is the common interface for the ArchiveAgent
Following is a list of methods provided by the agent that helps us to manipulate the content of the Archives.
Method | Description |
GetActivityFilter | Retrieves the ActivityFilter for a specified list. |
GetArchiveConfiguration | Retrieves the configuration for the given Archive. The configuration is keyed by a combination of an Archive provider name and GUI name. The Archive provider name should match an Archive provider plugin and the GUI name is an arbitrary string used to distinguish multiple occurrences of the same underlying provider in the GUI. |
GetArchiveList | Retrieves a page of data. The columns will be those set as chosen columns. |
GetArchiveListByColumns | Retrieves a page of results for an archive list, explicitly specifying the restrictions, order by, and chosen columns. |
SetActivityFilter | Sets the ActivityFilter for a specified list. |
SetChosenColumns | Sets the chosen columns for the given GUI name/provider name combination. This service corresponds to the Sets elected() method of the SelectableMDOList service for a list called ArchiveColumns and the Archive provider name and GUI name as its additional info. |
SetChosenEntities | Selects the Entities for a given GUI name/provider name combination. This service corresponds to the Sets elected() method of the SelectableMDOList service, for a list called ArchiveEntities plus the Archive provider name and GUI name as its additional info. |
SetColumnWidths | Sets the column widths for the given set of columns and GUI name. |
Activity filters are restrictions that help place restrictions on the output returned.
The example below shows us how we may make use of the IArchiveAgent
interface and its methods.
using System.Collections;
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using (SoSession newSession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Setting the Parameters that need to be passed to Agent method
//Parameter - providerName - The name of the archive provider to use
string archiveProviderName = "person";
//Parameter - columns - An array of the names of the columns wanted.
string[] archiveColumns = new string[] { "fullName", "firstName", "personNumber", "position", "academic", "personId", "contactId" };
//Parameter - sortOrder - Sort order for the archive
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] archiveSrtOrd = new ArchiveOrderByInfo[1];
archiveSrtOrd[0] = new ArchiveOrderByInfo("personNumber", SuperOffice.Util.OrderBySortType.DESC);
//Parameter - restriction - Archive restrictions
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] archiveRest = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1];
archiveRest[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("contactid", "=", "2");
//Parameter - entities - Which entities to include
string[] desiredEntities = { "person", "retiredPerson" };
//Parameter - page - Page number, page 0 is the first page
int page = 1;
//Parameter - pageSize - Page size
int pageSize = 10;
//Initializing an Archive Agent
using(ArchiveAgent newArcAgt = new ArchiveAgent())
//Get a page of results for an archive list, explicitly specifying the restrictions, orderby, and chosen columns
ArchiveListItem[] arcLstItm = newArcAgt.GetArchiveListByColumns(archiveProviderName, archiveColumns, archiveSrtOrd, archiveRest, desiredEntities, page, pageSize);
int rowNo = 1;
foreach (ArchiveListItem archiveRow in arcLstItm)
if (rowNo == 1)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> column in archiveRow.ColumnData)
Console.Write(column.Key + "\t");
// extract and display the displayValue of each cell (you need to parse culturally sensitive values such as dates
// to get the correct client display format)
foreach (ArchiveColumnData archiveCell in archiveRow.ColumnData.Values)
Console.Write(archiveCell.DisplayValue + "\t");
The method call itself is a simple statement. The difficult part is to create the parameters that should be passed to it.
ArchiveListItem[] arcLstItm = newArcAgt.GetArchiveListByColumns(archiveProviderName, archiveColumns, archiveSrtOrd, archiveRest, desiredEntities, page, pageSize);
The GetArchiveListByColumns
method requires 7 parameters.
archiveProviderName - the name of the provider that will be used to retrieve the required information. In the example, the person provider will be created using the
from a plugin.string archiveProviderName = "person";
archiveColumns - the list of columns that needs to be returned by the method. The list is an array of string which can be declared as follows.
string[] archiveColumns = new string[] { "fullName", "firstName", "personNumber", "position", "academic", "personId", "contactId" };
The names of the columns differ from the names that have been given in the database. Use the
to retrieve the columns that are available under a particular column.IArchiveProviderpersonArchive = new PersonProvider( true ); List<ArchiveColumnInfo> availableColumns = personArchive.GetAvailableColumns(); List<ArchiveEntityInfo> availableEntities = personArchive.GetAvailableEntities();
archiveSrtOrd - the sort order in which the returned data should be sorted. Can be null, which indicates no particular order.
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] archiveSrtOrd = new ArchiveOrderByInfo[1]; archiveSrtOrd[0] = new ArchiveOrderByInfo("personNumber", SuperOffice.Util.OrderBySortType.DESC);
is defined inSuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists
.archiveRest - an array of
that contains the restriction on which the retrieved archive list is based on.ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] archiveRest = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1]; archiveRest[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("contactid", "=", "2");
The archives will generally throw an exception if no restrictions are set. If you don't want any restriction, pass in an empty array, but remember that you may end up fetching the first page of millions of rows.
desiredEntities - tells the method to include only the details of all the entities given in the array. Can be null, which indicates that all entities will be included.
string[] desiredEntities = { "person", "retiredPerson" };
page and pageSize - page (number) 0 is the first page; pageSize is the number of rows that should be contained in a page
int page = 1; int pageSize = 10;
Once all parameters have been created we may use them with the GetArchiveListByColumns
method which returns an array of ArchiveListItem
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> column in archiveRow.ColumnData)
Console.Write(column.Key + "\t");
What is done by the above code segments is that for each column type which is a Key/Value pair it writes the key of it. Since this segment is used inside the If-statement the code piece will be executed only when the loop is run for the first time. The intended purpose of the above is to display the column headings.
The archiveRow.ColumnData
is a dictionary of column data items. Each column data item contains a display value, a tooltip hint, a link hint, and an ordinary value. The display values are encoded by the CultureDataFormatter
and can be decoded/localized by that class. All other values are optional.
Tooltip hints can be passed into the TooltipProvider
(Tooltip service) to be translated into an actual tooltip.
The second for-loop is the one that actually retrieves the data from the database.
foreach (ArchiveColumnData archiveCell in archiveRow.ColumnData.Values)
Console.Write(archiveCell.DisplayValue + "\t");
Here we make use of the ArchiveRow.ColumnData
’s DisplayValue
property, which is the visible display value for an archive cell. This is always a String and any other data type should be converted to it according to the invariant culture.
personId firstName contactId personNumber academic position fullName
[I:192] User [I:2] 10195 User Local
[I:191] Useradm [I:2] 10194 Useradm Useradm
[I:190] Listadm [I:2] 10193 Listadm Listadm
[I:188] SuperBuilder [I:2] 10191 SuperBuilder SuperBuilder
[I:187] RevNS03 [I:2] 10188 RevNS03 NetServer
[I:186] SalNS05 [I:2] 10187 SalNS05 NetServer
[I:185] TjeNS04 [I:2] 10186 TjeNS04 NetServer
[I:184] SerNS03 [I:2] 10185 SerNS03 NetServer
[I:183] AdmNS02 [I:2] 10184 AdmNS02 NetServer
[I:182] MarNS01 [I:2] 10183 MarNS01 NetServer