The namespace SuperOffice.CRM.Security
exposes the following classes, which can be used in caching related to NetServer security issues and data.
DataRightsCache holds different data rights on different tables used by the user.
FunctionRightsCache stores information about summary of the Function rights that the user possesses.
OwnerContactCache consists of information about the owner of the contact. The cache holds information on Contacts who may own Associates.
RefCountsPermissionCache holds information on all tables that generate numbers such as company number, project number, and contact number. It is a numbered allocation system.
SentryPreferanceCache holds information about the user’s sentry preferences.
UserGroupCache holds information about the user groups (Associates).
How to use the cache
To use the cache, we would need to call the following two namespaces using the using
using SuperOffice.CRM.Cache;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Security;
In some cases, it is necessary to indicate the entire path of the cache even though we have used the using
statement to call the namespace.
For example, when using the namespace SuperOffice.CRM.Rows, it would point to an ambiguous error since ProbCache
is located in both the above namespaces.
SuperOffice.CRM.Cache.ProbCache newProCache = SuperOffice.CRM.Cache.ProbCache.GetCurrent();