This provider name is implemented by the class
This is the provider used when searching for potential new members of a static selection. It is actually
just a facade for the
There are several 'special' restrictions that are used by this provider in order to implement the various
irregular query modifiers used by the Add Members dialog.
Note that this restriction will by itself NOT trigger a person search; a genuine person-type restriction
has to be present to do that.
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"contact" | Contact |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
getAllRows | bool | GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database | |
getNoRows | bool | GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive | |
contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
name | stringorPK | Company name | x |
department | string | Department | x |
nameDepartment | None | Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to | x |
hasInfoText | bool | Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
hasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
associateId | associate | Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
category | listAny | Category | x |
business | listAny | Business | x |
country | listAny | Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. | x |
countryId | int | Country ID: Country ID | x |
number | string | Number | x |
code | string | Code | x |
orgnr | string | VAT No. | x |
stop | bool | Stop | x |
contactNoMail | bool | No mailings (company | x |
updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
contactSource | listAny | Source: Source (Company) | x |
contactDeleted | bool | Deleted: Deleted | x |
phone/formattedNumber | string | Phone : Displays phone number | |
activeErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
deletedDate | datetime | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
mainContact | None | Main contact: Main contact for this company | x |
who | None | Company: Displays the name of a selection member's company | x |
includeContactWithStopRestriction | bool | Include companies with Stop: Should companies with the 'Stop' flag set be included | |
includeContactWithNoDMRestriction | bool | Include companies with No Mailings: Should companies with the 'No Mailings' flag set be included | |
contactPhone/formattedNumber | string | Telephone - Phone: Displays phone number | |
contactPhone/description | string | Telephone - Description: Phone number description | x |
contactFax/formattedNumber | string | Fax - Phone: Displays phone number | |
contactFax/description | string | Fax - Description: Phone number description | x |
searchPhone/formattedNumber | string | Searchphone - Phone: Displays phone number | |
searchPhone/description | string | Searchphone - Description: Phone number description | x |
email/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | x |
email/emailAddress | string | x | |
email/emailDescription | string | Description | x |
email/emailId | int | ID | x |
email/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | x |
email/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | x |
email/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | x |
email/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | x |
postAddress/addressId | int | Postal address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record | x |
postAddress/line1 | string | Postal address - Address 1: First line of the address | x |
postAddress/line2 | string | Postal address - Address 2: Second line of the address | x |
postAddress/line3 | string | Postal address - Address 3: Third line of the address | x |
postAddress/county | string | Postal address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
postAddress/city | string | Postal address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. | x |
postAddress/zip | string | Postal address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. | x |
postAddress/state | string | Postal address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
postAddress/wgs84latitude | decimal | Postal address - Latitude: Latitude | x |
postAddress/wgs84longitude | decimal | Postal address - Longitude: Longitude | x |
postAddress/formattedAddress | None | Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
postAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress | None | Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
streetAddress/addressId | int | Street address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record | x |
streetAddress/line1 | string | Street address - Address 1: First line of the address | x |
streetAddress/line2 | string | Street address - Address 2: Second line of the address | x |
streetAddress/line3 | string | Street address - Address 3: Third line of the address | x |
streetAddress/county | string | Street address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
streetAddress/city | string | Street address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. | x |
streetAddress/zip | string | Street address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. | x |
streetAddress/state | string | Street address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
streetAddress/wgs84latitude | decimal | Street address - Latitude: Latitude | x |
streetAddress/wgs84longitude | decimal | Street address - Longitude: Longitude | x |
streetAddress/formattedAddress | None | Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
streetAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress | None | Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
restrictionAddress/addressId | int | Search address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record | x |
restrictionAddress/line1 | string | Search address - Address 1: First line of the address | x |
restrictionAddress/line2 | string | Search address - Address 2: Second line of the address | x |
restrictionAddress/line3 | string | Search address - Address 3: Third line of the address | x |
restrictionAddress/county | string | Search address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
restrictionAddress/city | string | Search address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. | x |
restrictionAddress/zip | string | Search address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. | x |
restrictionAddress/state | string | Search address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
restrictionAddress/wgs84latitude | decimal | Search address - Latitude: Latitude | x |
restrictionAddress/wgs84longitude | decimal | Search address - Longitude: Longitude | x |
restrictionAddress/formattedAddress | None | Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress | None | Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
url/URLAddress | string | URL | x |
url/URLDescription | string | Description | x |
contactAssociate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
contactAssociate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
contactAssociate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
contactAssociate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
contactAssociate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
contactAssociate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
contactAssociate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
contactAssociate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
contactAssociate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
contactAssociate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
contactAssociate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
contactAssociate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
contactAssociate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
contactAssociate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
contactAssociate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
contactAssociate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
contactAssociate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
contactAssociate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
contactAssociate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
contactAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
contactAssociate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
contactAssociate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
contactAssociate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
contactAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
contactAssociate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
contactAssociate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
contactAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
contactAssociate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
contactAssociate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
contactAssociate/personEmail | string | x | |
contactAssociate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
contactAssociate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
contactInterestIds | listInterest | Company Interest: This criterion corresponds to the Interests tab on the Company card. | |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | companyshorttext: tooltipshorttext | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | companylongtext: tooltiplongtext | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | companynumber | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | companydate | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | companyunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | companycheckbox | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | companydropdownlistbox | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | companydecimal | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:9 | string | page1saleonly | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:10 | string | page1marketingonly | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:11 | string | page1adminonly | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:12 | listAny | Udlist one: Static tooltip for udlist one | x |
contactUdef/SuperOffice:13 | listAny | Udlist two: Static tooltip for udlist two | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_integer | int | Extra Integer: Custom integer field | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_default_integer | int | Extra Default Integer: Custom integer field with default value 123. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_float | decimal | Extra Float: Custom float field with 3 decimals | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_longtext | string | Extra LongText: Custom long text field. DO not keep HTML. 3 Line text area editor | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_dropdown | listAny | Extra Long Dropdown: Custom long text field with dropdown: Volvo, Saab, etc. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_date | date | Extra date: Custom date field. User current as default. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_datetime | datetime | Extra DateTime: Custom Date Time field. No default value. External | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_time | None | Extra time: Custom time field. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_boolean | bool | Extra boolean: Custom boolean field. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_timespan | timeSpan | Extra timespan: Custom timespan field. Hours and minutes in 10 units | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_shorttext | string | Extra short text: Custom short text field. Keep HTML tags. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_short_dropdown | listAny | Extra short dropdown: Custom short text with dropdown list. Red, Green or Blue or Purple. External. | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_contact_relation | stringorPK | Extra Company: Custom company relation. Do not show one-to-many relations. Show function buttons | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_request_relation | stringorPK | Extra Request relation: Request relation on company | x |
