The associate cache provides the same list as the associate list, but the associate cache is pulled from the cache as opposed to the associate list which is pulled from the database.
The associate cache is a very good resource to use if your application is a performance-critical application since pulling data from the cache is much faster than pulling data from the database.
Get the associate list
First, let’s look at how we can retrieve the associate list from the cache.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Cache;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession session = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
AssociateCache assoCache = AssociateCache.GetCurrent();
When you get the associate cache through the GetCurrent
method of the AssociateCache
class, it will return an object of type AssociateCache
populated with current associates that are listed in the SuperOffice database. The returned list of associates will be categorized:
- Associate Names – the list of names of the current associates.
- Associate Persons – the list of persons that are associates.
- Associates – the list of associates with all their information.
The returned object type AssociateCache
implements many methods that you can use in manipulating the returned list of associates. Some of the important methods are:
- GetAssociate
- GetAssociateContact
- GetAssociateFirstName
- GetAssociateFullName
- GetAssociatePersonId
- IsAssociateRetired
- IsPersonAssociate
- ValidateAndTestAssociate
There are more, but we'll not cover all here.
The example below shows how some of these methods can be used.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Cache;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
using(SuperOffice.SoSession session =
SuperOffice.SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
AssociateCache assoCache = AssociateCache.GetCurrent();
//Get the full details of the associate ID 4 as an AssociateRow object
AssociateRow assoRow = assoCache.GetAssociate(4);
//Get the full details of the contact of associate ID 4 as a ContactRow object
ContactRow assoContact = assoCache.GetAssociateContact(4);
//Get the first name of the associate ID 4 as a string
string assoFirstName = assoCache.GetAssociateFirstName(4);
//Get the full name of the associate ID 4 as a string
string assoFullName = assoCache.GetAssociateFullName(4);
//Get the person ID of the associate ID 4 as an int
int assoPersonID = assoCache.GetAssociatePersonId(4);
//Check if the associate ID 4 is retired.
//Returns true if the associate is retired; otherwise, false
bool isRetired = assoCache.IsAssociateRetired(4);
//Check the person ID 5 to see if the person is an associate
//Returns true if the person is an associate; otherwise, false
bool isAssociate = assoCache.IsPersonAssociate(5);
//Check if the associate ID 4 actually exists
//Returns true if the associate exists; otherwise, false
bool isAssoExists = assoCache.ValidateAndTestAssociate(4);
Using methods like above you can get some very vital information of the associates that are listed in the SuperOffice database from the cache without going to the database.