Udef on contact
Some tooltip text!
• 2 minutes to read
• 2 minutes to read
The UdefHelper
uses the ProgId
field to identify a user-defined field. If UdefField.ProgId
is blank, then the UdefField.Identity
field is used, along with a prefix ("SuperOffice:").
The progid and the identity are both constant over the lifetime of a user-defined field, even field-name or type changes.
The identity is generated automatically by the system, while the progid is a string field that is usually blank.
The progid is for third-parties to set to recognizable values.
This example assumes udef fields have been created and published on the contact already, but that no progid values have been set.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Entities;
using (SoSession session = SoSession.Authenticate("Tje0", "Tje0"))
Contact contact = Contact.GetFromIdxContactId(3);
List<string> myStrings = new List<string>(contact.UdefHelper.ProgIds.Count);
foreach( string progId in contact.UdefHelper.ProgIds )
myStrings.Add( contact.UdefHelper.ConvertSpecificTypeToString( progId, contact.UdefHelper[progId] ) );
myStrings.ForEach( delegate(string item) { Console.WriteLine( item);} );
string originalString = (string)contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:1"];
string testString = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Substring(0, 6);
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:1"] = testString;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:2"] = "long text";
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:3"] = 1234;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:3"] = "1234"; // also legal!!
DateTime testDate = new DateTime( 1981, 11, 25 );
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:4"] = testDate;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:4"] = (int)(((TimeSpan)(testDate - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds);
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:4"] = testDate.ToString(System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
testDate = new DateTime( 1964, 10, 30 );
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:5"] = testDate;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:5"] = testDate.ToString(System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:6"] = true;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:6"] = 1;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:6"] = true.ToString();
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:7"] = 1;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:7"] = "2";
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:8"] = 1.234;
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:8"] = "2.345";
//Load the contact again
contact = Contact.GetFromIdxContactId(3);
string s = (string)contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:1"];
//reset string
contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:1"] = originalString;
contact = Contact.GetFromIdxContactId(3);
s = (string)contact.UdefHelper["SuperOffice:1"];
Assert.AreEqual(s, originalString, "Udef field was not saved correctly back to the original string");