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When retrieving data, it is necessary to group and order the data.
SELECT a.AssociateId, a.Name FROM associate a WHERE a.AssociateId > 10 AND a.AssociateId < 100
ORDER BY a.AssociateId asc
GROUP BY a.AssociateId, a.Name
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession newSession = SoSession.Authenticate ("SAL0", ""))
//Create a new connection
SoConnection _con = null;
SoCommand _cmd = null;
_con = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection ();
_cmd = _con.CreateCommand ();
_con.Open ();
AssociateTableInfo associateInfo = TablesInfo.GetAssociateTableInfo ();
//Create a Select
Select select = S.NewSelect ();
//Setting the fields need to be returned
select.ReturnFields.Add (associateInfo.AssociateId,associateInfo.Name);
//setting the restrictions.
select.Restriction = associateInfo.AssociateId.GreaterThan
(S.Parameter (10)).And (associateInfo.AssociateId.LessThan
(S.Parameter (100)));
select.OrderBy.Add (S.FieldExpression.Count (associateInfo.AssociateId), "asc");
select.GroupBy.Grouping.Add (associateInfo.AssociateId, associateInfo.Name);
_cmd.SqlCommand = select;
//Create a Reader
SoDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader ();
//Read Data
while(reader.Read ())
listBox1.Items.Add (reader [0].ToString () + " " + reader[1].ToString ());
reader.Close ();
_con.Close ();