Class TicketTableInfo
Table 'ticket': This table contains the tickets (requests) of the system. Its purpose should be evident.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Data
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class TicketTableInfo : TableInfo, ICloneable
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Conceptual name of table Ticket in the database dictionary: ticket
public const string DictionaryTableName = "ticket"
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'activate' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When the ticket should be activated, if it is postponed.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Activate { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'alert_level' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Short, .NET type: short
The alert level for the ticket. Matches the level value of the ticket_alert table.Declaration
public Int16FieldInfo AlertLevel { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'alert_stop' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
If the esclatation was stopped, this fields indicates how many seconds left before the next escalation level. -1 if escalation is running.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo AlertStop { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'alert_timeout' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket should jump to the next alert_level.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo AlertTimeout { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'author' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
A string representing the author of the ticket (same as author of first message).Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Author { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'category' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: EjCategory, .NET type: int
The id of the category a ticket is in.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Category { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key Category in this table, to its target table EjCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> Category_InnerJoin_EjCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'closed_at' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When the ticket was closed.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo ClosedAt { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'connect_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Ticket, .NET type: int
If a ticket is connected to another ticket, this field is set to the id of the 'master' ticket.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo ConnectId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key ConnectId in this table, to its target table TicketTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTableInfo> ConnectId_InnerJoin_Ticket { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'contact_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Contact, .NET type: int
The company of the person in the cust_id field, if that person belongs to a companyDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ContactId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key ContactId in this table, to its target table ContactTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ContactTableInfo> ContactId_InnerJoin_Contact { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ContactTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'created_at' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When the ticket was created.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo CreatedAt { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'created_by' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Ejuser, .NET type: int
The id of the user who created the ticket. 1 (system user) if the ticket was created externallyDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CreatedBy { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'created_by_workflow_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Workflow, .NET type: int
The workflow this request/ticket was created byDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo CreatedByWorkflowId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key CreatedByWorkflowId in this table, to its target table WorkflowTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<WorkflowTableInfo> CreatedByWorkflowId_InnerJoin_Workflow { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<WorkflowTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key CreatedBy in this table, to its target table EjuserTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjuserTableInfo> CreatedBy_InnerJoin_Ejuser { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjuserTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'cust_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Person, .NET type: int
The reference to the customer. NULL or -1 if ticket is not connected to customer.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo CustId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key CustId in this table, to its target table PersonTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<PersonTableInfo> CustId_InnerJoin_Person { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<PersonTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'dbi_agent_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: DbiAgent, .NET type: int
Integration agent (eJournal)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo DbiAgentId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key DbiAgentId in this table, to its target table DbiAgentTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<DbiAgentTableInfo> DbiAgentId_InnerJoin_DbiAgent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<DbiAgentTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'dbi_key' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The primary key for the integrated entry in the external datasource.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo DbiKey { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'dbi_last_modified' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When the entry was last modified.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo DbiLastModified { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'dbi_last_syncronized' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Last external synchronization.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo DbiLastSyncronized { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'deadline' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
Deadline for ticket.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo Deadline { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
public override SoTable Definition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Table number for table Ticket in the database dictionary; potentially changes between databases, but always the same over the lifetime of any single database
public int DictionaryTableNumber { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'display_filter' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The name of the mailbox from which the ticket was created. Only for displaypurposesDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo DisplayFilter { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'filter_address' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
Address of receiving filter (mail box)Declaration
public StringFieldInfo FilterAddress { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'filter_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: MailInFilter, .NET type: int
The reference to the mailbox from which the ticket was created. NULL or -1 if the ticket was not created by a mailbox.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo FilterId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key FilterId in this table, to its target table MailInFilterTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<MailInFilterTableInfo> FilterId_InnerJoin_MailInFilter { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<MailInFilterTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'first_read_by_owner' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket first was read by the current owner.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo FirstReadByOwner { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'first_read_by_user' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket first was read by a user.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo FirstReadByUser { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'form_submission_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: FormSubmission, .NET type: int
If this ticket was created from a form submission, this field will point to that recordDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo FormSubmissionId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key FormSubmissionId in this table, to its target table FormSubmissionTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<FormSubmissionTableInfo> FormSubmissionId_InnerJoin_FormSubmission { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<FormSubmissionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'from_address' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[4001], .NET type: string
The from-address used when this ticket got created, e.g. by emailDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo FromAddress { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'has_attachment' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Bool, .NET type: short
Boolean indicating if this ticket has one or more attachments.Declaration
public UInt16FieldInfo HasAttachment { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt16FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'language' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[11], .NET type: string
The language of the first external messageDeclaration
public StringFieldInfo Language { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'last_changed' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The last time the ticket was modified.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo LastChanged { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to ChatSession.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ChatSessionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_ChatSession_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<ChatSessionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to EjMessage.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<EjMessageTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_EjMessage_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<EjMessageTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to Hotlist.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<HotlistTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Hotlist_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<HotlistTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to Notify.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<NotifyTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Notify_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<NotifyTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to Outbox.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<OutboxTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_Outbox_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<OutboxTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to SShipmentAddr.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SShipmentAddrTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_SShipmentAddr_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<SShipmentAddrTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketCustomers.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketCustomersTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketCustomers_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketCustomersTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketLogAction.OrgTicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogActionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketLogAction_OrgTicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogActionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketLogAction.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogActionTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketLogAction_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogActionTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketLogChange.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogChangeTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketLogChange_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogChangeTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketLog.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketLog_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketLogTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated left outer join from the primary key TicketId on this table, to TicketStatusHistory.TicketId.
public TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketStatusHistoryTableInfo> LeftOuterJoin_TicketStatusHistory_TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedLeftOuterJoin<TicketStatusHistoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'num_messages' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total number of messages for this request.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo NumMessages { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'num_replies' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The number of replies (messages) to the customer for this request.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo NumReplies { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'orig_category' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: EjCategory, .NET type: int
The id of the category the ticket was posted to.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo OrigCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key OrigCategory in this table, to its target table EjCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> OrigCategory_InnerJoin_EjCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'origHumanCategory_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: EjCategory, .NET type: int
Will contain the category id selected by the user, when having the choice of using the suggested category or manually selecting a categoryDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo OrigHumanCategoryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key OrigHumanCategoryId in this table, to its target table EjCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> OrigHumanCategoryId_InnerJoin_EjCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'orig_priority' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketPriority, .NET type: int
The reference to the initial priority for the ticket.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo OrigPriority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key OrigPriority in this table, to its target table TicketPriorityTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> OrigPriority_InnerJoin_TicketPriority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'origin' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: TicketOrigin
What is the origin of this ticketDeclaration
public TicketOriginFieldInfo Origin { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TicketOriginFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'owned_by' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Ejuser, .NET type: int
The id of the user who owns the ticket. 1 (system user) if the ticket is unassigned.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo OwnedBy { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key OwnedBy in this table, to its target table EjuserTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjuserTableInfo> OwnedBy_InnerJoin_Ejuser { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjuserTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'priority' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketPriority, .NET type: int
The reference to the ticket_priority table.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo Priority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key Priority in this table, to its target table TicketPriorityTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> Priority_InnerJoin_TicketPriority { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketPriorityTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'project_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Project, .NET type: int
Reference to project tableDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo ProjectId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key ProjectId in this table, to its target table ProjectTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<ProjectTableInfo> ProjectId_InnerJoin_Project { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<ProjectTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'read_by_customer' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket was read by the customer.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo ReadByCustomer { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'read_by_owner' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket last was read by the owner.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo ReadByOwner { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'read_status' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: TicketReadStatus
Whether the owner has read the ticket or not (red, yellow, green).Declaration
public TicketReadStatusFieldInfo ReadStatus { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TicketReadStatusFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'real_time_spent_externally' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within 24x7 the ticket has been in a external waiting status (configurable), not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo RealTimeSpentExternally { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'real_time_spent_internally' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within 24x7 the ticket has been in an open status (configurable), not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo RealTimeSpentInternally { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'real_time_spent_queue' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within 24x7 hours the ticket has been in a queue status, not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo RealTimeSpentQueue { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'real_time_to_close' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
Same as time_to_close, but not calculated based on priority.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo RealTimeToClose { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'real_time_to_reply' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
Same as time_to_reply, but not calculated based on priority.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo RealTimeToReply { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'replied_at' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
The datetime for when the ticket was replied to. I.e. the first external message added to the ticket.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo RepliedAt { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Definition of the table as described in the deployed runtime dictionary
[Obsolete("Use instance property Definition or static member DictionaryTableNumber", true)]
public static SoTable RuntimeDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SoTable |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'sale_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: Sale, .NET type: int
Reference to sale tableDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo SaleId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key SaleId in this table, to its target table SaleTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTableInfo> SaleId_InnerJoin_Sale { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<SaleTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'sentiment' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The sentiment index of the last external messageDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo Sentiment { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'sentimentConfidence' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The sentiment confidence of the last external messageDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo SentimentConfidence { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'slevel' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: TicketSecurityLevel
The securitylevel of the ticket.Declaration
public TicketSecurityLevelFieldInfo Slevel { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TicketSecurityLevelFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'status' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Enum, .NET type: TicketBaseStatus
The status of the ticket. I.e. active/closed/postponed/deletedDeclaration
public TicketBaseStatusFieldInfo Status { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TicketBaseStatusFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'suggestedCategory_id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: EjCategory, .NET type: int
Suggestion for categorization, based on the text of the message (AI)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo SuggestedCategoryId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key SuggestedCategoryId in this table, to its target table EjCategoryTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> SuggestedCategoryId_InnerJoin_EjCategory { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<EjCategoryTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'tags' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FKArray, .NET type: int
Array of references to the Tags recordsDeclaration
public Int32ArrayFieldInfo Tags { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32ArrayFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'id' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type PK, .NET type: int
The primary key (auto-incremented)Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo TicketId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'ticket_status' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketStatus, .NET type: int
User defined ticket statusDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TicketStatus { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key TicketStatus in this table, to its target table TicketStatusTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketStatusTableInfo> TicketStatus_InnerJoin_TicketStatus { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketStatusTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'ticket_type' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type FK, target: TicketType, .NET type: int
Tickettype of the ticketDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TicketType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Generated join from the foreign key TicketType in this table, to its target table TicketTypeTableInfo.
public TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTypeTableInfo> TicketType_InnerJoin_TicketType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TargetedInnerJoin<TicketTypeTableInfo> |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_spent' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (minutes). Aggregated time spent from ticket's messages. Read-only for external use.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeSpent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_spent_calculated' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type DateTime, .NET type: DateTime
When the time_spent value was last calculated.Declaration
public DateTimeFieldInfo TimeSpentCalculated { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTimeFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_spent_externally' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within the priority's office hours the ticket has been in a external waiting status (configurable), not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeSpentExternally { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_spent_internally' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within the priority's office hours the ticket has been in an open status (configurable), not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeSpentInternally { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_spent_queue' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The total time (seconds) within the priority's office hours the ticket has been in a queue status, not including current stateDeclaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeSpentQueue { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_to_close' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The time (minutes) between when the ticket was created and when it was closed. Calculated based on priority's timeframe.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeToClose { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'time_to_reply' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type Int, .NET type: int
The time (minutes) between when the ticket was created and when it was replied to. Calculated based on priority's timeframe.Declaration
public Int32FieldInfo TimeToReply { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32FieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().
Field 'title' in table 'ticket': Dictionary type String[256], .NET type: string
The title of the ticket.Declaration
public StringFieldInfo Title { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
StringFieldInfo |
An instance of this class represents one instance of this table in an SQL statement. In most
cases each table appears only once in a SELECT, but in cases where you need to self-join, or
there are multiple occurrences for other reasons (typically additional restrictions in the joins),
then you will need multiple instances.
Instances of this class are created by calling TablesInfo.GetTicketInfo().