Class MultiQueryProviderBase
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public abstract class MultiQueryProviderBase : IArchiveMultiQueryProvider, IArchiveProvider, IArchiveProviderHasRows, IArchiveProviderHasColumns, IArchiveProviderHasEntities
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Constructor, sets up the instance and column helper
protected MultiQueryProviderBase()
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
MultiQueryProviderBase(Action<ArchiveColumnInfo, ArchiveColumnInfo>, params string[])
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
protected MultiQueryProviderBase(Action<ArchiveColumnInfo, ArchiveColumnInfo> processColumnDuplicates, params string[] subProviderNames)
Type | Name | Description |
Action<ArchiveColumnInfo, ArchiveColumnInfo> | processColumnDuplicates | |
string[] | subProviderNames |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
MultiQueryProviderBase(params string[])
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
protected MultiQueryProviderBase(params string[] subProviderNames)
Type | Name | Description |
string[] | subProviderNames |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
The column helper that accumulates columns from all subproviders, according to the strategy bits
protected ColumnHelper ColumnHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ColumnHelper |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
public XmlDocument DebugXML { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
XmlDocument |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
If all subproviders have been read all the way, then this is set to true
protected bool HaveReadToEnd { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Override this property and return TRUE if you wish to disable the check for distinct primary keys. This will save some time and space, at the cost of potential duplicate rows that would otherwise have been discarded
public virtual bool InhibitDistinctPrimaryKeys { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
If true, subproviders will be started in sequence, rather than in parallel
public bool InhibitParallelStart { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Options, passed in through the GetRows() call
protected string Options { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Returns the parameter to the latest SetOrderBy call
protected ArchiveOrderByInfo[] OrderBy { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
public bool OrderByRequired { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
If this property is true, a column will be offered for OrderBy only if all providers have set it as CanOrderBy. Default is true.
public bool OrderByRequiresAll { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get the current page number, as ordered by our client
protected int PageNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get the current page size, as ordered by our client
protected int PageSize { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Readonly property that returns the current provider list
public List<IArchiveProvider> Providers { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
List<IArchiveProvider> |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
The restriction helper that keeps track of restrictions and builds sql (via RestrictionOperations)
protected RestrictionHelper RestrictionHelper { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
RestrictionHelper |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
If this property is true, a column will have a restriction type only if all providers have set a restriction type on it, and all providers actually offer it.
public bool RestrictionRequiresAll { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
This method is called for every row, and provides a way to reject rows from the final result
protected virtual bool AcceptRow(ArchiveRow row)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRow | row | Row to be evaluated |
Type | Description |
bool | true if the row is to be accepted |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Add one provider to this multi query provider
public ProviderType AddSubProvider<ProviderType>(ProviderType subProvider) where ProviderType : IArchiveProvider
Type | Name | Description |
ProviderType | subProvider | Provider to be added |
Type | Description |
ProviderType |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
ProviderType | Type of provider, inferred from parameter |
The generic input and return types are there so that you can write code like the following:
SomeProvider provider = AddSubProvider( new SomeProvider() );
That is, the provider you add is considered simply as an IArchiveProvider (see the where clause of the declaration), but it is returned as the actual type you sent in, whatever that might be - so it can be assigned to a strongly typed member. This saves a line, as you would otherwise have to assign the newly created subprovider, and then add it. A small convenience...
Call this method after the last desired row has been read; this gives the provider the chance to close and free any underlying queries. This will be propagated to all subproviders.
public virtual void Close()
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
CreateAndAddProviders(params AddProviderInfo[])
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
protected void CreateAndAddProviders(params MultiQueryProviderBase.AddProviderInfo[] providers)
Type | Name | Description |
AddProviderInfo[] | providers |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get the list of available columns. This is a set union of all columns provided by all sub providers
public virtual List<ArchiveColumnInfo> GetAvailableColumns()
Type | Description |
List<ArchiveColumnInfo> | List of available columns |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get the available entities. This is the set union of all entities offered by all sub providers
public virtual List<ArchiveRowTypeInfo> GetAvailableEntities()
Type | Description |
List<ArchiveRowTypeInfo> | List of entities |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Actual number of rows in query, valid only when HaveReadToEnd = true; otherwise you get -1
protected int GetFinalRowCount()
Type | Description |
int |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Start the reader and return an IDataReader (which, as we remember, also inherits IDataRecord for access to individual data fields). This provides an alternative, more generic and more standards-based interface to data. Use either GetRows or GetReader on any particular archive provider instance.
public virtual IDataReader GetReader(string options)
Type | Name | Description |
string | options |
Type | Description |
IDataReader |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get additional information about the result, such as row count or other optional items. This method should be called some time after GetRows, but before Close. Delaying calls to this method as long as possible will give its (asynchronous) internal counterpart more time to complete and lessen the response-time impact of calling it.
public ArchiveResultInformation GetResultInformation()
Type | Description |
ArchiveResultInformation |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Get the result enumerator. Accessing this enumerator will cause all sub query providers to be initialized in parallell (subject to global thread limits), rows will be skipped according to the current page settings, and results will come in the order specified by the current order by settings. Restrictions, desired columns, entities etc must be set before accessing this property.
public virtual IEnumerable<ArchiveRow> GetRows(string options)
Type | Name | Description |
string | options |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<ArchiveRow> |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
This virtual method is called after a row has been selected as being the 'next' to be returned by this multi query provider, and provides an opportunity to modify it before it is returned to the client.
protected virtual void InnerPopulateRow(ArchiveRow row)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRow | row | Row being processed, may be modified (with due care) |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Hook for subclasses that wish to perform custom processing right before the GetRows call is executed
protected virtual void PreGetRows()
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
This is the recommended standard base class for MultiQuery providers, i.e., providers that aggregate multiple sub providers into one data stream. It implements the IArchiveMultiQueryProvider interface, and provides its own contract for derived classes.
protected ProviderType RemoveSubProvider<ProviderType>(ProviderType subProvider) where ProviderType : IArchiveProvider
Type | Name | Description |
ProviderType | subProvider |
Type | Description |
ProviderType |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
ProviderType |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
SetDesiredColumns(params string[])
Set the desired columns. This information is simply propagated to all sub providers. If rows are fetched from providers that do not have a value for any particular column, the ColumnData member of the ArchiveRow structure will be null in that row/column
public virtual void SetDesiredColumns(params string[] columnIds)
Type | Name | Description |
string[] | columnIds | Array of column ids as strings |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
SetDesiredEntities(params string[])
Set desired entities. This information is propagated to all sub providers, and saved internally.
public virtual void SetDesiredEntities(params string[] entities)
Type | Name | Description |
string[] | entities |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Set the order by specification. This information is propagated to each sub provider, and used internally during the data stream merge
public virtual void SetOrderBy(ArchiveOrderByInfo[] orderBy)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveOrderByInfo[] | orderBy | Array of order by specifications |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
SetPagingInfo(int, int)
Set paging information for the provider.
public virtual void SetPagingInfo(int pageSize, int pageNumber)
Type | Name | Description |
int | pageSize | Size of page |
int | pageNumber | Zero-based page number |
If there are multiple sub-providers, each needs to return a sufficient number of rows to supply the actual desired page on its own, just in case the sorting makes it the one to come up top all the time. Here we just remember the settings; the actual delegation is done in SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.MultiProviderMerge where we know how many active subproviders there are.
Set the restriction for the provider. The restriction is simply propagated to all sub providers.
public virtual bool SetRestriction(ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restrictions)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] | restrictions | Array of restrictions |
Type | Description |
bool |
The main functionality of this class is twofold. First, it keeps track of multiple sub providers and uses the SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.MultiQueryProviderBase.EntityHelper to manage the entities offered by these providers (multiple providers may offer the same entity, or different entities). Second, during data reading it starts the sub providers reading in parallell, and then performs the ordered merging of all the sub providers into one data stream according to the current orderby criteria.
Propagate restrictions to all subproviders, and then drop any of them that did not process any restriction.
public bool SetRestrictionAndDropUnrestrictedProviders(ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] restrictions)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] | restrictions |
Type | Description |
bool |
Ths behaviour is useful in situations where you want to offer many different 'channels' of data, but do not want to run them unrestricted. Here, any provider that does not understand at least one of the given restrictions is dropped.