contactExtra/x_contact_contact | stringorPK | Extra contact relation: Contact relation on company | x |
contactExtra/y_organization/x_name | string | Organization - Name | x |
NumberOfActivities | int | Number of activities | |
NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod | int | Number of activities in last 90 days | |
NumberOfNotCompletedActivities | int | Number of non-completed activities | |
NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod | int | Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days | |
LastActivity | date | Date of last activity | |
LastCompletedActivity | date | Date of last completed activity | |
LastDoByActivity | date | Date of last non-completed activity | |
NumberOfSales | int | Number of sales | |
NumberOfSalesInPeriod | int | Number of sales in last 90 days | |
NumberOfNotCompletedSales | int | Number of non-completed sales | |
NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod | int | Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days | |
LastSale | date | Date of last sale | |
LastCompletedSale | date | Date of last completed sale | |
LastDoBySale | date | Date of last non-completed sale | |
NumberOfTickets | int | Number of requests | |
NumberOfTicketsInPeriod | int | Number of requests in last 90 days | |
NumberOfNotCompletedTickets | int | Number of non-completed requests | |
NumberOfNotCompletedTicketsInPeriod | int | Number of non-completed requests in last 90 days | |
LastTicket | date | Date of last request | |
LastCompletedTicket | date | Date of last completed request | |
LastDoByTicket | date | Date of last non-completed request | |
SaintStatus1 | saintStatus | Neglected customer: Denne kunden har det vært 0 salgsaktiviteter på i perioden. | |
SaintStatus2 | saintStatus | C-company: Kundens navn starter med bokstaven C | |
saintSaleStatus | listAny | With status | |
saintAmountClass | listAny | Amount class | |
saintActivityType | listAny | SAINT type | |
saintDirection | listAny | Direction | |
saintIntention | listAny | Intention | |
saintTicketStatus | listAny | Status | |
saintTicketCategory | listAny | Category | |
sourceRelation/contactId | int | Source - Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
sourceRelation/name | stringorPK | Source - Company name | x |
sourceRelation/department | string | Source - Department | x |
sourceRelation/nameDepartment | None | Source - Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to | x |
sourceRelation/hasInfoText | bool | Source - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
sourceRelation/hasInterests | bool | Source - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
sourceRelation/associateId | associate | Source - Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
sourceRelation/category | listAny | Source - Category | x |
sourceRelation/business | listAny | Source - Business | x |
sourceRelation/country | listAny | Source - Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. | x |
sourceRelation/countryId | int | Source - Country ID: Country ID | x |
sourceRelation/number | string | Source - Number | x |
sourceRelation/code | string | Source - Code | x |
sourceRelation/orgnr | string | Source - VAT No. | x |
sourceRelation/stop | bool | Source - Stop | x |
sourceRelation/contactNoMail | bool | Source - No mailings (company) | x |
sourceRelation/updatedBy | associate | Source - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
sourceRelation/updatedByFullName | associate | Source - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
sourceRelation/updatedDate | date | Source - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
sourceRelation/registeredBy | associate | Source - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
sourceRelation/registeredByFullName | associate | Source - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
sourceRelation/registeredDate | date | Source - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
sourceRelation/contactSource | listAny | Source - Source: Source (Company) | x |
sourceRelation/contactDeleted | bool | Source - Deleted: Deleted | x |
sourceRelation/activeErpLinks | bool | Source - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
sourceRelation/deletedDate | datetime | Source - Deleted date: Deleted date | |
sourceRelation/mainContact | None | Source - Main contact: Main contact for this company | x |
sourceRelation/restrictionContactId | int | Source - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
sourceRelation/who | None | Source - Full name: Full name of company/contact | x |
sourceRelation/csRelation | listAny | Source - Company-to-company relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
targetRelation/contactId | int | Target - Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
targetRelation/name | stringorPK | Target - Company name | x |
targetRelation/department | string | Target - Department | x |
targetRelation/nameDepartment | None | Target - Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to | x |
targetRelation/hasInfoText | bool | Target - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
targetRelation/hasInterests | bool | Target - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
targetRelation/associateId | associate | Target - Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
targetRelation/category | listAny | Target - Category | x |
targetRelation/business | listAny | Target - Business | x |
targetRelation/country | listAny | Target - Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. | x |
targetRelation/countryId | int | Target - Country ID: Country ID | x |
targetRelation/number | string | Target - Number | x |
targetRelation/code | string | Target - Code | x |
targetRelation/orgnr | string | Target - VAT No. | x |
targetRelation/stop | bool | Target - Stop | x |
targetRelation/contactNoMail | bool | Target - No mailings (company) | x |
targetRelation/updatedBy | associate | Target - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
targetRelation/updatedByFullName | associate | Target - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
targetRelation/updatedDate | date | Target - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
targetRelation/registeredBy | associate | Target - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
targetRelation/registeredByFullName | associate | Target - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
targetRelation/registeredDate | date | Target - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
targetRelation/contactSource | listAny | Target - Source: Source (Company) | x |
targetRelation/contactDeleted | bool | Target - Deleted: Deleted | x |
targetRelation/activeErpLinks | bool | Target - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
targetRelation/deletedDate | datetime | Target - Deleted date: Deleted date | |
targetRelation/mainContact | None | Target - Main contact: Main contact for this company | x |
targetRelation/restrictionContactId | int | Target - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
targetRelation/who | None | Target - Full name: Full name of company/contact | x |
targetRelation/csRelation | listAny | Target - Company-to-company relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
sourceRelation/contactPersonRelation | listAny | Source - Company-to-contact relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
targetRelation/personContactRelation | listAny | Target - Contact-to-company relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
sale/completed | bool | Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed | x |
sale/icon | listAny | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
sale/date | date | Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | x |
sale/time | None | Time: Time | |
sale/type | listAny | Type: Displays the type of an activity | x |
sale/recordType | string | Record type : Shows the record type | x |
sale/text | positiveString | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
sale/associateId | associate | ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | x |
sale/contactId | listAny | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
sale/personId | listAny | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
sale/projectId | listAny | Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
sale/saleId | int | Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
sale/userGroup | userGroup | User group : The user group that owns the record | x |
sale/who | None | Who: Contact and/or company | |
sale/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
sale/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
sale/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
sale/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
sale/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
sale/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
sale/currencyId | int | Currency ID: The currency list item ID | x |
sale/currency | listAny | Currency: The currency of the sale | x |
sale/credited | listAny | Credited: The user to be credited with the sale | x |
sale/lossReason | listAny | Reason (lost: The reason for losing the sale | x |
sale/source | listAny | Source: The source (lead) of the sale | x |
sale/competitor | listAny | Competitor: The competitor who won the sale | x |
sale/heading | stringorPK | Sale: The name of the sale | x |
sale/amount | decimal | Amount: The gross sales total | x |
sale/amountWeighted | decimal | Weighted amount: Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. | x |
sale/earning | decimal | Profit: Gross profit (gross sales total - cost) for the sale | x |
sale/earningPercent | decimal | Profit as % : The profit as a percentage of the gross sales total | x |
sale/probPercent | int | Probability as %: Probability as % | x |
sale/originalStage | listAny | Stage: Displays the stage of the sale | x |
sale/stage | listAny | Stage: Displays the stage of the sale | x |
sale/saleStatus | listAny | Status: The status of the sale - open, lost or sold | x |
sale/stageRank | None | Stage rank: Rank of the sale stage in the stage list | x |
sale/saleType | listAny | Sale type: Sale type, from list | x |
sale/nextDueDate | date | Next activity: Date for next activity for a sale, updated live from the sale's activities | x |
sale/reopenDate | date | Reopen date: Displays the reopen date for the sale | x |
sale/stalledComment | listAny | Reason (stalled: The reason the sale has been stalled | x |
sale/saleTypeCategory | listAny | Sale type category: Sale type category | x |
sale/soldReason | listAny | Reason (sold: Reason (sold) | x |
sale/saleNumber | string | Number: Number | x |
sale/hasStakeholders | bool | Has stakeholders: Does this sale have stakeholders enabled | x |
sale/hasQuote | bool | Has quote?: Does the sale have a quote attached? | x |
sale/hasGuide | bool | Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide | x |
sale/description | string | Description: The long description field on Sale | |
sale/activeErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
sale/createdByWorkflow | listAny | Created by flow: Created by flow | x |
sale/amountInBaseCurrency | None | Amount (BaseCurrency): The gross sales total | x |
sale/amountWeightedInBaseCurrency | None | Weighted amount (BaseCurrency): Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. | x |
sale/visibleFor | listAny | Visible for | |
sale/sale/textId | int | Text ID | x |
sale/sale/description | positiveString | Text: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
