Class ParticipantsProvider
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
[ArchiveProvider("Participants", 1073741823)]
public class ParticipantsProvider : InMemoryProviderBase<ArchiveRow>, IArchiveProvider, IArchiveProviderHasRows, IArchiveProviderHasColumns, IArchiveProviderHasEntities
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Set up the instance; should only be called by factory class
public ParticipantsProvider()
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string AppointmentRestrictionId = "appointmentRestrictionId"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string AssociateEmailsInformation = "associateEmailsInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string AssociateEntity = "associate"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string AssociateRestrictionId = "associateRestrictionId"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string DateInformation = "dateInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string EmailParticipantEntity = "emailParticipant"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string EndTimeInformation = "endTimeInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string EndTimeUtcInformation = "endTimeUtcInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string ExternalPersonEntity = "externalPerson"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string ExternalPersonRestrictionId = "externalPersonRestrictionId"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string GroupRestrictionId = "groupRestrictionId"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string InhibitConflictsInformation = "inhibitConflictsInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string OwnerAssociateIdInformation = "ownerAssociateIdInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string PersonEmailsInformation = "personEmailsInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string ProviderName = "Participants"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string ResourceEntity = "resource"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string ResourceRestrictionId = "resourceRestrictionId"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string StartTimeInformation = "startTimeInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
public const string StartTimeUtcInformation = "startTimeUtcInformation"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colDateInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colEndTimeInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colEndTimeUtcInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colInhibitConflictsInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colOwnerAssociateIdInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colStartTimeInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Archive list provider for the participants list of a booking (multi-person appointment)
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colStartTimeUtcInformation
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Subclass contract: Return true if the base class should filter columns according to SetDesiredColumns. If this property is false, the actual ArchiveRow objects are returned; otherwise a typed copy is made and ColumnData are populated accoprding to DesiredColumns.
protected override bool BaseClassShouldFilterColumns { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
If columns are cheap to get, the subclass can save code by leaving the filtering to this base class. Conversely, if somecolumns are expensive to calculate, the subclass should do the filtering itself to improve performance.
Subclass contract: Return true if the base class should filter columns according to SetDesiredColumns. If this property is false, the actual ArchiveRow objects are returned; otherwise a typed copy is made and ColumnData are populated accoprding to DesiredColumns.
protected override bool BaseClassShouldFilterEntities { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
If columns are cheap to get, the subclass can save code by leaving the filtering to this base class. Conversely, if somecolumns are expensive to calculate, the subclass should do the filtering itself to improve performance.
Subclass contract: Return true if the base class should perform filter entities according to SetDesiredEntities. If this property is false, the result set is assumed to represent the chosen entities only.
protected override bool BaseClassShouldPage { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
If rows are cheap to get, the subclass can save code by leaving the filtering to this base class. Conversely, if rows are expensive to calculate, the subclass should do the entity filtering itself to improve performance.
Subclass contract: Return true if the base class should perform sorting according to SetOrderBy. If this property is false, the result set is assumed to be correctly ordered.
protected override bool BaseClassShouldSort { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
Get results for the base class, which will handle paging and other functionality
protected override List<ArchiveRow> GetResultData()
Type | Description |
List<ArchiveRow> | List of rows in sorted order |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |
SetRestriction(params ArchiveRestrictionInfo[])
Handle restrictions; see class documentation for details. Basic consistency checks are made here, and we also determine whether we'll need booking-based data, explicit-based, or both.
public override bool SetRestriction(params ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] rawRestrictions)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRestrictionInfo[] | rawRestrictions | Restrictions, used by the caller to dictate behaviour |
Type | Description |
bool | true if at least one valid restriction was found |
This provider, like the LinksProvider, offers two alternative ways of accessing the data. For existing appointments, the appointment_id is used as search criterion. This will retrieve all participants in this appointment, regardless of whether the given appointment is the mother or one of the slaves.
For appointments under construction, where the data have not yet been saved to the database, the caller must specify all data through the use of restrictions - some of which are then used for information, and some as keys to fetch actual person or associate/resource records from the database.Restriction | Meaning |
appointmentRestrictionId | Single appointment id, using the = operator. This restriction is used on its own for fetching information from existing appointment records. The id may be of any appointment in the booking, and all participants will be fetched (limited by entity selection). |
associateRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. |
groupRestrictionId | Operator: =, Value: group id. The group will be translated into associate id's, and these will be returned as participants of type associate, if the associate entity has been selected. This is an alternative to specifying the associates one by one and cannot be used together with the associateRestrictionId. |
externalPersonRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. These will be returned as participants of type external person, if the externalPerson entity has been selected. Note: Persons who are actually associates will be detected as such, and be returned as associates. |
resourceRestrictionId | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. These will be returned as participants of type resource, if the resource entity has been selected. |
personEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of person id's. This restriction is optionally used together with externalPersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the persons should have an email icon set. |
associateEmailsInformation | Operator: IN, Value: array of of associate id's. This restriction is optionally used together with associatePersonRestrictionId, and specifies which of the associates should have an email icon set. Note that resources do not get invitation emails, so there is no corresponding resourceEmailsInformation restriction. |
startTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment start, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
endTimeInformation | Datetime of appointment end, needed when fetching data through the explicit restrictions (not appointmentRestrictionId) and if you want collision detection. |
ownerAssociateIdInformation | Operator: =, value: associate id. This is the Id of associate who is the owner of the whole booking. If this is not given, and appointmentRestrictionId is given, the system will look up the associate of the master booking record (mother_id = appointment_id) and use that as the owner. If ownerAssociateIdInformation is given, it overrides (disables) this lookup. If neither are given, then there is no owner associate. The owner associate always comes at the top of the list, and has the 'owner' row style hint. |
inhibitConflictsInformation | Operator: =, value: boolean. If you provide either an appointmentRestrictionId or startTime/EndTime, then conflicts will be detected. However, if the appointment is of type Free, then no conflict detetction will occur. To force 'free' behaviour on an under-construction appointment that does not have an appointment id, or on an appointment that is being changed, include this restriction with the value true. That will turn off conflict detection. |