A pricelist is basically a collection of products. It can be valid in a time-period and outright deactivated. All prices in the product list are in a specific currency.
We have decided not to separate prices and products, which means that we get a simpler data model, but some redundancy.
string ERPPricelistKey
Reference to the pricelist in the product supplier system.
int QuoteConnectionId
The connection in SuperOffice this pricelist comes from.
string Name
Name of this pricelist to use in the user interface.
string Description
Description of this pricelist, will be used as tool-tip in the user interface.
string Currency
The ISO currency code, like 'USD' or 'NOK'.
string CurrencyName
The name to use in the user interface, like perhaps 'US dollar' or '$'
DateTime ValidFrom
The date (inclusive) the pricelist starts to be valid. This can be DateTime.MinValue to signal that it doesn't have a specific start date.
DateTime ValidTo
The date (inclusive) the pricelist ends to be valid. This can be DateTime.MaxValue to signal that it doesn't have a specific end date.
Bool IsActive
Is the list active (as opposed to being worked on, suddenly canceled, etc.)