sale/salePublish/isPublished | bool | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | x |
sale/salePublish/publishedFrom | date | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | x |
sale/salePublish/publishedTo | date | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | x |
sale/salePublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
sale/associate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
sale/associate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
sale/associate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
sale/associate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
sale/associate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
sale/associate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
sale/associate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
sale/associate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
sale/associate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
sale/associate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
sale/associate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
sale/associate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
sale/associate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
sale/associate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
sale/associate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
sale/associate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
sale/associate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
sale/associate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
sale/associate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
sale/associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
sale/associate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
sale/associate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
sale/associate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
sale/associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
sale/associate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
sale/associate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
sale/associate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
sale/associate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
sale/associate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
sale/associate/personEmail | string | x | |
sale/associate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
sale/associate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | saleshorttext | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | salelongtext | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | salenumber | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | saledate | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | saleunlimiteddate | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | salecheckbox | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | saledropdownlistbox | x |
sale/saleUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | saledecimal | x |
appointment/completed | bool | Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed | x |
appointment/icon | listAny | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
appointment/date | date | Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | x |
appointment/time | None | Time: Time | |
appointment/type | listAny | Type: Displays the type of an activity | x |
appointment/recordType | string | Record type : Shows the record type | x |
appointment/text | positiveString | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
appointment/associateId | associate | ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | x |
appointment/contactId | listAny | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
appointment/personId | listAny | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
appointment/projectId | listAny | Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
appointment/saleId | int | Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
appointment/userGroup | userGroup | User group : The user group that owns the record | x |
appointment/who | None | Who: Contact and/or company | |
appointment/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
appointment/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
appointment/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
appointment/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
appointment/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
appointment/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
appointment/appointmentId | int | DB ID: Displays the database ID of a row | x |
appointment/endDate | date | End date: Displays the deadline for a follow-up/sale | x |
appointment/priority | listAny | Priority: Displays the priority of the activity | x |
appointment/alarm | bool | Has alarm: Displays the alarm state of a follow-up | x |
appointment/recurring | bool | Repeating: Displays an icon indicating if the follow-up is part of a repeating follow-up | x |
appointment/booking | bool | Invitation: Displays an icon if the follow-up is an invitation. All invitations will be displayed in a tooltip. | x |
appointment/intention | listAny | Intention: Displays the intention of the follow-up type | x |
appointment/location | string | Location: Display the location where the follow-up will take place. | x |
appointment/recurrenceRuleId | int | RR-ID: Repetition rule ID of follow-up | x |
appointment/rawType | int | Type: Type field for appointment, not decoded or formatted | x |
appointment/rawStatus | int | Status: Status field for the follow-up, not decoded or formatted | x |
appointment/cautionWarning | listAny | Warning: Warning for invitations with potential problems: not properly synchronized with an external calendar, unsupported repetition pattern, e-mail notification failed, or other problems. | x |
appointment/visibleInDiary | bool | ExcludeBook: Is the activity visible in the diary? | x |
appointment/endTime | None | End time: End time of an activity | |
appointment/suggestedAppointmentId | int | Follow-up ID (suggestion: The database ID of a follow-up that originates in a suggestion | x |
appointment/completedDate | date | Completed date: Displays the actual date a follow-up/sale was marked as completed | x |
appointment/isMilestone | bool | Milestone: Shows whether or not the follow-ups in this row are milestones | x |
appointment/invitedPersonId | int | ID of invited person: appointment.invitedpersonid record - utility for rd | x |
appointment/recordTypeText | listAny | Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) | x |
appointment/joinVideomeetUrl | None | Video meeting URL: URL for joining the video meeting | x |
appointment/duration | timeSpan | Duration: The duration of the chat session | |
appointment/createdByWorkflow | listAny | Created by flow: Created by flow | x |
appointment/visibleFor | listAny | Visible for | |
appointment/appointmentPublish/isPublished | bool | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | x |
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedFrom | date | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | x |
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedTo | date | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | x |
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | followupshorttext | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | followuplongtext | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | followupnumber | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | followupdate | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | followupunlimiteddate | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | followupcheckbox | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | followupdropdownlistbox | x |
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | followupdecimal | x |
appointment/associate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
appointment/associate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
appointment/associate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
appointment/associate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
appointment/associate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
appointment/associate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
appointment/associate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
appointment/associate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
appointment/associate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
appointment/associate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
appointment/associate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
appointment/associate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
appointment/associate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
appointment/associate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
appointment/associate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
appointment/associate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
appointment/associate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
appointment/associate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
appointment/associate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
appointment/associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
appointment/associate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
appointment/associate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
appointment/associate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
appointment/associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
appointment/associate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
appointment/associate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
appointment/associate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
appointment/associate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
appointment/associate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
appointment/associate/personEmail | string | x | |
appointment/associate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
appointment/associate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
appointment/appointment/description | positiveString | Text: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
appointment/appointment/title | positiveString | Title | x |
appointment/appointment/titleHtml | None | !!Title Html | x |
appointment/appointment/agenda | positiveString | Agenda | x |
appointment/appointment/agendaHtml | None | !!Agenda Html | x |
appointment/appointment/isConverted | None | !!Is Converted | |
appointment/appointment/textId | int | Text ID | x |
appointment/appointment/internalNotes | positiveString | Internal notes: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
appointment/appointment/internalNotesHtml | positiveString | !!Internal Notes Html | x |
document/completed | bool | Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed | x |
document/icon | listAny | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
document/date | date | Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | x |
document/time | None | Time: Time | |
document/type | listAny | Type: Displays the type of an activity | x |
document/recordType | string | Record type : Shows the record type | x |
document/text | positiveString | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
document/associateId | associate | ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | x |
document/contactId | listAny | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
document/personId | listAny | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
document/projectId | listAny | Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
document/saleId | int | Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
document/userGroup | userGroup | User group : The user group that owns the record | x |
