How to set an interest on or off for a contact (services)
Some tooltip text!
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• 1 minute to read
You can use web services to alter the selected status of an interest of a specific contact.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
Console.Write("Please Enter the UserName :- ");
string userName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Please enter the password :- ");
string passWord = Console.ReadLine();
using (SoSession newSession = SoSession.Authenticate(userName, passWord))
//Retrieve a Contact Entity using the Contact Agent
ContactAgent newConAgt = new ContactAgent();
ContactEntity newConEnt = newConAgt.GetContactEntity(10);
//Retrieve all available Interests for a Contact
SelectableMDOListItem[] newSelMdoLstItms = newConEnt.Interests;
foreach(SelectableMDOListItem newSelMdoLstItm in newSelMdoLstItms)
//Changing the Selected status and displaying only the selected items
if (newSelMdoLstItm.Selected)
newSelMdoLstItm.Selected = false;
newSelMdoLstItm.Selected = true;
//Save the modified Contact Entity
We have first retrieved a Contact
entity using the ContactAgent
. And then used its Interests
property to retrieve the contact’s interests into a SelectableMDOListItem
Next, we iterate on the array and change its Boolean Selected
property status. By using the SaveContactEntity
method available in the Contact
agent, we save the modifications made to the entity.