How to retrieve members of a specific selection using services
We can select contact and persons through the selection interface in NetServer. Each selection returns members that match the selection criteria. For a static selection, these members are stored in the selectionmember
table. Each selection is recorded in the selection
The following examples show how to use the ArchiveAgent
to retrieve members of a static selection whose selectionId
is 58. The ContactSelection
is used as the provider for selection members.
The selection member list is a list of contact and person IDs. The archive expands the contact and person information without the client needing to know how the expansion is happening.
Example 1
using System.Collections;
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using (SuperOffice.SoSession mySession = SuperOffice.SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Parameter - providerName - The name of the archive provider to use
string archiveProviderName = "ContactSelection";
//Parameter - columns - An array of the names of the columns wanted.
string[] archiveColumns = new string[] { "nameDepartment", "fullName", "contactId" };
//Parameter - sortOrder - Sort order for the archive
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] archiveSrtOrd = new ArchiveOrderByInfo[1];
archiveSrtOrd[0] = new ArchiveOrderByInfo( "fullName", SuperOffice.Util.OrderBySortType.DESC );
//Parameter - restriction - Archive restrictions
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] archiveRest = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1];
archiveRest[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("selectionId", "=", 58);
//Parameter - entities - Which entities to include
string[] desiredEntities = { "staticContact", "staticPerson", "dynamicContact" };
//Parameter - page - Page number, page 0 is the first page
int page = 1;
//Parameter - pageSize - Page size
int pageSize = 10;
//Intializing an Archive Agent
using(ArchiveAgent newArcAgt = new ArchiveAgent())
// Get a page of results for an archive list, explicitly specifying
// the restrictions, orderby and chosen columns
ArchiveListItem[] newArcLstItm = newArcAgt.GetArchiveListByColumns(archiveProviderName,
archiveColumns, archiveSrtOrd, archiveRest, desiredEntities, page, pageSize);
int rowNo = 1;
foreach (ArchiveListItem archiveRow in newArcLstItm)
if (rowNo == 1)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> column in archiveRow.ColumnData)
Console.Write(column.Key + "\t");
// extract and display the displayValue of each cell
// (you need to parse culturally sensitive values such as dates
// to get the correct client display format)
foreach (ArchiveColumnData archiveCell in archiveRow.ColumnData.Values)
Console.Write(archiveCell.DisplayValue + "\t");
Notice how we use the restriction parameter.
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] archiveRest = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1];
archiveRest[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("selectionId", "=", 58);
We create an ArchiveRestricitonInfo
to define which selections we want information for. The selection may be a dynamic selection, which uses additional criteria to figure out which Contacts and/ or Persons are members of it. In this case, the ArchiveProvider
used inside the agent will figure out how to read the selection member, depending on the selection type (dynamic or static).
contactId nameDepartment fullName
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[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Tje0
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase SuperBuilder SuperBuilder
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase SerNS03 NetServer
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Ser5
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Ser4
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Ser3
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Ser2
[I:2] StateZeroDatabase Ser1
Example 2
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using SuperOffice;
using(SoSession newSession = SoSession.Authenticate("SAL0", ""))
//Intializing an Archive Agent
using(ArchiveAgent newArcAgt = new ArchiveAgent())
//Setting the Parameters
//Parameter - Required columns
string[] archiveColumns = new string[] { "contactId", "personId", "selectionId" };
//Parameter - restriction - Archive restrictions
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] archiveRest = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo[1];
archiveRest[0] = new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("selectionId", "=", 58);
//Parameter - page - Page number, page 0 is the first page
int page = 0;
//Parameter - pageSize – Number of records displayed per page
int pageSize = 10;
// Get a page of results for an archive list, explicitly specifying the restrictions, orderby and chosen columns
ArchiveListItem[] arcLstItm = newArcAgt.GetArchiveListByColumns( "ContactSelection", archiveColumns, new ArchiveOrderByInfo[0], archiveRest, null, page, pageSize);
int rowNo = 1;
//Display the results in the console window
foreach (ArchiveListItem archiveRow in arcLstItm)
if (rowNo == 1)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> column in archiveRow.ColumnData)
Console.Write(column.Key + "\t");
// extract and display the displayValue of each cell
// (you need to parse culturally sensitive values such as dates to get the correct client display format)
foreach (ArchiveColumnData archiveCell in archiveRow.ColumnData.Values)
if (archiveCell != null)
Console.Write(archiveCell.DisplayValue + "\t");
Console.Write(" " + "\t");
Here we display other properties related to members of the selection, such as the contactId
, personId
, and selectionId
. When the GetArchiveListByColumns
method of the ArchiveAgent is executed, the members that match the given criteria are retrieved from the selectionmember
contactId selectionId personId
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