document/who | None | Who: Contact and/or company | |
document/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
document/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
document/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
document/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
document/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
document/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
document/documentId | int | Document ID: Database ID of document record | x |
document/keywords | string | Keywords | x |
document/ourref | string | Our ref. | x |
document/yourref | string | Your ref. | x |
document/attention | string | Salutation | x |
document/subject | string | Subject | x |
document/name | string | File name | x |
document/mailMergeDraft | bool | Mail merge draft : Indicates whether the document is a mail merge template | x |
document/snum | int | Document number: Serial number of document. It can be generated by the number allocation system for a dedicated document template. | x |
document/isReport | bool | Report: Is this document a saved report run? | |
document/suggestedDocumentId | int | Document ID (suggestion: The database ID of a document that originates in a suggestion | x |
document/isMail | bool | ||
document/recordTypeText | None | Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) | x |
document/visibleFor | listAny | Visible for | |
document/documentPublish/isPublished | bool | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | x |
document/documentPublish/publishedFrom | date | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | x |
document/documentPublish/publishedTo | date | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | x |
document/documentPublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
document/associate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
document/associate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
document/associate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
document/associate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
document/associate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
document/associate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
document/associate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
document/associate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
document/associate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
document/associate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
document/associate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
document/associate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
document/associate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
document/associate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
document/associate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
document/associate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
document/associate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
document/associate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
document/associate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
document/associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
document/associate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
document/associate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
document/associate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
document/associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
document/associate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
document/associate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
document/associate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
document/associate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
document/associate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
document/associate/personEmail | string | x | |
document/associate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
document/associate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | documentshorttext | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | documentlongtext | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | documentnumber | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | documentdate | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | documentunlimiteddate | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | documentcheckbox | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | documentdropdownlistbox | x |
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | documentdecimal | x |
document/document/textId | int | Text ID | x |
document/document/description | positiveString | Text: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
personId | int | DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact | x |
firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
middleName | string | Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
fullName | stringorPK | Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked | x |
personHasInterests | bool | Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
position | listAny | Position | x |
personNumber | string | Number: Displays the contact's number | x |
title | string | Title: Displays the contact's job title | x |
personCountry | listAny | Country: Country | x |
personCountryId | int | Country ID: Country ID | x |
personNoMail | bool | No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox | x |
rank | int | Rank: Displays a contact's current rank | x |
birthdate | None | Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth | |
associateType | None | User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading. | |
useAsMailingAddress | bool | Use as postal address: Use as postal address | x |
personSource | listAny | Source: Source (Contact) | x |
retired | bool | Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company | x |
birthYear | int | Birth year: Displays contact's birth year | x |
birthMonth | int | Birth month: Displays contact's birth month | x |
birthDay | int | Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) | x |
kanaFirstName | string | First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet | x |
kanaLastName | string | Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet | x |
personUpdatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personUpdatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personUpdatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personRegisteredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personRegisteredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personRegisteredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
personActiveErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
ticketPriority | listAny | Service priority: Default service priority for this contact | x |
supportLanguage | listAny | Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more | x |
supportAssociate | associate | Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact | x |
supportAssociateFullName | associate | Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personAssociateId | associate | Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
personAssociateFullName | associate | Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact | x |
personCategory | listAny | Category | x |
personBusiness | listAny | Business | x |
personDeletedDate | datetime | Deleted date: Deleted date | |
hasCompany | bool | Has company: The contact is associated with a company | x |
isProjectMember | bool | Is project member: This person is a project member | x |
isStakeholder | bool | Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder | x |
updatedByWorkflow | listAny | Updated by flow: Updated by flow | x |
whenUpdatedByWorkflow | datetime | When updated by flow: When updated by flow | x |
createdByForm | listAny | Created by form: Created by form | x |
includePersonRestriction | string | Include main contact: Specifies which contacts should be included in the result ('none', 'main', 'all') | |
includePersonWithNoDMRestriction | bool | Include contacts with No Mailings: Should contacts with the 'No Mailings' flag set be included | |
personDirectPhone/formattedNumber | string | Direct - Phone: Displays phone number | |
personDirectPhone/description | string | Direct - Description: Phone number description | x |
personMobilePhone/formattedNumber | string | Mobile - Phone: Displays phone number | |
personMobilePhone/description | string | Mobile - Description: Phone number description | x |
personPrivate/formattedNumber | string | Private - Phone: Displays phone number | |
personPrivate/description | string | Private - Description: Phone number description | x |
personPager/formattedNumber | string | Other - Phone: Displays phone number | |
personPager/description | string | Other - Description: Phone number description | x |
personDirectFax/formattedNumber | string | Fax - Phone: Displays phone number | |
personDirectFax/description | string | Fax - Description: Phone number description | x |
personInfo/textId | int | Text ID | x |
personInfo/infoText | positiveString | Information: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
personEmail/emailProtocol | string | Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP | x |
personEmail/emailAddress | string | x | |
personEmail/emailDescription | string | Description | x |
personEmail/emailId | int | ID | x |
personEmail/emailLastSent | datetime | Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address | x |
personEmail/emailBounceCount | int | Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address | x |
personEmail/emailLastBounce | datetime | Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address | x |
personEmail/emailHasBounced | bool | Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. | x |
personUrl/URLAddress | string | URL | x |
personUrl/URLDescription | string | Description | x |
personAddress/addressId | int | Contact address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record | x |
personAddress/line1 | string | Contact address - Address 1: First line of the address | x |
personAddress/line2 | string | Contact address - Address 2: Second line of the address | x |
personAddress/line3 | string | Contact address - Address 3: Third line of the address | x |
personAddress/county | string | Contact address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
personAddress/city | string | Contact address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. | x |
personAddress/zip | string | Contact address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. | x |
personAddress/state | string | Contact address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. | x |
personAddress/wgs84latitude | decimal | Contact address - Latitude: Latitude | x |
personAddress/wgs84longitude | decimal | Contact address - Longitude: Longitude | x |
personAddress/formattedAddress | None | Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
personAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress | None | Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress} | |
personInterestIds | listInterest | Contact interest: This criterion corresponds to a contact's interests. It is available via the Contact dialog's Interests tab. | |
personUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | contactshorttext: tooltipshorttext | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | contactlongtext: tooltiplongtext | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
personUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | contactnumber | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | contactdate | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | contactunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | contactcheckbox | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | contactdropdownlistbox | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | contactdecimal | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:9 | string | page1saleonly | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:10 | string | page1marketingonly | x |
personUdef/SuperOffice:11 | string | page1adminonly | x |
personExtra/x_person_integer | int | Extra Integer: Custom person integer | x |
personExtra/x_person_float | decimal | Extra float: Custom float field | x |
personExtra/x_person_longtext | string | Extra Long Text: Custom long text field on person, keep HTML tags. Simple input, not text area. Default value = 'Hello there' | x |
personExtra/x_person_date | date | Extra date: Custom date field on person. Default value = 28.03.2019 | x |
personExtra/x_person_datetime | datetime | Extra DateTime: Custom person date and time field. No default | x |
personExtra/x_person_time | None | Extra time: Custom time field on person. Current time as default | x |
personExtra/x_person_boolean | bool | Extra Boolean: Custom boolean field on person. Default checked | x |
personExtra/x_person_timespan | timeSpan | Extra timespan: Custom timespan on person. Minutes only in 15 units | x |
personExtra/x_person_shorttext | string | Extra short text: Custom short text on person. With index. Do not keep HTML tags | x |
personExtra/x_person_shorttext_list | listAny | Extra short dropdown: Custom Short text dropdown field on person: black, white, transparent | x |
personExtra/x_person_user_relation | associate | Extra user relation: Custom person-user relation field | x |
personExtra/x_person_category_relation | listAny | Extra category relation: Custom person-category relation | x |
personExtra/x_person_priority_relation | listAny | Extra priority relation: Custom person-priority relation | x |
personExtra/x_person_request_relation | stringorPK | Extra request relation: Request relation on contact | x |
personExtra/x_person_appointment_relation | stringorPK | Extra appointment relation: Appointment relation on person | x |
personExtra/x_person_contact_relation | stringorPK | Extra company relation: Company relation on contact | x |
personExtra/y_rental/id | int | Rental - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_rental) | x |
personExtra/y_rental/x_start | date | Rental - Start rental | x |
personExtra/y_rental/x_end | date | Rental - End | x |
personExtra/y_rental/x_amount | int | Rental - Amount: Number to rent. Default = 1 | x |
personExtra/y_rental/x_contact | stringorPK | Rental - Renter: Company that rents equipment | x |
personExtra/y_rental/y_equipment/x_name | string | Rental - Equipment - Name: Equpment name custom field. Cannot be null., show in table | x |
personExtra/y_car/id | int | Car - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_car) | x |
personSourceRelation/personId | int | Source - DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact | x |
personSourceRelation/firstName | string | Source - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
personSourceRelation/lastName | string | Source - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
personSourceRelation/middleName | string | Source - Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
personSourceRelation/fullName | stringorPK | Source - Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked | x |
personSourceRelation/contactId | int | Source - Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
personSourceRelation/hasInfoText | bool | Source - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
personSourceRelation/hasInterests | bool | Source - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personSourceRelation/personHasInterests | bool | Source - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personSourceRelation/mrMrs | string | Source - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personSourceRelation/position | listAny | Source - Position | x |
personSourceRelation/personNumber | string | Source - Number: Displays the contact's number | x |
personSourceRelation/title | string | Source - Title: Displays the contact's job title | x |
personSourceRelation/personCountry | listAny | Source - Country: Country | x |
personSourceRelation/personCountryId | int | Source - Country ID: Country ID | x |
personSourceRelation/personNoMail | bool | Source - No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox | x |
personSourceRelation/rank | int | Source - Rank: Displays a contact's current rank | x |
personSourceRelation/birthdate | None | Source - Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth | |
personSourceRelation/associateType | None | Source - User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading. | |
personSourceRelation/useAsMailingAddress | bool | Source - Use as postal address: Use as postal address | x |
personSourceRelation/personSource | listAny | Source - Source: Source (Contact) | x |
personSourceRelation/retired | bool | Source - Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company | x |
personSourceRelation/birthYear | int | Source - Birth year: Displays contact's birth year | x |
personSourceRelation/birthMonth | int | Source - Birth month: Displays contact's birth month | x |
personSourceRelation/birthDay | int | Source - Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) | x |
personSourceRelation/kanaFirstName | string | Source - First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet | x |
personSourceRelation/kanaLastName | string | Source - Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet | x |
personSourceRelation/personUpdatedBy | associate | Source - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personSourceRelation/personUpdatedByFullName | associate | Source - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personSourceRelation/personUpdatedDate | date | Source - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personSourceRelation/personRegisteredBy | associate | Source - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personSourceRelation/personRegisteredByFullName | associate | Source - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personSourceRelation/personRegisteredDate | date | Source - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
personSourceRelation/portraitThumbnail | None | Source - Person image: Person image | |
personSourceRelation/personActiveErpLinks | bool | Source - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
personSourceRelation/ticketPriority | listAny | Source - Service priority: Default service priority for this contact | x |
personSourceRelation/supportLanguage | listAny | Source - Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more | x |
personSourceRelation/supportAssociate | associate | Source - Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personSourceRelation/supportAssociateFullName | associate | Source - Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personSourceRelation/personAssociateId | associate | Source - Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
personSourceRelation/personAssociateFullName | associate | Source - Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact | x |
personSourceRelation/personCategory | listAny | Source - Category | x |
personSourceRelation/personBusiness | listAny | Source - Business | x |
personSourceRelation/personDeletedDate | datetime | Source - Deleted date: Deleted date | |
personSourceRelation/hasCompany | bool | Source - Has company: The contact is associated with a company | x |
personSourceRelation/isProjectMember | bool | Source - Is project member: This person is a project member | x |
personSourceRelation/isStakeholder | bool | Source - Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder | x |
personSourceRelation/updatedByWorkflow | listAny | Source - Updated by flow: Updated by flow | x |
personSourceRelation/whenUpdatedByWorkflow | datetime | Source - When updated by flow: When updated by flow | x |
personSourceRelation/createdByForm | listAny | Source - Created by form: Created by form | x |
personSourceRelation/restrictionContactId | int | Source - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
personSourceRelation/restrictionPersonId | int | Source - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
personSourceRelation/who | None | Source - Full name: Full name of company/contact | x |
personSourceRelation/personPersonRelation | listAny | Source - Contact-to-contact relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
personTargetRelation/personId | int | Target - DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact | x |
personTargetRelation/firstName | string | Target - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
personTargetRelation/lastName | string | Target - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
personTargetRelation/middleName | string | Target - Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
personTargetRelation/fullName | stringorPK | Target - Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked | x |
personTargetRelation/contactId | int | Target - Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
personTargetRelation/hasInfoText | bool | Target - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact | x |
personTargetRelation/hasInterests | bool | Target - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personTargetRelation/personHasInterests | bool | Target - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests | x |
personTargetRelation/mrMrs | string | Target - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personTargetRelation/position | listAny | Target - Position | x |
personTargetRelation/personNumber | string | Target - Number: Displays the contact's number | x |
personTargetRelation/title | string | Target - Title: Displays the contact's job title | x |
personTargetRelation/personCountry | listAny | Target - Country: Country | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
personTargetRelation/personCountryId | int | Target - Country ID: Country ID | x |
personTargetRelation/personNoMail | bool | Target - No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox | x |
personTargetRelation/rank | int | Target - Rank: Displays a contact's current rank | x |
personTargetRelation/birthdate | None | Target - Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth | |
personTargetRelation/associateType | None | Target - User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading. | |
personTargetRelation/useAsMailingAddress | bool | Target - Use as postal address: Use as postal address | x |
personTargetRelation/personSource | listAny | Target - Source: Source (Contact) | x |
personTargetRelation/retired | bool | Target - Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company | x |
personTargetRelation/birthYear | int | Target - Birth year: Displays contact's birth year | x |
personTargetRelation/birthMonth | int | Target - Birth month: Displays contact's birth month | x |
personTargetRelation/birthDay | int | Target - Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) | x |
personTargetRelation/kanaFirstName | string | Target - First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet | x |
personTargetRelation/kanaLastName | string | Target - Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet | x |
personTargetRelation/personUpdatedBy | associate | Target - Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personTargetRelation/personUpdatedByFullName | associate | Target - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personTargetRelation/personUpdatedDate | date | Target - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personTargetRelation/personRegisteredBy | associate | Target - Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personTargetRelation/personRegisteredByFullName | associate | Target - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personTargetRelation/personRegisteredDate | date | Target - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
