[ArchiveProvider("InnerSelectionStaticPersonProvider", 1073741823)]
public class SelectionStaticPersonProvider : TypedQueryProviderBase<ArchiveRow, SelectionStaticPersonExtender>, IArchiveProviderQueryMapping, IArchiveQueryProvider, IArchiveProviderExtensible, IArchiveTypedProvider<ArchiveRow>, IArchiveTypedProviderBase, IArchiveProvider, IArchiveProviderHasRows, IArchiveProviderHasColumns, IArchiveProviderHasEntities
Get the table that should provide primary keys; since this is NOT the table of the root extender (that's contact), we have to override here.
Normally, the root extender is the one that "initiates" the query and holds the root table. Instead we have a selectionMember tableinfo
defined locally at the provider level that is supposed to be the root...
Override: While the SelectionStaticPersonExtender is about person, the table to extend here is
actually selection. Not overriding would have passed this on to the SelectionStaticPersonExtender -
wrong table, and too early anyway...
Override this method to map query fields to columns, add additional return fields to the query, and set up custom restriction handling
Override: If no-one in the subclass has set the link hint up to now, then do so, using the row entity name and primary key