A quote connection is set up in the SuperOffice Admin client. It collects the parameters needed to talk to a single ERP client and gives it a name and an ID.
Quote connections will be stored in the tableQuoteConnection
in the CRM database.
int CRMConnectionId
Primary key in the CRM database.
Definition of a connection to an external system, for the Quote system.
string ERPName
Name of the ERP system (programmatic).
string ERPClientName
Name of the client (company) in the ERP system
string ERPClientKey
The identifier for the client in the ERP system.
String DisplayName
Connection name shown to user; multi-language support.
The name of the connector to display in a list so that the users can choose between them.
Typically the name of the client, with maybe the ERP system in parenthesis.
string DisplayDescription
Tooltip/description shown to user; multi-language support.
Any other info available that would make an uncertain user chose the right connector.
Typically, used for tooltip.