personTargetRelation/portraitThumbnail | None | Target - Person image: Person image | |
personTargetRelation/personActiveErpLinks | bool | Target - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
personTargetRelation/ticketPriority | listAny | Target - Service priority: Default service priority for this contact | x |
personTargetRelation/supportLanguage | listAny | Target - Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more | x |
personTargetRelation/supportAssociate | associate | Target - Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personTargetRelation/supportAssociateFullName | associate | Target - Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact | x |
personTargetRelation/personAssociateId | associate | Target - Our contact: Displays our contact | x |
personTargetRelation/personAssociateFullName | associate | Target - Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact | x |
personTargetRelation/personCategory | listAny | Target - Category | x |
personTargetRelation/personBusiness | listAny | Target - Business | x |
personTargetRelation/personDeletedDate | datetime | Target - Deleted date: Deleted date | |
personTargetRelation/hasCompany | bool | Target - Has company: The contact is associated with a company | x |
personTargetRelation/isProjectMember | bool | Target - Is project member: This person is a project member | x |
personTargetRelation/isStakeholder | bool | Target - Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder | x |
personTargetRelation/updatedByWorkflow | listAny | Target - Updated by flow: Updated by flow | x |
personTargetRelation/whenUpdatedByWorkflow | datetime | Target - When updated by flow: When updated by flow | x |
personTargetRelation/createdByForm | listAny | Target - Created by form: Created by form | x |
personTargetRelation/restrictionContactId | int | Target - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
personTargetRelation/restrictionPersonId | int | Target - Company ID: Database ID of company to fetch relations for | |
personTargetRelation/who | None | Target - Full name: Full name of company/contact | x |
personTargetRelation/personPersonRelation | listAny | Target - Contact-to-contact relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
personSourceRelation/personContactRelation | listAny | Source - Contact-to-company relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
personTargetRelation/contactPersonRelation | listAny | Target - Company-to-contact relation: Name of relation, not taking into account the relation direction | x |
personAssociate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
personAssociate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
personAssociate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
personAssociate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
personAssociate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
personAssociate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
personAssociate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personAssociate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personAssociate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
personAssociate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
personAssociate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
personAssociate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
personAssociate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
personAssociate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
personAssociate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
personAssociate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
personAssociate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
personAssociate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
personAssociate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
personAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
personAssociate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
personAssociate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
personAssociate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
personAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
personAssociate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
personAssociate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
personAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
personAssociate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
personAssociate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
personAssociate/personEmail | string | x | |
personAssociate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
personAssociate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
correspondingAssociate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
correspondingAssociate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
correspondingAssociate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
correspondingAssociate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
correspondingAssociate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
correspondingAssociate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
correspondingAssociate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
correspondingAssociate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
correspondingAssociate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
correspondingAssociate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
correspondingAssociate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
correspondingAssociate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
correspondingAssociate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
correspondingAssociate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
correspondingAssociate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
correspondingAssociate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
correspondingAssociate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
correspondingAssociate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
correspondingAssociate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
correspondingAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
correspondingAssociate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
correspondingAssociate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
correspondingAssociate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
correspondingAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
correspondingAssociate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
correspondingAssociate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
correspondingAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
correspondingAssociate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
correspondingAssociate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
correspondingAssociate/personEmail | string | x | |
correspondingAssociate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
correspondingAssociate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
isMailingRecipient | bool | Is mailing recipient: isMailingRecipient | x |
hasStoreConsent | bool | Consent - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. | |
withdrawnStoreConsent | bool | Consent is withdrawn - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. | |
hasEmarketingConsent | bool | Consent - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. | |
withdrawnEmarketingConsent | bool | Consent is withdrawn - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. | |
subscription | listAny | Subscription: Subscription for marketing | x |
legalBaseStore | listAny | Legal basis - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. | x |
legalBaseEmarketing | listAny | Legal basis - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. | x |
consentSourceStore | listAny | Source - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. | x |
consentSourceEmarketing | listAny | Source - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. | x |
request/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
request/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
request/saleId | int | Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
request/projectId | int | Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
request/ticketTypeName | listAny | Request type: Request type | x |
request/ticketStatusName | listAny | Status: Request status | x |
request/categoryFullName | ejCategory | Category: Request category | x |
request/priorityName | listAny | Priority: Service priority | x |
request/ticketId | int | ID: Displays request ID | x |
request/title | string | Title: Displays the request title | x |
request/createdAt | datetime | Created: Displays when the request was created | x |
request/lastChanged | datetime | Last changed: Displays when the request was last changed | x |
request/author | string | Author: Displays the author of the request | x |
request/readByOwner | datetime | Read by owner: Displays when the request was read by the owner | x |
request/firstReadByOwner | datetime | First read by owner: Displays when the request was read by owner for the first time | x |
request/firstReadByUser | datetime | First read by user: Displays when the request was read by user for the first time | x |
request/readByCustomer | datetime | Read by contact: Displays when the request was read by the contact | x |
request/status | listAny | Internal status: Shows only system defined statuses for a request | x |
request/origin | listAny | Origin: Origin | x |
request/slevel | listAny | Access level: Access level | x |
request/numberOfMessages | int | Number of messages: Number of messages | x |
request/numberOfReplies | int | Number of replies: Number of replies | x |
request/connectId | int | Merged with request: Merged with request | x |
request/readStatus | listAny | Read: Read | x |
request/realTimeSpentQueue | timeSpan | Real time in queue: Real time in queue | x |
request/realTimeSpentExternally | timeSpan | Real time externally: Real time externally | x |
request/realTimeSpentInternally | timeSpan | Real time internally: Real time internally | x |
request/timeSpentQueue | timeSpan | Time spent in queue: Time spent in queue | x |
request/timeSpentExternally | timeSpan | Time spent externally: Time spent externally | x |
request/timeSpentInternally | timeSpan | Time spent internally: Time spent internally | x |
request/timeSpent | timeSpan | Time spent: Time spent | x |
request/timeToReply | timeSpan | Time to reply: Time to reply | x |
request/timeToClose | timeSpan | Time to close: Time to close | x |
request/realTimeToReply | timeSpan | Real time to reply: Real time to reply | x |
request/realTimeToClose | timeSpan | Real time to close: Real time to close | x |
request/repliedAt | datetime | Replied at: Replied at | x |
request/closedAt | datetime | Closed at: Closed at | x |
request/activated | datetime | Postponed to: Postponed to | x |
request/deadline | datetime | Deadline: Deadline | x |
request/has_attachment | bool | Has attachment: Indicates whether the e-mail has one or more attachments | x |
request/tags | intArray | Tags: Tags connected to a request | x |
request/ownedBy | ejUser | Owner: The owner of the request | x |
request/createdBy | ejUser | Created by: Created by | x |
request/content | string | Content: Search for content in messages related to requests | x |
request/messageLanguage | listAny | Language: Recognized language in messages | |
request/sentimentScore | listAny | Sentiment: Sentiment score, -100 to +100 | |
request/suggestedCategory | listAny | Suggested category: Suggested service category | |
