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SELECT Count(T0.associate_id), T0.Name FROM CRM.associate T0
WHERE (T0.associate_id >= 20 AND T0.associate_id <= 30 )
GROUP BY T0.associate_id, T0.Name
SoConnection _con = null;
SoCommand _cmd = null;
_con = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
_cmd = _con.CreateCommand();
AssociateTableInfo a = TablesInfo.GetAssociateTableInfo();
Select select = S.NewSelect();
select.ReturnFields.Add( S.FieldExpression.Count( a.AssociateId ), a.Name );
select.Restriction = a.AssociateId.Between( S.Parameter( 20 ), S.Parameter( 30 ) );
select.GroupBy.Grouping.Add( a.AssociateId, a.Name );
_cmd.SqlCommand = select;
SoDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
int i = 0;
while( reader.Read() )
_con = null;
_cmd = null;
Example 2
This example uses an alias on one of the fields:
SoConnection _con = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
SoCommand _cmd = _con.CreateCommand();
AssociateTableInfo a = TablesInfo.GetAssociateTableInfo();
Select select = S.NewSelect();
a.AssociateId.Alias = S.FieldExpression.NewAlias( "Test" );
select.ReturnFields.Add( S.FieldExpression.Count( a.AssociateId ), a.Name );
select.Restriction = a.AssociateId.Between( S.Parameter( 25 ), S.Parameter( 43 ) );
select.GroupBy.Grouping.Add( a.AssociateId, a.Name );
select.OrderBy.Add( a.AssociateId );
_cmd.SqlCommand = select;
SoDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
int i = 0;
while( reader.Read() )
_con = null;
_cmd = null;
See Also: SoConnection SoCommand TablesInfo Select SoDataReader