Dynamic selections
The structure of a dynamic selection is defined by several tables that contain the criteria definitions. This structure is complex and easy to get wrong. We strongly urge you to use the COM objects or the NetServer APIs to create and modify the criteria instead of doing it directly.
The corresponding Selection table row looks like this:
selection_id | associate_id | group_idx | name | text_id | visibility | seltype | ... |
76 | 13 | 1 | A Dynamic Selection | 0 | 1 | 1 |
The selType = 1 (dynamic)
The actual criteria are stored in the searchCriteria
SELECT * FROM searchcriteria WHERE ownertable=23 and ownerid=76
SearchCriteria_id | name | textId | ownerType | ownerTable | ownerId | registered | registered_associate_id |
24 | 0 | 1 | 23 | 76 | 01.12.2020 17:33:01 | 13 |
This criterion contains one criteria group (the group concept is there to support more complex searches using AND/OR operators and so on - nothing is implemented yet though).
SELECT * FROM searchcriteriagroup WHERE searchcriteria_id = 24
SearchCriteriaGroup_id | SearchCriteria_id | name | textId | direction | rank | registered | registered_associate_id |
20 | 24 | Group: 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 01.12.2020 17:33:01 | 13 |
The group contains one or more search criterion records: each criterion corresponds to a field.
SELECT * FROM searchcriterion WHERE searchcriteriagroup_id = 20
SearchCriterion_id | SearchCriteriaGroup_id | criterionId | extraId | operatorId | linkType | ... |
24 | 20 | 1281 | 0 | 18 | 0 |
The contact.name field (1281) is stored in the criterionI
. The extraId
is used when referencing the SAINT counters.
Operator 18 = Begins with
The actual value that we want to search for is stored in a separate table so that we can support multiple values per search criterion (for the is-one-of searches).
SELECT * FROM searchcriterionvalue WHERE searchCriterion_id = 24
SearchCriterionValue_id | SearchCriterion_id | stringValue | rank | listTableId | listItemId | ... |
52 | 24 | Super | 0 | 242 | 0 |
Which of the fields you need to fill in depends on the field used in the criterionId
. Contact.Name
is a string value, so the stringValue
field in the criterionValue
should be filled out.
Find dialog
The search criteria tables are also used when defining extra fields in the Find dialog. This is where the active flag is used. Un-checking a search field in the find dialog corresponds to setting active=0