request/createdByWorkflow | listAny | Created by flow: Created by flow | x |
request/createdBy/firstName | string | Created by - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
request/createdBy/lastName | string | Created by - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
request/createdBy/middleName | string | Created by - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
request/createdBy/fullName | string | Created by - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
request/createdBy/contactId | int | Created by - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
request/createdBy/personId | int | Created by - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
request/createdBy/mrMrs | string | Created by - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
request/createdBy/title | string | Created by - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
request/createdBy/associateDbId | associate | Created by - ID | x |
request/createdBy/contactName | string | Created by - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
request/createdBy/contactDepartment | string | Created by - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
request/createdBy/usergroup | userGroup | Created by - Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
request/createdBy/contactFullName | string | Created by - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
request/createdBy/contactCategory | listAny | Created by - Category: Category | x |
request/createdBy/role | listAny | Created by - Role: Role | x |
request/createdBy/assocName | associate | Created by - User ID: User ID | x |
request/createdBy/assocTooltip | string | Created by - Description: Description | |
request/createdBy/assocType | listAny | Created by - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
request/createdBy/ejUserId | int | Created by - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
request/createdBy/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Created by - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
request/createdBy/ejDisplayName | string | Created by - Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
request/createdBy/ejStatus | int | Created by - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
request/createdBy/credentialType | None | Created by - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
request/createdBy/credentialDisplayValue | None | Created by - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
request/createdBy/isActive | bool | Created by - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
request/createdBy/isActiveText | bool | Created by - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
request/createdBy/portraitThumbnail | None | Created by - Person image: Person image | |
request/createdBy/otherGroups | userGroup | Created by - Other groups: Other groups | |
request/createdBy/userName | string | Created by - User name: User name | x |
request/createdBy/personEmail | string | Created by - E-mail | x |
request/createdBy/locationAddress | string | Created by - Location: Location | x |
request/createdBy/isLocation | bool | Created by - Is a location: Is a location | x |
request/ownedBy/firstName | string | Owner - First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
request/ownedBy/lastName | string | Owner - Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
request/ownedBy/middleName | string | Owner - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
request/ownedBy/fullName | string | Owner - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
request/ownedBy/contactId | int | Owner - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
request/ownedBy/personId | int | Owner - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
request/ownedBy/mrMrs | string | Owner - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
request/ownedBy/title | string | Owner - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
request/ownedBy/associateDbId | associate | Owner - ID | x |
request/ownedBy/contactName | string | Owner - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
request/ownedBy/contactDepartment | string | Owner - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
request/ownedBy/usergroup | userGroup | Owner - Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
request/ownedBy/contactFullName | string | Owner - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
request/ownedBy/contactCategory | listAny | Owner - Category: Category | x |
request/ownedBy/role | listAny | Owner - Role: Role | x |
request/ownedBy/assocName | associate | Owner - User ID: User ID | x |
request/ownedBy/assocTooltip | string | Owner - Description: Description | |
request/ownedBy/assocType | listAny | Owner - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
request/ownedBy/ejUserId | int | Owner - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
request/ownedBy/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Owner - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
request/ownedBy/ejDisplayName | string | Owner - Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
request/ownedBy/ejStatus | int | Owner - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
request/ownedBy/credentialType | None | Owner - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
request/ownedBy/credentialDisplayValue | None | Owner - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
request/ownedBy/isActive | bool | Owner - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
request/ownedBy/isActiveText | bool | Owner - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
request/ownedBy/portraitThumbnail | None | Owner - Person image: Person image | |
request/ownedBy/otherGroups | userGroup | Owner - Other groups: Other groups | |
request/ownedBy/userName | string | Owner - User name: User name | x |
request/ownedBy/personEmail | string | Owner - E-mail | x |
request/ownedBy/locationAddress | string | Owner - Location: Location | x |
request/ownedBy/isLocation | bool | Owner - Is a location: Is a location | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_integer | int | Extra integer: Custom ticket integer. Default 123. External. Show in properties | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_float | decimal | Extra float: Custom float on Request. 2 decimal places | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_longtext | string | Extra long text: Custom long text on Request. Keep HTML tags. 9 line text area. Show in props | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_date | date | Extra date: Custom date field on Request. No default value | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_datetime | datetime | Extra DateTime: Custom date+time on ticket. Default = 28.03.2019 2:24 pm. External. Show in properties. Display for new request | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_time | None | Extra time: Custom time field on Request. Default = 13min Display for new. | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_boolean | bool | Extra boolean: Custom boolean on Ticket. | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_timespan | timeSpan | Extra timespan: Custom timespan field on Request. Default = 1 hr 25 minutes. Show in props | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_short_text | string | Extra short text: Custom short text field on Request. Do not keep HTML tags. Display on new request | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_shorttext_list | listAny | Extra Dropdown: Custom short text with list for Request Pink, Orange, Yellow, Polkadot | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_project_relation | stringorPK | Extra project: Custom project relation on Request | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_faq | stringorPK | Extra FAQ Relation | x |
request/extra/x_ticket_category_relation | listAny | Extra category relation: Category relation on request | x |
request/extra/y_equipment/x_name | string | Equipment - Name: Equpment name custom field. Cannot be null., show in table | x |
request/extra/y_car/id | int | Car - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_car) | x |
projectMembers/completed | bool | Completed: Displays a check mark indicating if the project has been completed. | x |
projectMembers/projectId | int | DB ID: Displays the database ID for a project row | x |
projectMembers/name | stringorPK | Project name: Displays the Project's name | x |
projectMembers/number | string | Number: Displays the project's number | x |
projectMembers/type | listAny | Project type: Displays the project's type | x |
projectMembers/status | listAny | Status: Displays the project's status | x |
projectMembers/statusRank | None | Status rank: Rank of the project status in the status list | x |
projectMembers/associateId | associate | ID: Displays login ID of the associate who owns the project | x |
projectMembers/hasInfoText | bool | Info: Displays an icon indicating if the project has a description text. The text itself will be displayed in a tooltip. | x |
projectMembers/icon | None | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
projectMembers/text | string | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
projectMembers/description | string | Description : Description | x |
projectMembers/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
projectMembers/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
projectMembers/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
projectMembers/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
projectMembers/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
projectMembers/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
projectMembers/hasGuide | bool | Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide | x |
projectMembers/nextMilestone | date | Next milestone: Date of next non-completed activity that is marked as a milestone | x |
projectMembers/endDate | date | End date: End date of project | x |
projectMembers/imageThumbnail | None | Thumbnail: Scaled-down image of project image | |
projectMembers/activeErpLinks | bool | ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? | x |
projectMembers/function | listAny | Function: Displays the project member's function in the project | x |
projectMembers/projectPublish/isPublished | bool | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | x |
projectMembers/projectPublish/publishedFrom | date | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | x |
projectMembers/projectPublish/publishedTo | date | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | x |
projectMembers/projectPublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
projectMembers/projectEvent/isExternalEvent | bool | Event: Is this an external event | x |
projectMembers/projectEvent/eventDate | date | Event date: Event date | x |
projectMembers/projectEvent/hasSignOn | bool | Sign On: Does this event have the Sign On function enabled | x |
projectMembers/projectEvent/hasSignOff | bool | Sign Off: Does this event have the Sign Off function enabled | x |
projectMembers/projectUrl/URLAddress | string | URL | x |
projectMembers/projectUrl/URLDescription | string | Description | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/personEmail | string | x | |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
projectMembers/projectAssociate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | projectshorttext | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | projectlongtext | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | projectnumber | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | projectdate | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | projectunlimiteddate | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | projectcheckbox | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | projectdropdownlistbox | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | projectdecimal | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:9 | int | page1saleandmarketing | x |
