How to use the UDFHelper class
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This code demonstrates how to use the UDFHelper class to retrieve the value of all user-defined fields.
// An information query to get the value of contact ID 3 UDF, ContactInterestsUDField.
// ContactInterestsUDField is a UDF of type drop-down list and source is a builtin list: Contact interest
info = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Contact, 3, "ContactInterestsUDField", UDFHelper.ListItemSource.ContactInterest);
// A search query to get all project ids where UDF Hoved is not null.
int[] hoveds = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Project, "Hoved", Type.Missing, UDFHelper.Operation.IsNotNull);
// An information query to get the Hoved UDF value of project id 2.
info = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Project, 2, "Hoved"); Console.WriteLine(info.ToString());
// Here, UDFHelper is used to get all persons where the UDF 'Year employeed:' is Greater Than 2000
int[] peopleIds = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Person, "Year employeed:", 2000, UDFHelper.Operation.GreaterThan);
PersonRow[] perRows = new PersonRow[peopleIds.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < peopleIds.Length; i++)
perRows[i] = new PersonRow.IdxPersonId(peopleIds[i]);
// An information queries for a contact with ID 1197 to get membership type
// from the Membership UDF, which is a UDF of a user-defined list type.
info = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Contact, 1197, "Membership", UDFHelper.ListItemSource.UserDefined);
// For HIGH PERFORMANCE lookups, prefetch the FieldInfo objects
// needed to conduct many queries for the one or more UDFs.
UDFInfo creativeContact = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Contact, "Creative contact:");
UDFInfo photographer = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Contact, "Photographer:");
UDFInfo projCoordinator = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(EUDefType.Contact, "Project coordinator:");
// Next, get the entities you want UDF values from
ContactRows.CustomSearch contactSearch = new ContactRows.CustomSearch();
ContactRows contacts = contactSearch.ToContactRows();
// Have a place to store some data.
List myContacts = newList();
// Now Loop over all contacts returned and get UDF values
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Count; i++)
ContactFields field = new ContactFields();
//Write in general information from the ContactRow
field.Name = contacts[i].Name;
field.Identity = contacts[i].ContactId;
// IMPORTANT!!! ***************************************
// set the UDFInfo entityids so we know what contact we want UDF values from.
creativeContact.EntityId = contacts[i].ContactId;
projCoordinator.EntityId = contacts[i].ContactId;
photographer.EntityId = contacts[i].ContactId;
// GetUDFInfo takes in the struct with the FieldInfo objects
// and contact ID needed to conduct the query.
// Returned is the same struct structure, but now populated with
// the UDF values, as well as the UDF ID.
creativeContact = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(creativeContact);
photographer = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(photographer);
projCoordinator = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFInfo(projCoordinator);
//Next, simply store the values and add the container to the list
field.CreativeContact = creativeContact.ToString();
field.Photographer = photographer.ToString();
field.ProjectCoordinator = projCoordinator.ToString();
// A data query that just returns an int array (always length of 2)
// that contains the entity and ud table row identity values.
// obj[0] = UDF Table row ID,
// obj[1] = Entity Table row ID,
object obj = UDFHelper.Instance.GetUDFData(3, info.UsrDefField, info.EntityField);
// A search query to find all contacts with a StartDate between two dates.
int[] a = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Contact, "StartDate", newint[] { 1097107200, 1098144000 }, UDFHelper.Operation.Between);
int startDate = SuperOffice.Data.TimeConverter.DateTime2TimeTLocal(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5));
int endDate = SuperOffice.Data.TimeConverter.DateTime2TimeTLocal(DateTime.Now);
int[] d = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Person, "Year Employed:", newint[] { startDate, endDate }, UDFHelper.Operation.Between);
// A search query to find all people ids who began working in the years listed.
int[] c = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Person, "Year Employed:", newint[] { 2000, 2001, 2002 });
// A search query that returns all contact ids that are not a member.
// Membership is a checkbox UDF, where 1 is checked and 0 is unchecked.
int[] e = UDFHelper.Instance.UDFSearch(EUDefType.Contact, "Membership", 0);