How to update a document in SO_ARC
To modify a document, we will first have to download the document to a temporary folder so that it is available locally for the user to make modifications. Once modified, the temporary file is uploaded to the document archive folder.
In the example below, the original file extension is extracted and then appended to the end of the temporary file name.
using SuperOffice;
using SuperOffice.CRM.Services;
using System.IO;
// The ID of the document to be updated
private void UpdateDocument(int documentId)
// Create an DocumentAgent object and retrieve a document
using(DocumentAgent agent = new DocumentAgent())
DocumentEntity documentEntityExisting = agent.GetDocumentEntity(documentId);
// Check if the document exists
if (documentEntityExisting != null)
// Generate the file name for the downloaded document
string extentionOfOriginalDocument = Path.GetExtension(documentEntityExisting.Name);
string fileName = "tempFile" + extentionOfOriginalDocument;
// Download the document to the temporary folder
Stream originalDocumentStream = agent.GetDocumentStream(documentId);
agent.CreateTempFile(fileName, originalDocumentStream);
// Close and dispose the stream
// Now the file is ready to be modified../..
// Read the path for the temporary folder from the config file
string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(SuperOffice.Configuration.ConfigFile.Documents.TemporaryPath,
SoContext.CurrentPrincipal != null ? SoContext.CurrentPrincipal.Associate : "ALL");
// Full path for the downloaded document
string fullPath = Path.Combine(tempFilePath.Replace("\\\\", "\\"), fileName);
// Check if the temporary document exists
if (File.Exists(fullPath))
// Assuming the user has modified the temporary file...
// Get the file stream for the temporary local file
Stream tempStream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
agent.SetDocumentStream(documentEntityExisting, tempStream, true);
When calling the DocumentAgent.CreateTempFile
method, the temporary file name and the document stream for the original document are passed into the method.
is used to download the document contents from the server. The temporary filename is used for storing the contents locally and, once the file is created, you have to explicitly close, and dispose of the steam to eliminate concurrent access issues. At this point, you may modify the document.
Assuming the modifications are done, the next step is to upload the modified document to the document archive folder. This is achieved by setting the file stream of the temporary modified file as the document stream for the original document entity. Using a FileStream
instance, and passing in the full path to the local file, the file open mode, and the file access details, you prepare the document for upload.
The IDocumentAgent.SetDocumentStream
method is used to do perform the actual upload. SetDocumentStream()
requires 3 parameters:
- The original document entity
- The stream for the temporary local file
- The Boolean value specifying whether the stream will overwrite an existing file with the same name stored in the document archive