projectMembers/projectUdef/SuperOffice:10 | int | page1saleandadmin | x |
projectMembers/NumberOfActivities | int | Number of activities | |
projectMembers/NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod | int | Number of activities in last 90 days | |
projectMembers/NumberOfNotCompletedActivities | int | Number of non-completed activities | |
projectMembers/NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod | int | Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days | |
projectMembers/LastActivity | date | Date of last activity | |
projectMembers/LastCompletedActivity | date | Date of last completed activity | |
projectMembers/LastDoByActivity | date | Date of last non-completed activity | |
projectMembers/NumberOfSales | int | Number of sales | |
projectMembers/NumberOfSalesInPeriod | int | Number of sales in last 90 days | |
projectMembers/NumberOfNotCompletedSales | int | Number of non-completed sales | |
projectMembers/NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod | int | Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days | |
projectMembers/LastSale | date | Date of last sale | |
projectMembers/LastCompletedSale | date | Date of last completed sale | |
projectMembers/LastDoBySale | date | Date of last non-completed sale | |
projectMembers/SaintStatus3 | saintStatus | Not completed activites with intention sale: Number of not completed activities for intention sale > 0. | |
projectMembers/saintSaleStatus | listAny | With status | |
projectMembers/saintAmountClass | listAny | Amount class | |
projectMembers/saintActivityType | listAny | SAINT type | |
projectMembers/saintDirection | listAny | Direction | |
projectMembers/saintIntention | listAny | Intention | |
projectMembers/saintTicketStatus | listAny | Status | |
projectMembers/saintTicketCategory | listAny | Category | |
projectMembers/project/textId | int | Text ID | x |
projectMembers/project/infoText | positiveString | Information: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
personAppointment/completed | bool | Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed | x |
personAppointment/icon | listAny | Category: Displays the icon for an activity type | x |
personAppointment/date | date | Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale | x |
personAppointment/time | None | Time: Time | |
personAppointment/type | listAny | Type: Displays the type of an activity | x |
personAppointment/recordType | string | Record type : Shows the record type | x |
personAppointment/text | positiveString | Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item | x |
personAppointment/associateId | associate | ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. | x |
personAppointment/contactId | listAny | Company ID: Database ID of company | x |
personAppointment/personId | listAny | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | x |
personAppointment/projectId | listAny | Project ID: Database ID of project record | x |
personAppointment/saleId | int | Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record | x |
personAppointment/userGroup | userGroup | User group : The user group that owns the record | x |
personAppointment/who | None | Who: Contact and/or company | |
personAppointment/updatedBy | associate | Updated by: The user who last updated the data | x |
personAppointment/updatedByFullName | associate | Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data | x |
personAppointment/updatedDate | date | Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. | x |
personAppointment/registeredBy | associate | Registered by: The user who registered the data | x |
personAppointment/registeredByFullName | associate | Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data | x |
personAppointment/registeredDate | date | Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. | x |
personAppointment/appointmentId | int | DB ID: Displays the database ID of a row | x |
personAppointment/endDate | date | End date: Displays the deadline for a follow-up/sale | x |
personAppointment/priority | listAny | Priority: Displays the priority of the activity | x |
personAppointment/alarm | bool | Has alarm: Displays the alarm state of a follow-up | x |
personAppointment/recurring | bool | Repeating: Displays an icon indicating if the follow-up is part of a repeating follow-up | x |
personAppointment/booking | bool | Invitation: Displays an icon if the follow-up is an invitation. All invitations will be displayed in a tooltip. | x |
personAppointment/intention | listAny | Intention: Displays the intention of the follow-up type | x |
personAppointment/location | string | Location: Display the location where the follow-up will take place. | x |
personAppointment/recurrenceRuleId | int | RR-ID: Repetition rule ID of follow-up | x |
personAppointment/rawType | int | Type: Type field for appointment, not decoded or formatted | x |
personAppointment/rawStatus | int | Status: Status field for the follow-up, not decoded or formatted | x |
personAppointment/cautionWarning | listAny | Warning: Warning for invitations with potential problems: not properly synchronized with an external calendar, unsupported repetition pattern, e-mail notification failed, or other problems. | x |
personAppointment/visibleInDiary | bool | ExcludeBook: Is the activity visible in the diary? | x |
personAppointment/endTime | None | End time: End time of an activity | |
personAppointment/suggestedAppointmentId | int | Follow-up ID (suggestion: The database ID of a follow-up that originates in a suggestion | x |
personAppointment/completedDate | date | Completed date: Displays the actual date a follow-up/sale was marked as completed | x |
personAppointment/isMilestone | bool | Milestone: Shows whether or not the follow-ups in this row are milestones | x |
personAppointment/invitedPersonId | int | ID of invited person: appointment.invitedpersonid record - utility for rd | x |
personAppointment/recordTypeText | listAny | Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) | x |
personAppointment/joinVideomeetUrl | None | Video meeting URL: URL for joining the video meeting | x |
personAppointment/duration | timeSpan | Duration: The duration of the chat session | |
personAppointment/createdByWorkflow | listAny | Created by flow: Created by flow | x |
personAppointment/visibleFor | listAny | Visible for | |
personAppointment/appointmentPublish/isPublished | bool | Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published | x |
personAppointment/appointmentPublish/publishedFrom | date | From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date | x |
personAppointment/appointmentPublish/publishedTo | date | To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date | x |
personAppointment/appointmentPublish/publishedBy | None | Published by: Published by | |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:1 | string | followupshorttext | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:2 | string | followuplongtext | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:3 | int | followupnumber | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:4 | date | followupdate | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:5 | unlimitedDate | followupunlimiteddate | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:6 | bool | followupcheckbox | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:7 | listAny | followupdropdownlistbox | x |
personAppointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:8 | decimal | followupdecimal | x |
personAppointment/associate/firstName | string | First name: Displays the contact's first name | x |
personAppointment/associate/lastName | string | Last name: Displays the contact's last name | x |
Supported Columns (cont.)
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
personAppointment/associate/middleName | string | Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. | x |
personAppointment/associate/fullName | string | Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) | x |
personAppointment/associate/contactId | int | Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to | |
personAppointment/associate/personId | int | Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row | |
personAppointment/associate/mrMrs | string | Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personAppointment/associate/title | string | Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms | x |
personAppointment/associate/associateDbId | associate | ID | x |
personAppointment/associate/contactName | string | Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to | x |
personAppointment/associate/contactDepartment | string | Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to | x |
personAppointment/associate/usergroup | userGroup | Primary group: The user's primary user group | x |
personAppointment/associate/contactFullName | string | Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to | x |
personAppointment/associate/contactCategory | listAny | Category: Category | x |
personAppointment/associate/role | listAny | Role : Role | x |
personAppointment/associate/assocName | associate | User ID : User ID | x |
personAppointment/associate/assocTooltip | string | Description : Description | |
personAppointment/associate/assocType | listAny | Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account | x |
personAppointment/associate/ejUserId | int | Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user | |
personAppointment/associate/simultaneousEjUser | bool | Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded | |
personAppointment/associate/ejDisplayName | string | Nick name: User's nick name in Service | x |
personAppointment/associate/ejStatus | int | Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only | |
personAppointment/associate/credentialType | None | Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in | x |
personAppointment/associate/credentialDisplayValue | None | Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in | x |
personAppointment/associate/isActive | bool | Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
personAppointment/associate/isActiveText | bool | Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? | x |
personAppointment/associate/portraitThumbnail | None | Person image: Person image | |
personAppointment/associate/otherGroups | userGroup | Other groups: Other groups | |
personAppointment/associate/userName | string | User name: User name | x |
personAppointment/associate/personEmail | string | x | |
personAppointment/associate/locationAddress | string | Location: Location | x |
personAppointment/associate/isLocation | bool | Is a location: Is a location | x |
personAppointment/appointment/description | positiveString | Text: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
personAppointment/appointment/title | positiveString | Title | x |
personAppointment/appointment/titleHtml | None | !!Title Html | x |
personAppointment/appointment/agenda | positiveString | Agenda | x |
personAppointment/appointment/agendaHtml | None | !!Agenda Html | x |
personAppointment/appointment/isConverted | None | !!Is Converted | |
personAppointment/appointment/textId | int | Text ID | x |
personAppointment/appointment/internalNotes | positiveString | Internal notes: Displays the text entered in the description field | x |
personAppointment/appointment/internalNotesHtml | positiveString | !!Internal Notes Html | x |
GET /api/v1/archive/SelectionStaticContactAddMembers?$select=associateId,registeredDate,includeContactWithNoDMRestriction,contactExtra/x_contact_float,appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedTo
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: