How to create a user-defined field using the web services API
• 10 minutes to read
This guide describes how to create a user-defined field using the web services API.
To show a user-defined field in the client, it must first be published.
The following REST code snippets use plain http requests to demonstrate how to perform the operation. The WebApi code snippet demonstrates how to perform the same operation using our nuget package SuperOffice.WebApi.
All examples depend on the udefFieldType enum type to define what the data type of the user-defined field should be.
Create user-defined field of type Number
These examples demonstrate how to create a Number user-defined field. First, a request is sent to obtain the default user-defined field structure, including calculated positioning in the client. Then field values are updated to reflect field text, tooltip, whether it should be indexed, or be mandatory.
First get the JSON structure that represents a user-defined field. This is a POST request.
Yes, it is unconventional to use a POST request to get an entity structure, however, this is specific to user-defined fields.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Contact/UdefLayout?udefFieldType=Number HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Update the relevant fields. Change FieldLabel, ShortLabel to update what text is shown in the client.
"FieldLabel": "My Number Udef",
"IsMandatory": true,
"ShortLabel": "NumUdef",
"Tooltip": "Tooltip for this Number UD field"
Save the user-defined field. This is a PUT request.
Yes, it is unconventional to use a PUT request to save, however, this is specific to user-defined fields.
The PUT request accepts an array of user-defined fields, so more than one could be updated or saved at the same time. Existing user-defined fields not in the array will not be deleted.
PUT https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Contact/UdefLayout HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"UDefFieldId": 0,
"ColumnId": 8971,
"FieldDefault": "",
"FieldHeight": 17,
"FieldLabel": "My Number Udef",
"FieldLeft": 102,
"FieldTop": 170,
"FieldType": "Number",
"FieldWidth": 100,
"FormatMask": "",
"HideLabel": false,
"IsIndexed": false,
"LabelHeight": 17,
"LabelLeft": 0,
"LabelTop": 170,
"LabelWidth": 100,
"LastVersionId": 0,
"ListTableId": 136,
"IsMandatory": true,
"Type": "Contact",
"Page1LineNo": 0,
"ProgId": "SuperOffice:12",
"IsReadOnly": false,
"ShortLabel": "NumUdef",
"TabOrder": 11,
"TextLength": 0,
"Tooltip": "Tooltip for this Number UD field",
"UdefIdentity": 11,
"UDListDefinitionId": 0,
"Justification": "Left",
"Version": 11,
"TemplateVariableName": "cl11",
"HasBeenPublished": false,
"MdoListName": null
The response will contain all of the user-defined fields for this entity, but now the new user-defined field UDefFieldId property will contain a identity value.
Make sure the Contact user-defined fields are not currently being updated.
GET https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Contact/UdefLayout/Publish HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Only if the response is False, proceed to publish and complete the delete operation.
Publish the user-defined field.
A Publish request creates a new version of all user-defined fields for the entity. Therefore, all user-defined fields will have updated UdefFieldId values.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Contact/UdefLayout/Publish HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
First get the JSON structure that represents a user-defined field. This is a POST request.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/UserDefinedFieldInfo/CreateUserDefinedFieldInfo
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"OwnerType": "Contact",
"FieldType": "Number",
The response:
"UDefFieldId": 0,
"ColumnId": 8972,
"FieldDefault": "",
"FieldHeight": 17,
"FieldLabel": "",
"FieldLeft": 102,
"FieldTop": 187,
"FieldType": "Number",
"FieldWidth": 100,
"FormatMask": "",
"HideLabel": false,
"IsIndexed": false,
"LabelHeight": 17,
"LabelLeft": 0,
"LabelTop": 187,
"LabelWidth": 100,
"LastVersionId": 0,
"ListTableId": 0,
"IsMandatory": false,
"Type": "Contact",
"Page1LineNo": 0,
"ProgId": "SuperOffice:12",
"IsReadOnly": false,
"ShortLabel": "",
"TabOrder": 12,
"TextLength": 0,
"Tooltip": "",
"UdefIdentity": 12,
"UDListDefinitionId": 0,
"Justification": "Left",
"Version": 13,
"TemplateVariableName": "cl12",
"HasBeenPublished": false,
"MdoListName": null,
"TableRight": null,
"FieldProperties": {
"IsIndexed": {
"FieldRight": {
"Mask": "Update",
"Reason": ""
"FieldType": "System.Boolean",
"FieldLength": 0
"IsMandatory": {
"FieldRight": {
"Mask": "Update",
"Reason": ""
"FieldType": "System.Boolean",
"FieldLength": 0
Update the relevant fields. Change FieldLabel, ShortLabel to update what text is shown in the client.
"FieldLabel": "My Number Udef",
"IsMandatory": true,
"ShortLabel": "NumUdef",
"Tooltip": "Tooltip for this Number UD field"
Save the user-defined field. This is a PUT request.
