Version: 8
Some tooltip text!
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using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Rows;
using(SuperOffice.SoSession session = SuperOffice.SoSession.Authenticate( "Sal1", "" ))
OwnerContactLinkRow owns = new OwnerContactLinkRow.IdxOwnerContactLinkId( 1 );
int contactId = owns.ContactId;
Assert.IsTrue( contactId > 0, "Found owner contact ID" );
ContactRow c = new ContactRow.IdxContactId( contactId );
AddressRow a = AddressRow.CreateNew();
a.Sentries.Add( c.Sentries ); // re-use contact sentry on the address
a.OwnerId = c.ContactId;
a.AtypeIdx = AddressType.ContactPostalAddress;
a.Address1 = "line one-two-three";
a.City = "Some city";
a.Zipcode = "1234";
// contact update is allowed, but restricted address insert is allowed.
// this will throw exception, since OwnerContact's name is protected by sentry
c.Name = "new name";
// this will also throw exception, since OwnerContact's contact row must not be deleted