
personUrl/URLAddress | string | URL | |
personUrl/URLDescription | string | Description | |
personContact/contactId | None | Company ID: Database ID of company | |
personContact/name | None | Company name | |
personContact/department | None | Department | |
personContact/nameDepartment | None | Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to | |
personContact/hasInfoText | None | Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | |
personContact/hasInterests | None | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | |
personContact/associateId | None | Our contact: Displays our contact | |
personContact/category | None | Category | |
personContact/business | None | Business | |
personContact/country | None | Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. | |
personContact/countryId | None | Country ID: Country ID | |
personContact/number | None | Number | |
personContact/code | None | Code | |
personContact/orgnr | None | VAT No. | |
personContact/stop | None | Stop | |
personContact/contactNoMail | None | No mailings (company | |
personContact/updatedBy | None | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | |
personContact/updatedByFullName | None | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | |
personContact/updatedDate | None | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | |
personContact/registeredBy | None | Registered by: The user who registered the data | |
personContact/registeredByFullName | None | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | |
personContact/registeredDate | None | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | |
personContact/contactSource | None | Source: Source (Company) | |
personContact/contactDeleted | None | Deleted: Deleted | |
personContact/activeErpLinks | None | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | |
personContact/deletedDate | None | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
personContact/mainContact | None | Main contact: Main contact for this company | |
personContact/email/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | |
personContact/email/emailAddress | string | ||
personContact/email/emailDescription | string | Description | |
personContact/email/emailId | int | ID | |
personContact/email/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | |
personContact/email/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | |
personContact/email/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | |
personContact/email/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | |
emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | |
emailAddress | string | ||
emailDescription | string | Description | |
emailId | int | ID | |
emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | |
emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | |
emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | |
emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | |
associateRestrictionId | int | Associate ID: IDs of associates to be displayed as participants | |
groupRestrictionId | int | Group ID: ID of group with members to be displayed as participants | |
resourceRestrictionId | int | Resource ID: ID of resources to be displayed as participants | |
externalPersonRestrictionId | int | Contact ID: ID of external contacts to be displayed as participants |
GET /api/v1/archive/Participants?$select=personAssociateFullName,personContact/contactNoMail,personEmailsInformation
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: