Class ProjectGuideSubProviderBase<RootExtender>
Common base class for the Appointment and Document providers for Project Guide items
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public abstract class ProjectGuideSubProviderBase<RootExtender> : TypedQueryProviderBase<ArchiveRow, RootExtender>, IArchiveProviderQueryMapping, IArchiveQueryProvider, IArchiveProviderExtensible, IArchiveTypedProvider<ArchiveRow>, IArchiveTypedProviderBase, IArchiveProvider, IArchiveProviderHasRows, IArchiveProviderHasColumns, IArchiveProviderHasEntities where RootExtender : IArchiveExtender, new()
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
RootExtender |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.Constructors
Common base class for the Appointment and Document providers for Project Guide items
public ProjectGuideSubProviderBase(ArchiveRowTypeInfo rowType)
Type | Name | Description |
ArchiveRowTypeInfo | rowType |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.Fields
Common base class for the Appointment and Document providers for Project Guide items
public const string OnlyInstanceEntityName = "onlyInstance"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations._colId
Common base class for the Appointment and Document providers for Project Guide items
protected ArchiveColumnInfo _colId
Field Value
Type | Description |
ArchiveColumnInfo |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.Properties
We change entities on the fly and should not really need to do this??
public override bool InhibitDistinctPrimaryKeys { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.InstanceTable
Get the specific instance table - either appointment or document
protected abstract TableInfo InstanceTable { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TableInfo |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.TableToExtend
The primary table of this archive provider
public override TableInfo TableToExtend { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TableInfo |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.Methods
Override: Filter out rows where the stagelinkinfo.deleted != 0, provided they have no instance
protected override bool AcceptRow(SoDataReader reader)
Type | Name | Description |
SoDataReader | reader |
Type | Description |
bool |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.GetInsertRight(int)
Get the Insert right, based on the current project owner
protected abstract TableRight GetInsertRight(int ownerAssociate)
Type | Name | Description |
int | ownerAssociate | owner associate to use |
Type | Description |
TableRight |
The business rules state that new instances are created on behalf of the user who owns the project, not the current user. We therefore need to determine if the current user is allowed to insert something owned by the project owner.
Get the appointment instance table
protected AppointmentTableInfo GetInstanceAppointment()
Type | Description |
AppointmentTableInfo |
This method is placed here because both the appointment and the document subclasses use it (remember appointment->document)
Common base class for the Appointment and Document providers for Project Guide items
protected bool HasInstance(SoDataReader reader)
Type | Name | Description |
SoDataReader | reader |
Type | Description |
bool |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.InnerMapFields()
Override: Make sure we have the project associate ID field, and map the project id
public override void InnerMapFields()
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.InnerPopulateRowFromReader(SoDataReader, ArchiveRow)
Override: Use the instance table and insert rights from the subclass to calculate the correct table rights.
protected override void InnerPopulateRowFromReader(SoDataReader reader, ArchiveRow row)
Type | Name | Description |
SoDataReader | reader | |
ArchiveRow | row |
The Insert part of the table right is based on the relationship between the current user and the project owner. The Read/Update/Delete part is based on the actual instance, if any. New-instance rights are cached per project owner to make it go faster.
This method is called after ModifyQuery has been called on all extenders, but before the query is executed. It is used for processing that needs the query to be 'complete' from the extenders, and gives the opportunity to tweak it, for instance by adding return fields needed for some particular functionality.
public override void PostProcessQuery()
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.RequiredPhaseOneFields()
Make sure the fields we need in AcceptRow are always present in the phase-one version of the query
protected override FieldInfo[] RequiredPhaseOneFields()
Type | Description |
FieldInfo[] |
Most of the actual processing is done by the extenders, which have common base classes for Appointment and Document, and are further subdivided into project and (in the future?) project as the ultimate parent entity. This provider handles the sentry processing, which does not really fit anywhere else.
Part of the sentry processing consists of getting hold of the correct tableinfos that represent the instance information, and then using it to derive the correct rights. Subclasses supply the instances, and this base class then uses it in the calculations.