Working with Delete
Version: 9.2 R04
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Used to remove multiple records from a table, delete requires a table name and an array of primary key values. To avoid any unnecessary database server side-effects (long locks), NetServer internally processes the array of primary keys in batches of 1000.
Rules that govern soft-delete entities are still respected. This means delete doesn't physically remove the database record, but instead updates the SoftDeletedDate column.
The specified rows are deleted in an efficient way yet the time taken is proportional to the number of rows deleted.
Delete(string tableName, int[] primaryKeys)
Mass operations do not work on these protected-tables.
using SuperOffice.WebApi;
using SuperOffice.WebApi.Data;
using SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents;
// set up the DatabaseTable agent
WebApiOptions options = //Get WebApiOptions with SystemUser Authorization
var dbTableAgent = new SuperOffice.WebApi.Agents.DatabaseTableAgent(options);
// set the table name and primary key parameters
string tableName = "y_myExtraTableName";
int[] primaryKeys = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };
// perform the delete operation
var massOperationResult = await dbTableAgent.DeleteAsync(tableName, primaryKeys);
// check the result status and print out the number of changes.
Console.WriteLine($"Deleted {massOperationResult.Deletes} records from {tableName}.");