Retrieve a list
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• 2 minutes to read
Example 1 - print
The following example retrieves 2 typed lists and prints them using the PrintMdoProvider
method (shown at the end).
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Lists;
SoSession _session = SoSession.Authenticate( "SAL1", "" );
ISoListProvider mdoProvider = SoLists.GetCurrencyList();
PrintMdoProvider( "Currency", mdoProvider );
mdoProvider = SoLists.GetCategoryList();
PrintMdoProvider( "Category", mdoProvider );
Example 2 - search
You can specify searches and get the result back as a list, suitable for easy enumeration.
Here we search for projects beginning with S. As in the previous example, we use the PrintMdoProvider
method for output.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Lists;
SoSession _session = SoSession.Authenticate( "SAL1", "" );
ISoListProvider provider = SoLists.GetProjectList( "S" );
Assert.IsEmpty( provider.HistoryItems, "There should be no items in the history list" );
Assert.IsNotEmpty( provider.RootItems, "There should be items in the project list" );
PrintMdoProvider( "Projects beginning with S", provider );
Example 3 - archive
The archives are also available in list form.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Lists;
SoSession _session = SoSession.Authenticate( "SAL1", "" );
ArchiveRestrictionInfo contactId = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo( "contactId", "equals", "51" );
ISoListProvider provider = SoLists.GetArchiveList(
ArchiveActivityRow.ColumnIcon + "," + ArchiveActivityRow.ColumnDate + "," + ArchiveActivityRow.ColumnText,
contactId );
PrintMdoProvider( ContactActivityArchiveProvider.ProviderName, provider );
private void PrintMdoProvider( string listname, ISoListProvider mdoProvider )
Console.WriteLine( "\r\n" + listname );
foreach( ISoListItem item in mdoProvider.HistoryItems )
Console.WriteLine( "[H] {0}|{1} ({2})", item.Id, item.Name, item.IconHint );
Console.WriteLine( "---------------" );
foreach( ISoListItem item in mdoProvider.RootItems)
Console.WriteLine( "[R] {0}|{1} ({2})", item.Id, item.Name, item.IconHint );
Console.WriteLine( "---------------" );
foreach( ISoListHeading heading in mdoProvider.HeadingItems )
Console.WriteLine( "[H] {0}|{1} ({2})", heading.Heading.Id, heading.Heading.Name, heading.Heading.IconHint );
foreach( ISoListItem item in heading.Items)
Console.WriteLine( "\t[I] {0}|{1}", item.Id, item.Name );