Class ConfigTableInfo
Table 'config': This table contains certain system-wide configuration values.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class ConfigTableInfo : TableInfo, ICloneable
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Conceptual name of table Config in the database dictionary: config
public const string DictionaryTableName = "config"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'admin_mail' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The email address to the administrator of the system. E.g.
public StringFieldInfo AdminMail { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'attachment_path' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The path to the folder containing the attachments.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo AttachmentPath { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'autologout' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The number of minutes if idle time before a user is logged ut. A zero value means no autologout.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Autologout { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'cgi_bin' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The cgi-bin alias used to access the executables through HTTP. E.g. '/bin'Declaration
public StringFieldInfo CgiBin { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'cgi_url' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The base URL to the system. E.g. ''.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo CgiUrl { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'cgi_url_internal' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The internal base URL to the system. E.g. ''.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo CgiUrlInternal { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'id' in table 'config': Dictionary type PK, .NET type: int
The primary key (auto-incremented)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo ConfigId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'debug_flags' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
A default bitmask of flags controlling debug logging.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo DebugFlags { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'default_mail' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The default from address in emails being sent from the system. E.g.
public StringFieldInfo DefaultMail { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public override SoTable Definition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Table number for table Config in the database dictionary; potentially changes between databases, but always the same over the lifetime of any single database
public int DictionaryTableNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'feature_toggle' in table 'config': Dictionary type Clob, .NET type: string
Temporary values used for feature togglesDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo FeatureToggle { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'flags' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
A bitmask of flags controlling various options.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Flags { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'gfx_url' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The base URL to the graphics files.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo GfxUrl { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'installed_at' in table 'config': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The timestamp of when the system was installed, or last upgraded.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo InstalledAt { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'installed_by' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
Whoever installed the software.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo InstalledBy { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'language' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[6], .NET type: string
The systemlanguage. 'no' or 'en'.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Language { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'mailheader' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The default header used (i.e. line 1) in outbound email.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Mailheader { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'mb_max_value' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
This is the upper (initial) value for the spam-control algorithm, which makes sure that a single email address does not recieve too many emails.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo MbMaxValue { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'mb_modifier' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
This is the 'cost' of sending an email, which is subtracted from the mb-value for the given email address. The mb-value is increased with 1 every second.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo MbModifier { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'mb_threshold' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
This is the treshold value for the spam-contol algorithm. When the value for a given email address is below this value, emails will be blocked.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo MbThreshold { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'panic_mail' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The email address to where error messages are sent. Normally
public StringFieldInfo PanicMail { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
[Obsolete("Use instance property Definition or static member DictionaryTableNumber", true)]
public static SoTable RuntimeDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'simautologout' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The number of minutes if idle time before a simultaneus user is logged ut. A zero value means no autologout.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Simautologout { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'smtp_host' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The hostname or IP-address of the SMTP server used for sending email.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo SmtpHost { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'smtp_port' in table 'config': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The port of the SMTP server used for sending email.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo SmtpPort { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'tag' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[33], .NET type: string
The tag used as ticket id identificator in the subject of emails.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Tag { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'temp_license' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
Temporary license key created for this session.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo TempLicense { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'template_path' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The path to the templates used for the customer front-end.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo TemplatePath { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'text_path' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The path to the text-folder containing the emailBackup, trashbin, etc. subfolders.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo TextPath { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'unique_id' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[33], .NET type: string
An ID that should be unique for all eJournal installations.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo UniqueId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'version' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[33], .NET type: string
The version of the installed software.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Version { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().
Field 'warning' in table 'config': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The path + leading filename for the warning logfiles.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Warning { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetConfigInfo().