[ArchiveProvider("FindSelection", 1073741823)]
public class FindSelectionProvider : FindProviderBase<ArchiveSelectionRow, SelectionSelectionExtender>, IArchiveProviderQueryMapping, IArchiveQueryProvider, IArchiveProviderExtensible, IArchiveFindSelection, IArchiveFindProviderBase<ArchiveSelectionRow>, IArchiveTypedProvider<ArchiveSelectionRow>, IArchiveTypedProviderBase, IArchiveProvider, IArchiveProviderHasRows, IArchiveProviderHasColumns, IArchiveProviderHasEntities
Decide whether the current row of the passed-in _reader should be accepted or not.
If false is returned, this row is skipped by the base class and never seen by the client. This
method is called very early, before any ArchiveRow population, and can only rely on fields directly
accessible in the Reader. On the other hand, that makes is reasonably cheap to skip rows.
If you implement this method, you MUST aslo implement
RequiredPhaseOneFields() to tell the
query rewriter about fields you need, otherwise they will not be present in the phase one query and you will crash.
Override: Set restrictions on provider - if the 'criteriaAssociate' restriction is passed in, actual restrictions
will be fetched from restriction storage, and those will be set; otherwise simply set what was passed in