Get contact details
At its most basic, we just search the contact table:
SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name = 'Client System AS'
Which gives us the name, the code and number, and a bunch of list item IDs.
contact_id | name | department | number1 | number2 | associate_id | country_id | business_idx |
15184 | Client System AS | 120832 | 1011044987 | 287 | 578 | 301 | 317 |
List items: category and business
These are straightforward inner-joins against the corresponding list item tables.
SELECT * FROM contact, category, business
WHERE name = 'Client System AS'
AND contact.category_idx = category.category_id
AND contact.business_idx = business.business_id
Now we get the category name and description, as well as the category name.
contact_id | name | department | >Category_id | name | rank | >business_idx | name | rank |
15184 | Client System AS | 317 | Former customer | 13 | 301 | IT and telecom | 12 |
Phone numbers
There may be several phone numbers on a contact. We will pick out the first one.
SELECT * FROM contact, category, business, phone
WHERE name = 'Client System AS'
AND contact.category_idx = category.category_id
AND contact.business_idx = business.business_id
AND contact.contact_id = phone.owner_id
AND phone.ptype_idx = 1
AND phone.rank = 1
Phones come in several different types. Type 1 = direct phone.
This inner join assumes that the contact has at least one phone number.
If we want to handle contacts that have no phone numbers, we need to use an outer-join:
SELECT,,, p.* FROM c
LEFT OUTER JOIN p ON c.contact_id = p.owner_id
INNER JOIN CRM.category cat ON c.category_idx = cat.category_id
INNER JOIN bus ON c.business_idx = bus.business_id
WHERE = 'Client System AS'
AND p.ptype_idx = 1
AND p.rank = 1
name | name | name | phone_id | owner_id | ptype_id | search_phone | phone | rank | description |
Client System AS | Former customer | IT and telecom | 21537 | 15184 | 1 | 667763900 | 66 77 636 90 | 1 | Phone |
Address: street or postal
There is only one address record of each type per contact. However, if no address has been entered there will not be an address record, so we need to use an outer join again.
We can use an inner join to get the country ID. The list item should always be set.
SELECT,,,,, a.*
LEFT OUTER JOIN CRM.address a ON c.contact_id = a.owner_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN p ON c.contact_id = p.owner_id
INNER JOIN CRM.category cat ON c.category_idx = cat.category_id
INNER JOIN bus ON c.business_idx = bus.business_id
INNER JOIN cou ON c.country_id = cou.country_id
WHERE = 'Client System AS'
AND p.ptype_idx = 1
AND p.rank = 1
AND a.atype_idx = 2
Address type: 2 = street address
name | name | name | phone | name | address_id | owner_id | atype_idx | ... |
Client System AS | Former customer | IT and telecom | 66 77 63 90 | Norway | 15834 | 15184 | 2 |