Class MailInFilterTableInfo
Table 'mail_in_filter': This table contains entries for the mailboxes the eJournal system is fetching mail from (POP3 or IMAP).
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class MailInFilterTableInfo : TableInfo, ICloneable
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Conceptual name of table MailInFilter in the database dictionary: mail_in_filter
public const string DictionaryTableName = "mail_in_filter"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'address' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The address associated with this mailbox (used as FROM: address when sending emails).Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Address { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'ai_suggest_category' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
If this is set to 0 (false), then there will be no AI for suggesting categories on incoming emailsDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo AiSuggestCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'ai_text_analysis' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
If this is set to 0 (false), then there will be no AI text analysis on incoming emailsDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo AiTextAnalysis { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'autofaq' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
Whether to suggest FAQ entries for this email account or notDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Autofaq { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'autofaq_kb_category' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: KbCategory, .NET type: int
The root folder for the auto faq search.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo AutofaqKbCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key AutofaqKbCategory in this table, to its target table KbCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<KbCategoryTableInfo> AutofaqKbCategory_InnerJoin_KbCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<KbCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'category_id' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: EjCategory, .NET type: int
The id of the category this mailbox assigns tickets to (unless overridden by a sortfilter).Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo CategoryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key CategoryId in this table, to its target table EjCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> CategoryId_InnerJoin_EjCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'checkwait' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
How often (in minutes) to check this mailbox.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Checkwait { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public override SoTable Definition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Table number for table MailInFilter in the database dictionary; potentially changes between databases, but always the same over the lifetime of any single database
public int DictionaryTableNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'domain' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The domain used to login.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Domain { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'importmail_pid' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The process id of the importMail instance processing this mailboxDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ImportmailPid { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'keep_headers' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
A commaseparated list of headers to store for emails imported. E.g. 'to,from,recieved-by,subject'.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo KeepHeaders { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'language_id' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: CustLang, .NET type: int
The id of the customer language entry this entry is connected to.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo LanguageId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key LanguageId in this table, to its target table CustLangTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<CustLangTableInfo> LanguageId_InnerJoin_CustLang { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<CustLangTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'last_error' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Clob, .NET type: string
The last error message recieved from the underlying email system (such as POP3 protocol errors, etc).Declaration
public StringFieldInfo LastError { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'last_success' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Datetime indicating the last time email was sucessfully imported from this mailbox. Used to display warnings when this value is getting too old.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo LastSuccess { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'last_try' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Datetime indicating the last time this mailbox tried (but possibly failed) to fetch email.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo LastTry { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to Inbox.MailInFilter.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<InboxTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Inbox_MailInFilter { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<InboxTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to MailAlias.FilterId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MailAliasTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_MailAlias_FilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MailAliasTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to MailInUidl.FilterId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MailInUidlTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_MailInUidl_FilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MailInUidlTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to MsFilterMail.MailInFilterId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MsFilterMailTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_MsFilterMail_MailInFilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MsFilterMailTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to MsTrashbin.MailInFilterId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MsTrashbinTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_MsTrashbin_MailInFilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<MsTrashbinTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key MailInFilterId on this table, to Ticket.FilterId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Ticket_FilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'id' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type PK, .NET type: int
The primary key (auto-incremented)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo MailInFilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'mailgun_dsn' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
If this is set to 1, the route created in Mailgun will be set up to deliver emails of type auto-replies, system messsages etcDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo MailgunDsn { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'next_check' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When this mailbox should be checked the next time.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo NextCheck { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'noautoreply' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
If set, then this mailbox should not send an autoreply.Declaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Noautoreply { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'num_seq_failures' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The number of sequential failures for this mailbox.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo NumSeqFailures { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'pop_password' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The password used to login.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo PopPassword { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'pop_server' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The hostname/IP address of the server.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo PopServer { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'pop_user' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The username used to login.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo PopUser { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'priority' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketPriority, .NET type: int
The id of the priority tickets are assigned when imported from this mailbox.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Priority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key Priority in this table, to its target table TicketPriorityTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> Priority_InnerJoin_TicketPriority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'reply_template_id' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: ReplyTemplate, .NET type: int
ID of the reply template used on this mail box.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo ReplyTemplateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key ReplyTemplateId in this table, to its target table ReplyTemplateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ReplyTemplateTableInfo> ReplyTemplateId_InnerJoin_ReplyTemplate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ReplyTemplateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
[Obsolete("Use instance property Definition or static member DictionaryTableNumber", true)]
public static SoTable RuntimeDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'server_type' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: MailboxType
Enum indicating the protocol to use (POP/IMAP).Declaration
public MailboxTypeFieldInfo ServerType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
MailboxTypeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'status' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: short
Status indicated whether this mailbox is deleted or not.Declaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Status { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Field 'ticket_type' in table 'mail_in_filter': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketType, .NET type: int
Tickettype of the ticketDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TicketType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key TicketType in this table, to its target table TicketTypeTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTypeTableInfo> TicketType_InnerJoin_TicketType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTypeTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetMailInFilterInfo().