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This provider name is implemented by the class
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"person" | Contact |
"forAllUsers" | View deleted contacts for all users |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
personId | int | DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact | x |
firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
middleName | string | Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
fullName | stringorPK | Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked | x |
fullNameWithContact | None | Contact and company: The fully formatted contact name, and full company name | x |
contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
hasInfoText | bool | Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
hasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personHasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
position | listAny | Position | x |
personNumber | string | Number: Displays the contact's number | x |
title | string | Title: Displays the contact's job title | x |
personCountry | listAny | Country: Country | x |
personCountryId | int | Country ID: Country ID | x |
personNoMail | bool | No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox | x |
rank | int | Rank: Displays a contact's current rank | x |
birthdate | None | Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth | |
associateType | None | User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading. | |
useAsMailingAddress | bool | Use as postal address: Use as postal address | x |
personSource | listAny | Source: Source (Contact) | x |
retired | bool | Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company | x |
birthYear | int | Birth year: Displays contact's birth year | x |
birthMonth | int | Birth month: Displays contact's birth month | x |
birthDay | int | Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) | x |
kanaFirstName | string | First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet | x |
kanaLastName | string | Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet | x |
personUpdatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personUpdatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personUpdatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personRegisteredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personRegisteredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personRegisteredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
personActiveErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
ticketPriority | listAny | Service priority: Default service priority for this contact | x |
supportLanguage | listAny | Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more | x |
supportAssociate | associate | Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact | x |
supportAssociateFullName | associate | Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personAssociateId | associate | Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
personAssociateFullName | associate | Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact | x |
personCategory | listAny | Category | x |
personBusiness | listAny | Business | x |
personDeletedDate | datetime | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
hasCompany | bool | Has company: The contact is associated with a company | x |
isProjectMember | bool | Is project member: This person is a project member | x |
isStakeholder | bool | Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder | x |
updatedByWorkflow | listAny | Updated by flow: Updated by flow | x |
whenUpdatedByWorkflow | datetime | When updated by flow: When updated by flow | x |
createdByForm | listAny | Created by form: Created by form | x |
email/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | x |
email/emailAddress | string | x | |
email/emailDescription | string | Description | x |
email/emailId | int | ID | x |
email/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | x |
email/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | x |
email/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | x |
email/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | x |
personUrl/URLAddress | string | URL | x |
personUrl/URLDescription | string | Description | x |
personContact/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
personContact/name | stringorPK | Company name | x |
personContact/department | string | Department | x |
personContact/nameDepartment | None | Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to | x |
personContact/hasInfoText | bool | Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
personContact/hasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personContact/associateId | associate | Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
personContact/category | listAny | Category | x |
personContact/business | listAny | Business | x |
personContact/country | listAny | Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. | x |
personContact/countryId | int | Country ID: Country ID | x |
personContact/number | string | Number | x |
personContact/code | string | Code | x |
personContact/orgnr | string | VAT No. | x |
personContact/stop | bool | Stop | x |
personContact/contactNoMail | bool | No mailings (company | x |
personContact/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personContact/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personContact/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personContact/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personContact/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personContact/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
personContact/contactSource | listAny | Source: Source (Company) | x |
personContact/contactDeleted | bool | Deleted: Deleted | x |
personContact/activeErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
personContact/deletedDate | datetime | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
personContact/mainContact | None | Main contact: Main contact for this company | x |
personContact/email/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | x |
personContact/email/emailAddress | string | x | |
personContact/email/emailDescription | string | Description | x |
personContact/email/emailId | int | ID | x |
personContact/email/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | x |
personContact/email/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | x |
personContact/email/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | x |
personContact/email/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/RecyclePerson?$select=personUpdatedDate,isStakeholder
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: