Create invitation
Some tooltip text!
• 10 minutes to read
• 10 minutes to read
Inviting a co-worker, an external person to a meeting in a meeting room.
Here we create four appointment records, one for the inviter, one for the co-worker, one for the external person, and one for the resource.
The external person (Frantz) and the meeting room (ResourceItem 1) have both automatically accepted the invitation - since they don't have a SuperOffice login.
The co-worker (Ingrid Istad) will get an invitation dialog next time she logs in - and she can then accept the invitation.
In this example the following associate_id
s are useful to know:
associate_id |
associate type | person_id |
contact_id |
name |
7 | 0 | 15 | 2 | Frode Freestad |
10 | 0 | 18 | 2 | Ingrid Istad |
41 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Resource item 1 |
- | - | 42 | 13 | Frantz Feinschmecker |
The next sections detail what happens when the SAVE button is clicked.
Create invitation appointment for Ingrid Istad
- The appointment points to the master appointment using the
field. - The
field is set to the associate'sperson_id
INSERT INTO CRM."appointment" ("appointment_id", "contact_id", "person_id", "**associate_id**", "group_idx", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "done", "do_by", "leadtime", "task_idx", "priority_idx", "type", "status", "private", "alarm", "text_id", "project_id", "**mother_id**", "document_id", "color_index", "opportunity_id", "**invitedPersonId**", "activeDate", "endDate", "lagTime", "source", "userdef_id", "userdef2_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount", "activeLinks", "recurrenceRuleId", "location", "alldayEvent", "freeBusy", "rejectCounter", "emailId", "rejectReason", "hasAlarm", "assignedBy") VALUES (740, 13, 42, **10**, 5, 1164896595, 7, 0, 1164888900, 0, 8, 0, 6, 5, 0, 0, 389, 0, **739**, 0, 0, 0, **18**, 1164888900, 1164894300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110444, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 9, 740)
INSERT INTO CRM."visiblefor" ("VisibleFor_id", "tableId", "recordId", "forAll", "forGroupId", "forAssocId", "encryptedCheck", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (915, 9, 740, 1, 0, 0, 'TU6UOTaVZLKiFhgQyTEIuYatA57qbFEo', 1164896595, 7, 0, 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110445, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 196, 915)
Create invitation appointment for Frantz Feinsmecher
= 0 since Frantz is not a user, butinvited_person_id
= Frantz
INSERT INTO CRM."appointment" ("appointment_id", "contact_id", "person_id", "**associate_id**", "group_idx", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "done", "do_by", "leadtime", "task_idx", "priority_idx", "type", "status", "private", "alarm", "text_id", "project_id", "**mother_id**", "document_id", "color_index", "opportunity_id", "**invitedPersonId**", "activeDate", "endDate", "lagTime", "source", "userdef_id", "userdef2_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount", "activeLinks", "recurrenceRuleId", "location", "alldayEvent", "freeBusy", "rejectCounter", "emailId", "rejectReason", "hasAlarm", "assignedBy") VALUES (741, 13, 42, **0**, 0, 1164896595, 7, 0, 1164888900, 0, 8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 389, 0, **739**, 0, 0, 0, **42**, 1164888900, 1164894300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110446, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 9, 741)
INSERT INTO CRM."visiblefor" ("VisibleFor_id", "tableId", "recordId", "forAll", "forGroupId", "forAssocId", "encryptedCheck", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (916, 9, 741, 1, 0, 0, 'xt5SMR9bL92iFhgQyTEIuYatA57qbFEo', 1164896595, 7, 0, 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110447, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 196, 916)
Create invitation appointment for resource item 1
- The resource is an associate with no person, so here the
= 41, but theinvitedPerson_id
= 0
INSERT INTO CRM."appointment" ("appointment_id", "contact_id", "person_id", "**associate_id**", "group_idx", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "done", "do_by", "leadtime", "task_idx", "priority_idx", "type", "status", "private", "alarm", "text_id", "project_id", "**mother_id**", "document_id", "color_index", "opportunity_id", "**invitedPersonId**", "activeDate", "endDate", "lagTime", "source", "userdef_id", "userdef2_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount", "activeLinks", "recurrenceRuleId", "location", "alldayEvent", "freeBusy", "rejectCounter", "emailId", "rejectReason", "hasAlarm", "assignedBy") VALUES (742, 13, 42, **41**, 4, 1164896595, 7, 0, 1164888900, 0, 8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 389, 0, **739**, 0, 0, 0, **0**, 1164888900, 1164894300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110448, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 9, 742)
INSERT INTO CRM."visiblefor" ("VisibleFor_id", "tableId", "recordId", "forAll", "forGroupId", "forAssocId", "encryptedCheck", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (917, 9, 742, 1, 0, 0, '0/BOOig87Y+iFhgQyTEIuYatA57qbFEo', 1164896595, 7, 0, 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110449, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 196, 917)
Create master appointment for Frode Freestad
- The master appointment is recognizable by the
INSERT INTO CRM."appointment" ("appointment_id", "contact_id", "person_id", "associate_id", "group_idx", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "done", "do_by", "leadtime", "task_idx", "priority_idx", "type", "status", "private", "alarm", "text_id", "project_id", "mother_id", "document_id", "color_index", "opportunity_id", "invitedPersonId", "activeDate", "endDate", "lagTime", "source", "userdef_id", "userdef2_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount", "activeLinks", "recurrenceRuleId", "location", "alldayEvent", "freeBusy", "rejectCounter", "emailId", "rejectReason", "hasAlarm", "assignedBy") VALUES (739, 13, 42, 7, 4, 1164896595, 7, 0, 1164888900, 0, 8, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 389, 0, 739, 0, 0, 0, 15, 1164888900, 1164894300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110450, 1164900195, 0, 4352, 7, 9, 739)
INSERT INTO CRM."visiblefor" ("VisibleFor_id", "tableId", "recordId", "forAll", "forGroupId", "forAssocId", "encryptedCheck", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount") VALUES (918, 9, 739, 1, 0, 0, 'BDTWlNDVe6qiFhgQyTEIuYatA57qbFEo', 1164896596, 7, 0, 0, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110452, 1164900196, 0, 4352, 7, 196, 918)
The same text record is shared between all the appointments.
INSERT INTO CRM."text" ("text_id", "type", "owner_id", "registered", "registered_associate_id", "updated", "updated_associate_id", "updatedCount", "text", "lcid", "seqno") VALUES (389, 4, 739, 1164896596, 7, 0, 0, 0, 'Lunch meeting', 1044, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."traveltransactionlog" ("traveltransactionlog_id", "ttime", "prev_record_id", "type", "associate_id", "tablenumber", "record_id") VALUES (110451, 1164900196, 0, 4352, 7, 18, 389)
Now we add the words in the text record to the freetext index:
DELETE FROM CRM."freetextindex" WHERE "table_id" = 18 AND "record_id" = 389
INSERT INTO CRM."freetextwords" ("freetextwords_id", "word") VALUES (2086811941, 'LUNCH')
INSERT INTO CRM."freetextwords" ("freetextwords_id", "word") VALUES (535965901, 'MEETING')
INSERT INTO CRM."freetextindex" ("freetextindex_id", "freetextwords_id", "table_id", "record_id", "ownertable_id", "ownerrecord_id", "infile") VALUES (790392919, 2086811941, 18, 389, 9, 739, 0)
INSERT INTO CRM."freetextindex" ("freetextindex_id", "freetextwords_id", "table_id", "record_id", "ownertable_id", "ownerrecord_id", "infile") VALUES (1431706010, 535965901, 18, 389, 9, 739, 0)
Update SAINT counters for "Fritz & Frantz Import"
UPDATE CRM."countervalue" SET "CounterValue_id" = 16402, "contact_id" = 13, "person_id" = 0, "project_id" = 0, "extra1_id" = 0, "extra2_id" = 0, "record_type" = 1, "direction" = 3, "intent_id" = 0, "sale_status" = 0, "amountClassId" = 0, "totalReg" = 1, "totalRegInPeriod" = 1, "notCompleted" = 1, "notCompletedInPeriod" = 1, "lastRegistered" = 1164888900, "lastCompleted" = 0, "lastDoBy" = 1164888900, "extra1_count" = 0, "extra2_count" = 0, "extra3_count" = 0, "extra4_count" = 0, "registered" = 0, "registered_associate_id" = 0, "updated" = 1164896596, "updated_associate_id" = 7, "updatedCount" = 0 WHERE "CounterValue_id" = 16402
UPDATE CRM."countervalue" SET "CounterValue_id" = 16406, "contact_id" = 13, "person_id" = 0, "project_id" = 0, "extra1_id" = 0, "extra2_id" = 0, "record_type" = 1, "direction" = 3, "intent_id" = 5, "sale_status" = 0, "amountClassId" = 0, "totalReg" = 1, "totalRegInPeriod" = 1, "notCompleted" = 1, "notCompletedInPeriod" = 1, "lastRegistered" = 1164888900, "lastCompleted" = 0, "lastDoBy" = 1164888900, "extra1_count" = 0, "extra2_count" = 0, "extra3_count" = 0, "extra4_count" = 0, "registered" = 0, "registered_associate_id" = 0, "updated" = 1164896596, "updated_associate_id" = 7, "updatedCount" = 0 WHERE "CounterValue_id" = 16406
UPDATE CRM."countervalue" SET "CounterValue_id" = 16591, "contact_id" = 13, "person_id" = 0, "project_id" = 0, "extra1_id" = 0, "extra2_id" = 0, "record_type" = 10, "direction" = 3, "intent_id" = 0, "sale_status" = 0, "amountClassId" = 0, "totalReg" = 1, "totalRegInPeriod" = 1, "notCompleted" = 1, "notCompletedInPeriod" = 1, "lastRegistered" = 1164888900, "lastCompleted" = 0, "lastDoBy" = 1164888900, "extra1_count" = 0, "extra2_count" = 0, "extra3_count" = 0, "extra4_count" = 0, "registered" = 0, "registered_associate_id" = 0, "updated" = 1164896596, "updated_associate_id" = 7, "updatedCount" = 0 WHERE "CounterValue_id" = 16591
UPDATE CRM."countervalue" SET "CounterValue_id" = 16595, "contact_id" = 13, "person_id" = 0, "project_id" = 0, "extra1_id" = 0, "extra2_id" = 0, "record_type" = 10, "direction" = 3, "intent_id" = 5, "sale_status" = 0, "amountClassId" = 0, "totalReg" = 1, "totalRegInPeriod" = 1, "notCompleted" = 1, "notCompletedInPeriod" = 1, "lastRegistered" = 1164888900, "lastCompleted" = 0, "lastDoBy" = 1164888900, "extra1_count" = 0, "extra2_count" = 0, "extra3_count" = 0, "extra4_count" = 0, "registered" = 0, "registered_associate_id" = 0, "updated" = 1164896596, "updated_associate_id" = 7, "updatedCount" = 0 WHERE "CounterValue_id" = 16595