Class CountryTableInfo
Table 'country': Country information
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class CountryTableInfo : TableInfo, ICloneable
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Conceptual name of table Country in the database dictionary: country
public const string DictionaryTableName = "country"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'abbrev2' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[3], .NET type: string
ISO 2-letter abbreviationDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Abbrev2 { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'abbrev3' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[4], .NET type: string
ISO 3-letter abbreviationDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Abbrev3 { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'addressLayout' in table 'country': Dictionary type Id, .NET type: int
Points to address format used in the GUIDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo AddressLayout { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'addressLayoutDomestic' in table 'country': Dictionary type Id, .NET type: int
Points to address format used for labels to own countryDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo AddressLayoutDomestic { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'addressLayoutForeign' in table 'country': Dictionary type Id, .NET type: int
Points to address format used for labels to other countries than own countryDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo AddressLayoutForeign { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'country_id' in table 'country': Dictionary type PK, .NET type: int
Primary keyDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'currency_id' in table 'country': Dictionary type FK, target: Currency, .NET type: int
Default currency for this countryDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CurrencyId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key CurrencyId in this table, to its target table CurrencyTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<CurrencyTableInfo> CurrencyId_InnerJoin_Currency { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<CurrencyTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'customPhoneDesc' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[255], .NET type: string
Custom phone description, if any (comes from ISO/ITU documents)Declaration
public StringFieldInfo CustomPhoneDesc { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'defaultLcid' in table 'country': Dictionary type UInt, .NET type: uint
LCID code in .NET, this should be the defaultLcid of the language that has the isDefault flag set in the LanguageInforCountry link tableDeclaration
public FieldInfo DefaultLcid { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public override SoTable Definition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'deleted' in table 'country': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: short
0 -> record is active 1 -> record is 'deleted' and should not be shown in listsDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Deleted { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'dialInPrefix' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[32], .NET type: string
Prefix for dialing into the country from outside (country code)Declaration
public StringFieldInfo DialInPrefix { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'dialOutPrefix' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[32], .NET type: string
Prefix for dialling out of the country, voice callDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo DialOutPrefix { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Table number for table Country in the database dictionary; potentially changes between databases, but always the same over the lifetime of any single database
public int DictionaryTableNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'domainName' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[10], .NET type: string
Default Web domain identifier (.no, .uk, etc; but without the dot)Declaration
public StringFieldInfo DomainName { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'english_name' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[40], .NET type: string
Name of country in englishDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo EnglishName { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'flagres_id' in table 'country': Dictionary type UInt, .NET type: uint
Resource ID of flag graphicDeclaration
public FieldInfo FlagresId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'interAreaPrefix' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[32], .NET type: string
Prefix for inter-area dialling in the countryDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo InterAreaPrefix { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'isBuiltIn' in table 'country': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
Is this record populated by SuperOffice priming data?Declaration
public UInt16FieldInfo IsBuiltIn { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'isoNumber' in table 'country': Dictionary type UInt, .NET type: uint
The primary key used by ISO to identify countries when they have a revolution and change their name from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso :-)Declaration
public FieldInfo IsoNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to Contact.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ContactTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Contact_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ContactTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to CountryGroupLink.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<CountryGroupLinkTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_CountryGroupLink_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<CountryGroupLinkTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to CountryHeadingLink.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<CountryHeadingLinkTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_CountryHeadingLink_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<CountryHeadingLinkTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to LanguageInfoCountry.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<LanguageInfoCountryTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_LanguageInfoCountry_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<LanguageInfoCountryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to Person.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<PersonTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Person_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<PersonTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to PhoneFormat.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<PhoneFormatTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_PhoneFormat_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<PhoneFormatTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to QuoteVersion.DeliveryCountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteVersionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_QuoteVersion_DeliveryCountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteVersionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to QuoteVersion.InvoiceCountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteVersionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_QuoteVersion_InvoiceCountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteVersionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to RedLetterDay.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<RedLetterDayTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_RedLetterDay_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<RedLetterDayTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to TZLocation.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TZLocationTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TZLocation_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TZLocationTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key CountryId on this table, to ZipToCity.CountryId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ZipToCityTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_ZipToCity_CountryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ZipToCityTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'name' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[240], .NET type: string
Name of country in installed languageDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Name { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'orgNrText' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[255], .NET type: string
Lead text for organisation fieldDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo OrgNrText { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'phonePartOfNA' in table 'country': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
Is the phone system part of the North American systemDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo PhonePartOfNA { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'rank' in table 'country': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: short
Rank orderDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Rank { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'registered' in table 'country': Dictionary type UtcDateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Registered whenDeclaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Registered { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'registered_associate_id' in table 'country': Dictionary type FK, target: Associate, .NET type: int
Registered by whomDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo RegisteredAssociateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key RegisteredAssociateId in this table, to its target table AssociateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> RegisteredAssociateId_InnerJoin_Associate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
[Obsolete("Use instance property Definition or static member DictionaryTableNumber", true)]
public static SoTable RuntimeDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'tooltip' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[255], .NET type: string
Tooltip or other descriptionDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Tooltip { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'tzLocationId' in table 'country': Dictionary type FK, target: TZLocation, .NET type: int
Default timezone location for this countryDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TzLocationId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key TzLocationId in this table, to its target table TZLocationTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TZLocationTableInfo> TzLocationId_InnerJoin_TZLocation { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TZLocationTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'updated' in table 'country': Dictionary type UtcDateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Last updated whenDeclaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Updated { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'updated_associate_id' in table 'country': Dictionary type FK, target: Associate, .NET type: int
Last updated by whomDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo UpdatedAssociateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key UpdatedAssociateId in this table, to its target table AssociateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> UpdatedAssociateId_InnerJoin_Associate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'updatedCount' in table 'country': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: short
Number of updates made to this recordDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo UpdatedCount { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().
Field 'zip_prefix' in table 'country': Dictionary type String[6], .NET type: string
N- DK- etc.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo ZipPrefix { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetCountryInfo().