Class SaleTableInfo
Table 'sale': Sales For every Sale record edited through the SuperOffice GUI, a copy of the current version of the record will be saved in the SaleHist table. This also applies to editing done through the SaleModel COM interface, but not to editing done through the OLE DB Provider or other channels.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class SaleTableInfo : TableInfo, ICloneable
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Conceptual name of table Sale in the database dictionary: sale
public const string DictionaryTableName = "sale"
Field Value
Type | Description |
String |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'activeErpLinks' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: Int32
The number of Erp Sync connections this record is synced with; count of the ErpExternalKey+ErpInternalKey relationsDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ActiveErpLinks { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'activeLinks' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UInt, .NET type: UInt32
Number of active links to documents and suchDeclaration
public FieldInfo ActiveLinks { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'amount' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Double, .NET type: Double
Total sale amountDeclaration
public DoubleFieldInfo Amount { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DoubleFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'appointment_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Appointment, .NET type: Int32
For future useDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo AppointmentId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key AppointmentId in this table, to its target table AppointmentTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> AppointmentId_InnerJoin_Appointment { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'associate_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Associate, .NET type: Int32
Owning associateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo AssociateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key AssociateId in this table, to its target table AssociateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> AssociateId_InnerJoin_Associate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'comptr_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Comptr, .NET type: Int32
public Int32FieldInfo ComptrId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ComptrId in this table, to its target table ComptrTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ComptrTableInfo> ComptrId_InnerJoin_Comptr { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ComptrTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'contact_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Contact, .NET type: Int32
Optional contact referenceDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ContactId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ContactId in this table, to its target table ContactTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ContactTableInfo> ContactId_InnerJoin_Contact { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ContactTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'created_by_workflow_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Workflow, .NET type: Int32
The workflow this sale was created byDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CreatedByWorkflowId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key CreatedByWorkflowId in this table, to its target table WorkflowTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<WorkflowTableInfo> CreatedByWorkflowId_InnerJoin_Workflow { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<WorkflowTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'credited_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Credited, .NET type: Int32
Who is to be credited for the saleDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CreditedId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key CreditedId in this table, to its target table CreditedTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<CreditedTableInfo> CreditedId_InnerJoin_Credited { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<CreditedTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'currency_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Currency, .NET type: Int32
Currency of saleDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CurrencyId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key CurrencyId in this table, to its target table CurrencyTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<CurrencyTableInfo> CurrencyId_InnerJoin_Currency { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<CurrencyTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public override SoTable Definition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Table number for table Sale in the database dictionary; potentially changes between databases, but always the same over the lifetime of any single database
public int DictionaryTableNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'done' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: SaleDone
Done (0=don't know, 1 = No, 2=Yes)Declaration
public SaleDoneFieldInfo Done { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleDoneFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'earning' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Double, .NET type: Double
Earning on saleDeclaration
public DoubleFieldInfo Earning { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DoubleFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'earning_percent' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Double, .NET type: Double
Earning as percent of totalDeclaration
public DoubleFieldInfo EarningPercent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DoubleFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'group_idx' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: UserGroup, .NET type: Int32
Owner's group whn sale was createdDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo GroupIdx { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key GroupIdx in this table, to its target table UserGroupTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<UserGroupTableInfo> GroupIdx_InnerJoin_UserGroup { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<UserGroupTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'heading' in table 'sale': Dictionary type String[220], .NET type: String
Sale heading (short description?)Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Heading { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to Appointment.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Appointment_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to ChatSession.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ChatSessionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_ChatSession_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ChatSessionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to EmailItem.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<EmailItemTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_EmailItem_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<EmailItemTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to Quote.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Quote_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<QuoteTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to SaleHist.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SaleHistTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_SaleHist_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SaleHistTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to SaleStakeholder.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SaleStakeholderTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_SaleStakeholder_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SaleStakeholderTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to Ticket.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Ticket_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated left outer join from the primary key SaleId on this table, to VisibleFor.SaleId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<VisibleForTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_VisibleFor_SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<VisibleForTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'nddAppointment_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Appointment, .NET type: Int32
ID, can be 0, of the appointment that "caused" the nextDueDateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo NddAppointmentId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key NddAppointmentId in this table, to its target table AppointmentTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> NddAppointmentId_InnerJoin_Appointment { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AppointmentTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'nextDueDate' in table 'sale': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Next due date, this is a denormalization of 'closest future activity date, or most recent if no future activities'. Maintained by the system, but very convenient for searching.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo NextDueDate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'number1' in table 'sale': Dictionary type String[50], .NET type: String
Alphanumeric user fieldDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Number1 { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'person_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Person, .NET type: Int32
Optional person referenceDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo PersonId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key PersonId in this table, to its target table PersonTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<PersonTableInfo> PersonId_InnerJoin_Person { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<PersonTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'postitText_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Text, .NET type: Int32
Paperclip textDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo PostitTextId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key PostitTextId in this table, to its target table TextTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TextTableInfo> PostitTextId_InnerJoin_Text { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TextTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'probability' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: Int16
Actual probability, may differ from the one in the listDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Probability { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'probability_idx' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Prob, .NET type: Int32
Pointer to probability list valueDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ProbabilityIdx { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ProbabilityIdx in this table, to its target table ProbTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ProbTableInfo> ProbabilityIdx_InnerJoin_Prob { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ProbTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'project_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Project, .NET type: Int32
Optional project referenceDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ProjectId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ProjectId in this table, to its target table ProjectTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ProjectTableInfo> ProjectId_InnerJoin_Project { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ProjectTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'reason_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Reason, .NET type: Int32
Why we lost itDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ReasonId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ReasonId in this table, to its target table ReasonTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonTableInfo> ReasonId_InnerJoin_Reason { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'reasonSold_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: ReasonSold, .NET type: Int32
Reason why we made the saleDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ReasonSoldId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ReasonSoldId in this table, to its target table ReasonSoldTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonSoldTableInfo> ReasonSoldId_InnerJoin_ReasonSold { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonSoldTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'reasonStalled_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: ReasonStalled, .NET type: Int32
If the status is stalled, it should be commented hereDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ReasonStalledId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key ReasonStalledId in this table, to its target table ReasonStalledTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonStalledTableInfo> ReasonStalledId_InnerJoin_ReasonStalled { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ReasonStalledTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'registered' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UtcDateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Registered dateDeclaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Registered { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'registered_associate_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Associate, .NET type: Int32
Registered by whomDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo RegisteredAssociateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key RegisteredAssociateId in this table, to its target table AssociateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> RegisteredAssociateId_InnerJoin_Associate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'reopenDate' in table 'sale': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Date the sale is to be reopened; valid only for status=stalled. Not necessarily the same as the nextDueDate.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo ReopenDate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public static SoTable RuntimeDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'saledate' in table 'sale': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
(expected / lost / won) sales dateDeclaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Saledate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'sale_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type PK, .NET type: Int32
Primary keyDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'saleTypeCat_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: SaleTypeCat, .NET type: Int32
Category of sale type, slaved from saletypeDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo SaleTypeCatId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key SaleTypeCatId in this table, to its target table SaleTypeCatTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTypeCatTableInfo> SaleTypeCatId_InnerJoin_SaleTypeCat { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTypeCatTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'saleType_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: SaleType, .NET type: Int32
Link to list, sale type (big sale, small sale, no-process sale, ...)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo SaleTypeId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key SaleTypeId in this table, to its target table SaleTypeTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTypeTableInfo> SaleTypeId_InnerJoin_SaleType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTypeTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'source' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: Int16
For future integration use; source of recordDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Source { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'source_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Source, .NET type: Int32
Source of orderDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo SourceId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key SourceId in this table, to its target table SourceTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<SourceTableInfo> SourceId_InnerJoin_Source { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<SourceTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'status' in table 'sale': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: SaleStatus
Status: 1 = open, 2 = sold, 3 = lost, 4 = stalledDeclaration
public SaleStatusFieldInfo Status { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SaleStatusFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'text_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Text, .NET type: Int32
Optional long descriptionDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TextId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key TextId in this table, to its target table TextTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TextTableInfo> TextId_InnerJoin_Text { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TextTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'updated' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UtcDateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Last updatedDeclaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Updated { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'updated_associate_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: Associate, .NET type: Int32
Last updated by whomDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo UpdatedAssociateId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key UpdatedAssociateId in this table, to its target table AssociateTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> UpdatedAssociateId_InnerJoin_Associate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<AssociateTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'updatedCount' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: Int16
Number of updates made to this recordDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo UpdatedCount { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'userdef2_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: UDSaleLarge, .NET type: Int32
User-defined fields referenceDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo Userdef2Id { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key Userdef2Id in this table, to its target table UDSaleLargeTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<UDSaleLargeTableInfo> Userdef2Id_InnerJoin_UDSaleLarge { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<UDSaleLargeTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'userdef_id' in table 'sale': Dictionary type FK, target: UDSaleSmall, .NET type: Int32
User-defined fields referenceDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo UserdefId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Generated join from the foreign key UserdefId in this table, to its target table UDSaleSmallTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<UDSaleSmallTableInfo> UserdefId_InnerJoin_UDSaleSmall { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<UDSaleSmallTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Field 'visibility' in table 'sale': Dictionary type UShort, .NET type: Int16
Obsolete, but still maintained denormalization of visibleforDeclaration
public UInt16FieldInfo Visibility { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index AssociateId, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
AssociateId | Owning associate |
public Restriction IdxAssociateId(int associateId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | associateId |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
IdxAssociateIdDone(Int32, SaleDone)
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index AssociateIdDone, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
AssociateId | Owning associate |
Done | Done (0=don't know, 1 = No, 2=Yes) |
public Restriction IdxAssociateIdDone(int associateId, SaleDone done)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | associateId | |
SaleDone | done |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index ContactId, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
ContactId | Optional contact reference |
public Restriction IdxContactId(int contactId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | contactId |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
IdxContactIdSaledate(Int32, DateTime)
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index ContactIdSaledate, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
ContactId | Optional contact reference |
Saledate | (expected / lost / won) sales date |
public Restriction IdxContactIdSaledate(int contactId, DateTime saledate)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | contactId | |
DateTime | saledate |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index ProjectId, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
ProjectId | Optional project reference |
public Restriction IdxProjectId(int projectId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | projectId |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling
IdxProjectIdSaledate(Int32, DateTime)
Shortcut method for looking up using the database index ProjectIdSaledate, which spans the following fields:
Field | Description |
ProjectId | Optional project reference |
Saledate | (expected / lost / won) sales date |
public Restriction IdxProjectIdSaledate(int projectId, DateTime saledate)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | projectId | |
DateTime | saledate |
Type | Description |
Restriction |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling