How to add a person picture
To add a picture to a person, you must write the picture to the BinaryObject table, and then write the corresponding BinaryObjectLink to link the BLOB with the person record.
Update BinaryObject table
First, the BLOB data is inserted into the BinaryObject
INSERT INTO CRM."binaryobject" ("BinaryObject_id", "conceptualType", "mimeType", "description", "originalSize", "blobSize", "isZipped", "isEncrypted", "extraInfo", "binaryData", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (624, 'PersonImage', 'image/jpeg', 'Njål Narvestad', 1333, 1333, 0, 0, '', (blobdata), 1164194209, 13, 0, 0, 0)
The conceptualType
is useful for classifying the image. The same image can be used in several different contexts, thanks to the Link table. The conceptualType
is primarily intended to provide a filter when generating lists for browsing.
The mimeType
is used to determine how to display the image, so it should be set appropriately. The description is useful when browsing the BLOB table - so try to set it to something meaningful.
The zip and encrypt values are not supported at the moment, so they should be 0.
and BlobSize
are used when allocating read buffers, so they must be set to the size of the BLOB.
When we add support for ZIP compression, the BlobSize
may be smaller than the originalSize
Link blob to person
Then the link from the BLOB (binaryObjectId=624
) to the person record (ownerTable=6
, ownerRecord=74
INSERT INTO CRM."binaryobjectlink" ("BinaryObjectLink_id", "binaryObjectId", "ownerTable", "ownerRecord", "linkComment", "linkType", "rank", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (267, 624, 6, 74, '', 1, 1, 1164194209, 13, 0, 0, 0)
Of course, we must not forget to make a note of our inserts in the transaction log:
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110415, 1164197809, 0, 4352, 13, 205, 624)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110416, 1164197809, 0, 4352, 13, 206, 267)