Class Appointment
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Inherited Members
Namespace: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities
Assembly: SoDataBase.dll
public class Appointment : EntityBase, INestedPersist, ISoItem, ITableRowLoadHandler, IEntityUdefHelperContainer
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Constructor for class Appointment.
This object represents a row in table 'appointment'.
Table contact: "Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents"
protected Appointment(Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase | idx | ContactRowAppointmentRow.AppointmentRowIdx object that the Contact encapsulates. |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointment(AppointmentRow, Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase)
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected Appointment(AppointmentRow row, Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase idx)
Type | Name | Description |
AppointmentRow | row | |
Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase | idx |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TextRow _agenda
Field Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TextRow _appointmentText
Field Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _assignedBy
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _associate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AppointmentCollection _bookingMaster
Field Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Contact _contact
Field Value
Type | Description |
Contact |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _createdAssociate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected DocTmplRow _docTmpl
Field Value
Type | Description |
DocTmplRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TextRow _internalNotes
Field Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Person _invitedPerson
Field Value
Type | Description |
Person |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Person _person
Field Value
Type | Description |
Person |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected PriorityRow _priority
Field Value
Type | Description |
PriorityRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected Project _project
Field Value
Type | Description |
Project |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected RecurrenceRuleRow _recurrenceRule
Field Value
Type | Description |
RecurrenceRuleRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
HDB object this entity is a facade for.
protected AppointmentRow _row
Field Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
protected Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase _rowIdx
Field Value
Type | Description |
Appointment.AppointmentIdxBase |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected TaskRow _task
Field Value
Type | Description |
TaskRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UDAppntLargeRow _udefLarge
Field Value
Type | Description |
UDAppntLargeRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UDAppntSmallRow _udefSmall
Field Value
Type | Description |
UDAppntSmallRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected AssociateRow _updatedAssociate
Field Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related HDB object(s).
protected UserGroupRow _userGroup
Field Value
Type | Description |
UserGroupRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
The date to be used for searching & showing
public DateTime ActiveDate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Number of active links to documents, other appointments, and such
public uint ActiveLinks { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UInt32 |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object TextRow: Agenda text
public TextRow Agenda { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Alarm leadtime, the alarm flag has moved to hasAlarm
public short Alarm { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int16 |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Is this an all day event: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
public AllDayEvent AlldayEvent { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AllDayEvent |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Primary key
public int AppointmentId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object TextRow: Long text fields from all over the system
public TextRow AppointmentText { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow AssignedBy { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow Associate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object AppointmentCollection: "Tasks, appointments, followups, phone calls; and documents"
public AppointmentCollection BookingMaster { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AppointmentCollection |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public BookingType BookingType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
BookingType |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointment colour, used only in Japanese versions. Western versions take colour from Task
public short ColorIndex { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int16 |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object Contact: Companies and Organisations
public Contact Contact { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Contact |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object AssociateRow: Employees, resources and other users - except for External persons
public AssociateRow CreatedAssociate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AssociateRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public EntityCustomFieldsHelper CustomFields { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityCustomFieldsHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
date + start time planned
public DateTime DoBy { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object DocTmplRow: Document template list table, valid where appointment is actually a document
public DocTmplRow DocTmpl { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DocTmplRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
date + start time this task was done
public DateTime Done { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Date + end time planned
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
DateTime |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Appointments, documents (document_id != 0).
Entity Object for table 'appointment'. Entity objects represent full entities with both the base table object and all related objects, such as udef, publish, visiblefor, and things like owner associate and whatever else is logically related to the base object.Declaration
public EntityExtraFieldsHelper ExtraFields { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
EntityExtraFieldsHelper |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
What kind of time is this: 0 = Busy, 1 = Free
public FreeBusy FreeBusy { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FreeBusy |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Does this appointment have an alarm
public short HasAlarm { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int16 |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object TextRow: Agenda text
public TextRow InternalNotes { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TextRow |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Related object Person: Persons in a company or an organisation
public Person InvitedPerson { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Person |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxPersonId(Int32) |
AssociateId, RecurrenceRuleId, ActiveDate | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdRecurrenceRuleIdActiveDate(Int32, Int32, DateTime) |
GroupIdx | GroupIdx: Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Nested index class: SuperOffice.CRM.Entities.AppointmentCollection.IdxGroupIdxStatic Get method: GetFromIdxGroupIdx(Int32) |
UserdefId | UserdefId: User-defined table record 1 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdefIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdefId(Int32) |
DoBy | DoBy: Date + start time planned Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoBy(DateTime) |
TextId | TextId: ID of record containing appointment text, may be 0 for no text; note that bookings share a common text record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxTextIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxTextId(Int32) |
Userdef2Id | Userdef2Id: User-defined table record 2 (for future use) Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxUserdef2IdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxUserdef2Id(Int32) |
Done | Done: Date + start time this task was actually performed Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoneStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDone(DateTime) |
Is the row deleted?
public override bool IsDeleted { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Entity objects can be created in several ways.
