How to use INSERT in OSQL
To insert data using OSQL, we would need to use the Insert
class located in the SuperOffice.Data
The examples demonstrate how we may insert data using the INSERT statement.
When inserting data into any table (adding a new row), all the mandatory columns in the database should be filled. Otherwise, a runtime exception will be thrown.
Example 1
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAM", "sam"))
if (mySession == null) return;
//Using the Insert Statement in to Add new Data
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
RedLetterDayTableInfo newRedLetDatTab = TablesInfoGetRedLetterDayTableInfo();
//Setting the Required Date
DateTime baseTime = new DateTime(2007, 2, 4);
//Creating an instance of the Insert class
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
//Inserting the necessary fields of the Table
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.RedletterdayId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newRedLetDatTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Reddate, S.Parameter(baseTime));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.CountryId, S.Parameter(1));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Reds, S.Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Colored, SParameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Color, S.Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Text, S.Parameter("Testers day"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.UpdatedCount, S.Parameter(0));
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//Executing the Insert Statement
myComm.SqlCommand = newInsert;
//Committing the transaction and closing the session
Setting up the connection is explained here.
Then an instance of SoCommand
and SoTransaction
is created with CreateCommand()
and BeginTransaction()
Next, is to assign the transaction to the created command instance.
Then we create aliases of the tables, which we need to update the data using the TablesInfo
factory class.
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
Instantiate class
Now, we need to create an instance of the Insert
class. This is similar to that of when creating a Select class.
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.Colored, SParameter(0));
Assign values to the fields
To insert values the FieldValuePairs property of the Insert class is used as below.
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newRedLetDatTab.UpdatedCount, S.Parameter(0));
//Begin Transaction
Begin transaction
After all the data has been inserted, the next step is to begin a transaction so that the database table will be updated without any inconsistency. For that, an instance of the SoTransaction
class is created and the transaction is started with the use of the BeginTransaction()
method found in the created instance of the SoConnection
The created SoTransaction
instance is then assigned to the Transaction
property of the created instance of the SoCommand
To execute the INSERT command, we would assign the created Update
class instance to the SQlCommand
property of the created instance of the SoCommand
. Then, we would use ExecuteNonQuary()
to execute the SQL command against the connection object.
Finally, to complete the above transaction, the Commit
method is used. It it is found in the created instance of the SoTransaction
The last statement is to close the established SoConnection
with the use of the Close
Example 2
This example shows how we may add a new contact to the contact
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
ContactTableInfo newConTab = TablesInfo.GetContactTableInfo();
//Creating an instance of the Insert class
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
//Inserting the necessary fields of the Table
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.ContactId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newConTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Name, S.Parameter("Will Hammond"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedCount,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedAssociateId, S.Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Updated, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.BusinessIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CategoryIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CountryId, S. Parameter(50));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Department, S. Parameter("Parks dept"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.OrgNr, S. Parameter("2547869"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Registered, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.RegisteredAssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//Executing the Insert Statement
myComm.SqlCommand = newInsert;
//Committing the transaction and clossing the session
To insert data, we are required to create an instance of the Insert
class and then use the fieldValuePairs
property of it. The data has been added using the Add()
method exposed in the FieldValuePairs
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
ContactTableInfo newConTab = TablesInfo.GetContactTableInfo();
//Creating an instance of the Insert class
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
//Inserting the necessary fields of the Table
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.ContactId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newConTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Name, S.Parameter("Will Hammond"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedCount,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedAssociateId, S.Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Updated, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.BusinessIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CategoryIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CountryId, S. Parameter(50));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Department, S. Parameter("Parks dept"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.OrgNr, S. Parameter("2547869"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Registered, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.RegisteredAssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//Executing the Insert Statement
myComm.SqlCommand = newInsert;
//Committing the transaction and clossing the session
Special attention should be given when inserting the contact ID. Using the Sequence
class’s GetNext
method, the next contact ID is retrieved and assigned to the ContactId
of the inserting record.
Once all the required fields are filled, add a connection to the database.
Then the created insert statement will be assigned to a created instance of the SoCommands
’s SqlCommand
With the ExecuteNonQuery
method of the SoCommand
, the insert statement will be executed and the data will be added to the tables.
using SuperOffice.CRM.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data;
using SuperOffice.Data.SQL;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Creating DataSets with the Tables of the Database
ContactTableInfo newConTab = TablesInfo.GetContactTableInfo();
//Creating an instance of the Insert class
Insert newInsert = S.NewInsert();
//Inserting the necessary fields of the Table
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.ContactId, S.Parameter(Sequence.GetNext(newConTab)));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Name, S.Parameter("Will Hammond"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedCount,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.UpdatedAssociateId, S.Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Updated, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.BusinessIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CategoryIdx,S. Parameter(0));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.CountryId, S. Parameter(50));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Department, S. Parameter("Parks dept"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.OrgNr, S. Parameter("2547869"));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.Registered, S. Parameter(DateTime.Now));
newInsert.FieldValuePairs.Add(newConTab.RegisteredAssociateId, S.Parameter(103));
//Establishing a Database Connection
SoConnection myConn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection();
//Creating and SoCommand instance and assigning the earlier created Select statement
SoCommand myComm = myConn.CreateCommand();
//Begin Transaction
SoTransaction newTrans = myConn.BeginTransaction();
myComm.Transaction = newTrans;
//Executing the Insert Statement
myComm.SqlCommand = newInsert;
//Committing the transaction and clossing the session