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This provider name is implemented by the class
Universal shadow selection dispatcher: Retrieve the contactId and/or personId of all contact/person shadow members of any selection
This class abstracts the differences between the various selection kinds (contact, sale, ...) with regard to contact and person id. You can give any selectionId to this provider, and it will reply with a list of contact and person ids; either pulled from the actual selection (if it's a contact selection) or its shadow.
Only the two ID columns are available. The row type is fixed (contact or person), and the column names are also fixed.
Supported Entities
Name | Description |
"contact" | [Contact] |
"person" | [Person] |
Supported Columns
Name | Restriction | Description | OrderBy |
contactId | None | Contact ID: Contact (company) ID | |
personId | None | Person ID: Person ID | |
selectionId | int | Selection ID: Selection ID |
GET /api/v1/archive/ShadowSelection?$select=personId
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv
See also: