How to set and get foreign keys
The following example shows how to set a foreign key to a Contact and how to retrieve a Contact using its foreign key.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows.Util;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
// Retrieve a ContactRow
ContactRow myContactRow = ContactRow.GetFromIdxContactId(2);
//get a foreignAppRow from the database. if the row is not found a new row is created
ForeignAppRow appRow = RowForeignKeyHelper.GetForeignAppRow("ERP");
//get a foreignDeviceRow using RowForeignKeyHelper
ForeignDeviceRow devRow = RowForeignKeyHelper.GetForeignDeviceRow(appRow.ForeignappId, "ERP", "");
//Create an instance of the RowForeignKeyHelper
RowForeignKeyHelper fkHelp = new RowForeignKeyHelper(myContactRow);
//Set a foreignkey for this contact
fkHelp.Set(devRow.ForeigndeviceId, "ERP_id", "1234");
//Save the changes
//Get ERP_id from a contact row
String ERP_id = myContactRow.ForeignKey.Get(devRow.ForeigndeviceId, "ERP_id");
//Search for a contact using the customsearch
ContactRow.CustomSearch searchContact = new ContactRow.CustomSearch();
ForeignKeyTableInfo fkInfo = TablesInfo.GetForeignKeyTableInfo();
//Set the foreignkey value as a restriction
searchContact.Restriction = fkInfo.Subkey.Equal(S.Parameter("ERP_id")).And(fkInfo.Subvalue.Equal(S.Parameter("1234"))).And(fkInfo.ForeigndeviceId.Equal(S.Parameter(3)));
ContactRow getContact = ContactRow.GetFromCustomSearch(searchContact);
//The ID should be equal to 2
int id = getContact.ContactId;
In this example, we set a foreignkey of the contact with ID 2. We have retrieved a ForignAppRow
by passing the Appname. If such a row does not exist in the foreignapp
table, a new row will be created.
After setting the application device you know the ID of the foreign device that you wish to associate your keys with. A key always associates with a foreign device; hence it is important to know the foreign device ID. You can set a foreign key to a Contact with the help of RowForeignKeyHelper
All the changes are added to the database when the RowforeignKeyHelper
is saved. You can retrieve its foreignkey value via the contact. For that, you need to know the foreign device ID and the foreignKey.
In the latter part of this example, we have retrieved a contact using custom search and the foreignkey is used as a restriction.