This is the common interface for the FindAgent
. In the NetServer services layer, the searches are done using this agent.
This is very similar to the use of the ArchiveAgent
in the data layer Archive Services. However, the FindAgent
supports a larger set of restrictions.
The following example demonstrates how searches are done via the FindAgent
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using SuperOffice;
using (SoSession mySession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//Setting up the parameters that need to be passed to Agent method
//Parameter - ProviderName
string providerName = "person";
//Parameter - page - Page number, page 0 is the first page
int page = 0;
//Parameter - pageSize - Page size
int pageSize = 10;
//Parameter - restriction
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restrictions = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1];
restrictions[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("firstName", "begins", "s");
//Create a Find Agent
using(FindAgent agent = new FindAgent())
//Find the Results of the Find Agent
FindResults result = agent.FindFromRestrictions(restrictions,providerName,pageSize,page);
//Display the results in the console window
ArchiveColumnInfo[] columns = result.ArchiveColumns;
ArchiveListItem[] rows = result.ArchiveRows;
Array.ForEach(columns, delegate(ArchiveColumnInfo column) { Console.Write(column.ToString()); });
Array.ForEach(rows, delegate(ArchiveListItem row)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> data in row.ColumnData)
Console.Write((data.Value != null ? data.Value.DisplayValue : "-") + "\t");
Here we are trying to find all persons at companies with names starting with "S". Though there are several methods defined by the FindAgent
, here we have used the FindFromRestrictions
method. This method executes the find operation and returns a page of results. The restrictions are passed directly as a parameter of the method. There are other methods such as Find()
that fetches the restrictions or criteria for the find from a restriction storage provider.
The columns of the results are determined based on the restriction. So as the first parameter we have passed an array of restrictions specifying the search. Each restriction must match a column in the provider, and that column must have its canRestrictBy
property set to true, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
We must also pass the name of the archive provider. This archive provider executes the search and returns the resulting rows and columns. The page size and the page number decide the size of the result pages and which result page to return respectively.
The output of this example is as follows:
personId firstName lastName middleName contactId fullName
[I:91] Svein Svendsen [I:39] Svein Svendsen
[I:92] Stein Steinsen [I:39] Stein Steinsen
[I:93] Sigrid Sørflaten [I:40] Sigrid Sørflaten
[I:94] Synøve Solbakken [I:40] Synøve Solbakken
[I:153] Sal0 [I:2] Sal0
[I:154] Sal1 [I:2] Sal1
[I:155] Sal2 [I:2] Sal2
[I:156] Sal3 [I:2] Sal3