- Use the static CreateNew() method to create a new, empty object. After populating it with values,
you call the
method and corresponding row(s) in the database are created, and the objects' primary key field updated. This is the preferred way to insert new entities into the database. - You can create a (nested) Appointment Appointment.CustomSearch object to obtain a query pre-populated with the correct tableinfo and return fields. This query can be modified with restrictions, etc. Then, use the static GetFromCustomSearch(Appointment.CustomSearch) method to apply the query to the database and obtain the result as an Entity object. This is how you select existing entities from the database when you have a query that does not correspond to any of the existing database indexes.
- For each unique index defined for the table, there is a corresponding GetFromIdx method to make retrieving data via the indexes easy.
Note that if you try to fetch a row that does not exist (for instance, by using the primary key index and specifying a primary key that does
not exist in the database), you will get a Row object with the
and properties set to true. Such an Entity object is called a 'ghost' and cannot be updated, saved or deleted. You can also get a ghost if the row does exist in the database, but the Sentry system denies Select rights to the row.
Index fields | Nested index class name |
AppointmentId | AppointmentId: Primary key Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAppointmentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAppointmentId(Int32) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, Type, DocumentId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, AssociateId, ProjectId, GroupIdx, Registered, RegisteredAssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Type:See note. DocumentId:Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED ProjectId:ID of project referred to, may be 0 GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created Registered:Registered on RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdTypeDocumentIdAppointmentIdAssignedByAssociateIdProjectIdGroupIdxRegisteredRegisteredAssociateId(DateTime, Int32, AppointmentType, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate, AssociateId, AppointmentId, MotherId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED AppointmentId:Primary key MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: Appointment.IdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateAssociateIdAppointmentIdMotherId(DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
AssociateId, GroupIdx, ActiveDate, Type, Registered, MotherId, AppointmentId, AssignedBy, Status, RegisteredAssociateId | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED GroupIdx:Group of owning associate at the time the appnt was created ActiveDate:The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Type:See note. Registered:Registered on MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment AppointmentId:Primary key AssignedBy:Who (last) assigned this appointment to associate_id? Status:See note. RegisteredAssociateId:Registered by Nested index class: Appointment.IdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdGroupIdxActiveDateTypeRegisteredMotherIdAppointmentIdAssignedByStatusRegisteredAssociateId(Int32, Int32, DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32, Int32, Int32, AppointmentStatus, Int32) |
Index fields | Nested index class name |
ActiveDate, Status, Type, AssociateId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Status:See note. Type:See note. AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateStatusTypeAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType, Int32) |
ContactId, Type | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
ProjectId, Type | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectIdType(Int32, AppointmentType) |
MotherId | MotherId: ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxMotherIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxMotherId(Int32) |
DoBy, Type, EndDate, AssociateId | DoBy: Date + start time planned Type:See note. EndDate:Date + end time planned AssociateId:ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDoByTypeEndDateAssociateId(DateTime, AppointmentType, DateTime, Int32) |
ActiveDate | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDate(DateTime) |
AssociateId, DoBy, Status, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED DoBy:Date + start time planned Status:See note. Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdDoByStatusTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdDoByStatusType(Int32, DateTime, AppointmentStatus, AppointmentType) |
ActiveDate, MotherId, RecurrenceRuleId | ActiveDate: The date to be used for searching & showing, is either the same as the done or do_by dates depending on type and status MotherId:ID of mother appointment; self if booking master, master ID if booking slave, 0 if normal appointment RecurrenceRuleId:Pointer to recurrence rule, for recurring appointments, otherwise 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxActiveDateMotherIdRecurrenceRuleId(DateTime, Int32, Int32) |
Source | Source: For future integration use; source of record Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxSourceStatic Get method: GetFromIdxSource(Int16) |
ContactId | ContactId: Contact ID of owning contact, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxContactIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxContactId(Int32) |
ProjectId | ProjectId: ID of project referred to, may be 0 Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxProjectIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxProjectId(Int32) |
DocumentId | DocumentId: Points to document record; 0 for non-document appointments! Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxDocumentIdStatic Get method: GetFromIdxDocumentId(Int32) |
AssociateId, Status, Done, Type | AssociateId: ID of associate whose diary the appointment is in, REQUIRED Status:See note. Done:Date + start time this task was actually performed Type:See note. Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxAssociateIdStatusDoneTypeStatic Get method: GetFromIdxAssociateIdStatusDoneType(Int32, AppointmentStatus, DateTime, AppointmentType) |
PersonId | PersonId: Person ID of person the appointment is with, may be 0; if nonzero, must match the contact_id (which must then also be nonzero). Nested index class: AppointmentCollection.IdxPersonIdStatic Get method: |