How to get a list of invitations (services)
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The code below is used to retrieve a list of invitations for a specific associate with NetServer services.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists;
using(SoSession newSession = SoSession.Authenticate("sam", "sam"))
//Create an instance of the InvitationProvider
IArchiveProvider newInvPro = new InvitationProvider();
//Set the order by rule for the Provider
newInvPro.SetOrderBy(new ArchiveOrderByInfo("appointmentId", SuperOffice.Util.OrderBySortType.DESC));
//Set the columns we want to retrive
newInvPro.SetDesiredColumns("appointmentId", "date", "associate/contactFullName", "endDate" );
//Set the page size
newInvPro.SetPagingInfo(100, 0);
//Add the restriction the provider should be based on
new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("associateId", "=", "5"),
new ArchiveRestrictionInfo("date",">",DateTime.Today.ToString()));
//Looping through the provider in order to get the results we are going out of the loop
int rowNo = 1;
foreach (ArchiveRow archiveRow in newInvPro.GetRows())
if (rowNo == 1)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ArchiveColumnData> column in archiveRow.ColumnData)
Console.Write(column.Key + "\t");
// extract and display the displayValue of each cell
// (you need to parse culturally sensitive values such as dates to get the correct client display format)
foreach (ArchiveColumnData archiveCell in archiveRow.ColumnData.Values)
Console.Write(archiveCell.DisplayValue + "\t");
In the code, we have used an instance of the InvitationProvider and some of its methods to restrict and arrange the output returned by the provider.
Method | Description |
SetOrderBy | sorts the output by ID |
SetPageInfo | limits the number of rows returned to the first 100 rows |
SetDesiredColumns | is used to identify which columns should be returned by the provider |
SetRestriction | sets the query restriction for the provider |
GetRows | can be used to retrieve the rows returned by the provider |
The provider returns a collection of ArchiveRow
types. By looping through each ArchiveRow
we can get details of an invitation for the associate. The result of executing the above code is shown below.
associate/contactFullName date endDate appointmentId
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