The save request accepts the user-defined field to save.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/UserDefinedFieldInfo/SaveUserDefinedFieldInfo
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"UDefFieldId": 0,
"ColumnId": 8971,
"FieldDefault": "",
"FieldHeight": 17,
"FieldLabel": "My Number Udef",
"FieldLeft": 102,
"FieldTop": 170,
"FieldType": "Number",
"FieldWidth": 100,
"FormatMask": "",
"HideLabel": false,
"IsIndexed": false,
"LabelHeight": 17,
"LabelLeft": 0,
"LabelTop": 170,
"LabelWidth": 100,
"LastVersionId": 0,
"ListTableId": 136,
"IsMandatory": true,
"Type": "Contact",
"Page1LineNo": 0,
"ProgId": "SuperOffice:12",
"IsReadOnly": false,
"ShortLabel": "NumUdef",
"TabOrder": 11,
"TextLength": 0,
"Tooltip": "Tooltip for this Number UD field",
"UdefIdentity": 11,
"UDListDefinitionId": 0,
"Justification": "Left",
"Version": 11,
"TemplateVariableName": "cl11",
"HasBeenPublished": false,
"MdoListName": null
The response will contain all of the user-defined fields for this entity, but now the new user-defined field UDefFieldId property will contain a identity value.
The field is not yet viewable in the UI. It needs to first be published.
Publish the user-defined field.
A Publish request creates a new version of all user-defined fields for the entity. Therefore, all user-defined fields will have updated UdefFieldId values.
Before published fields, make sure there is no active publish event happening at the same time. As long as the IsAnyPublishEventActive
call returns false, it is safe to proceed.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/UserDefinedFieldInfo/IsAnyPublishEventActive
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
To prevent anyone from overwriting your field changes, set the publish event flag for the entity.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/UserDefinedFieldInfo/SetPublishStartSystemEvent
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"OwnerType": "Contact"
Finally issue the publish the request to activate the new field changes.
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/UserDefinedFieldInfo/Publish
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"OwnerType": "Contact"
First create the UserDefinedFieldInfo instance that represents a user-defined field.
var config = new WebApiOptions(tenant.WebApiUrl);
config.Authorization = new AuthorizationSystemUserTicket(sysUserInfo, sysUserTicket);
var udefAgent = new UserDefinedFieldInfoAgent(config);
var udef = await udefAgent.CreateUserDefinedFieldInfoAsync(
udef.FieldLabel = "My Number Def";
udef.IsMandatory = true;
udef.ShortLabel = "NumUdef";
udef.Tooltip = "Tooltip for this Number UD field";
udef = await udefAgent.SaveUserDefinedFieldInfoAsync(udef);
Publish the user-defined field to make it appear in the client user interface.
Fields are published by entity type. When published, all user-defined fields for that entity receive a new UDefFieldId number.
// make sure no one else is trying to publish at the same time
if(!await udefAgent.IsAnyPublishEventActiveAsync())
// state intention to start publishing new / updated fields.
await udefAgent.SetPublishStartSystemEventAsync(UDefType.Contact);
// publish user-defined field changes by entity type
var result = await udefAgent.PublishAsync(UDefType.Contact);
If the fields are not immediately observable in the client user interface (UI), navigate to the application with the ´?flush´ query string parameter at the end of the URL as an authenticated user. The fields should then appear in the UI.
Depending on the user-case it might be a good idea to flush caches.
User-Defined Field Lists
To create a user-defined field based on a list, create it with udefFieldType
User-defined lists
For user-defined lists, set the ListTableId and UDListDefinitionId property values accordingly.
Property |
Description |
ListTableId |
User-defined lists are always 136. |
UDListDefinitionId |
The UDListDefinitionId is the udlist id value. To get the udlist id, see the Get All Lists documentation, and view lists with Type udlist . |
Built-in lists
For Build in Lists. for example the Business list entity, only set the ListTableId
property. You can get the ListTableId
property from the MDOProviders documentation page. Alternatively, you can query for all using the dynamic archive provider.
GET https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/archive/dynamic?$,udlistdefinition.listTableId HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
SO-Language: en-US
All except Business list removed here for brevity.
"PrimaryKey": "81",
"EntityName": "UDListDefinition",
"": "Company - Business",
"udlistdefinition.listTableId": 61
POST https://{{env}}{{tenant}}/api/v1/Agents/Archive/GetArchiveListByColumns HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
SO-Language: en-US
"ProviderName": "Dynamic",
"Columns": [
"SortOrder": [
"Name": "",
"Direction": "ASC"
"Restriction": [
"Name": "getAllRows",
"Operator": "=",
"Values": [ "true" ],
"IsActive": true
"Entities": [
"Page": 0,
"PageSize": 1000000
var config = new WebApiOptions(tenant.WebApiUrl);
config.Authorization = new AuthorizationAccessToken(
var archiveAgent = new ArchiveAgent(config);
// results contains the column fields and column data.
var results = await archiveAgent.GetArchiveListByColumnsAsync(
new [] {"", "udlistdefinition.listTableId"},
new [] {
new ArchiveOrderByInfo()
new [] {
new ArchiveRestrictionInfo()
Values=new [] {"True"}
Do not use the PrimaryKey value, use the udlistdefinition.listTableId